Military industrial complex edition
Because all in all, everything is vanity under the sun
vanity, and striving after the wind
watching yugioh
Lesbians make me ill
Literature as a hobby is a massive timesink but i do it anyway
Um just play vidya
What a dumb imaje
Penn and Teller Fool Us is a great show
shall be doing a seizure and pissing myself
my favorite
im hungry!
Whatever happened to the canadian dyke living in sweden
>berserk rom shits itself
>delete it and drag n drop the same rom from google downloads
>game just starts with a black screen and a robot just saying "Help Help help" over and over again
the bf
>play video games
>/cum/ back to dead /cum/
It's a virus
Just checked in to my place
Gotta get used to the heat again pheeeew
20 degrees difference
started vomiting again buds
shut the fuck up calgary
wow rude
Why are there no pills that keep you asleep. Only ones that help you fall asleep.
vomited violently several times into the bin next to my bed last night
I had my last class ever today. Feels sad.
Delayed release melatonin. Delete your post.
literally cant stop vomiting
i dont know whats wrong with me
well except the alcohol and seizures
Maybe food poisoning? Or there is a slim possibility that it's the gallons of alcohol you've been drinking. Maybe cut that back a bit.
what games does /cum/ play
um, where do I sign up for the /cum/ army over here, thanks
Anal Adventurer 2
It's a multiplayer game I play with your mom
yeah probably
cities skylines rn
i'm a menace to society
You an alcoholic? I used to be one. Nights like last night were once routine for me, how miserable. Alcohol is a real shitty drug to be addicted to. Consider stopping drinking, it just makes depression worse and fucks your health. Or at least consider using weed as a GABA alternative. If you're scared of withdrawals look up baclofen, it's extremely effective in treating alcohol WD's.
Ever find your headphones btw?
user, i'm talking you to the hospital
The United States is just a western country like any other western nation.
yeah i did
thanks but im withdrawing too hard atm i dont trust myself going anywhere
its the one with the biggest stick though
Really? Or does it just manifest itself as such?
it has the most capable conventional and strategic forces on earth
'merica baby
the american military has never really had to test itself recently though, and i think that they are not orienting their military towards china enough, while china spends every day finding new ways to fight the americans
Bombs and wars
>mira markovic
I just bought persona 5
The chinks should have the right to protect themselves.
well, they do. the US is going to get a shock when they realize they arent top dog in the pacific rim anymore
What should the yanks do?
wwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeb lol
Dump made the right choice.
Alcohol withdrawal?
Baclofen can't be bought without a prescription anymore, at least in the US. I was forced to buy some on Alphabay from a Pole for my phenibut addiction. Not entirely sure when it comes to alcohol, but it's so effective for phenibut WD that it takes away virtually all the WD symptoms.
I only got addicted to it because I was previously addicted to xanax, used it for my longtime insomnia issues. Made me feel like a zombie so I said fuck it & went cold turkey, had no idea that its withdrawal is classified as severe. That was the worst misery of my life, as others have described it, it's like suffering through a living hell. Only the mental/physical disorientation from the seizure I mentioned was comparable (which was a result of 3 day sleep deprivation)
stop trying to police the world and let the world return to a collection of global powers with spheres of influence
Why is everbody acting like WW III is about to happen?
I've been kind of concerened, but now that I've heard that the US just attacked an airfield and even Merkel supported it., I'm not sure why people are going out of their mind now.
But if all superpowers unite against the US then the US will lose right? This is not beneficial to the US.
i wish the sun would explode
the whole point is that there would be no superpowers, there would be global powers with a balance of power
Literally a terrible idea.
World Wars before US world police, 2
World Wars since US world police, 0
Barbaric yuros cannot be trusted
How is this going to work out?
You are pain release.
Geopolitics are so subjective
this wont change anything major, assad is not going
>World wars when GB was still relevant, 2
>world wars since GB became irrelevant, 0
Really makes u think..
On the contrary, seeing beyond, geopolitics are completely objective and rational. The view of geopolitics presented in the media is in accordance with (dare i use the leftist term) manufacturing consent.
>Really makes u think..
yes that germans and americans must pay for dismantling the british empire
Global balanced powers. This isn't going to work because some countries are big and some are small.
USA, India, China, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia (in the future), these countries could all exercise significant influence in their respective regions
They had it coming. It wasn't our fault.
Yes but these are all awkward powers.
is yoga real?
yeah, I've seen my dog strike yoga poses before
I'm going to Walmart right now. It is 4am.
I don't live anywhere crazy though so I'll probably just see bored employees
I'm going to Walmart right now. It is 4am.
I don't live anywhere crazy though so I'll probably just see bored employees
be on the lookout for HIV-infected bananas
I am a victim of the psychotic delusion known as reality
If I ate a lot of rice my ass would like like that too.
Reality is subjective. You are your own imagination.
every time i try to lay down i just end up throing up
Take some Antacids®
Be Your True Mind
I think I know just what you need!
Did you know?
I'm drink lychee milk @ 2:48 a.m.
'tis good indeed
>We wuz Austrians n shieet
Jackie cane was everybody's sugar
She gave it all wherever it took her
They used her up before the sell-by date
To be so sweet was her only mistake
But the after-taste was sour
Salty days for Jackie Cane
turkish view of america. you might like it.
what is it about the US that you like?
is not pussies like that putin cuck. everything beautiful comes from america. i speak english because of america and hollywood. what there not to like?
>what there not to like?
Turkey is a place I have mixed opinions on. I prefer the secular factions to Erdogan's factions
>what there not to like?
i would rather live under americans than erdoshit desu. just liberate us already
I doubt we would do it even if your country asked, because we don't want to be imperialist scum
I asked a Turkic user why his country is called Turkey once. He said because my mother gobble gobbled his cock. Therefore, I do not like Turkey, nor do I like Turks.