Have any of you Aremifats ever heard of Derren Brown or is he just too high of an intellectual caliber for your...

Have any of you Aremifats ever heard of Derren Brown or is he just too high of an intellectual caliber for your mainstream masses

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Are you English or American dipshit?

The fuck is an aremifat?

This whole post is a fucking mess, if your going to insinuate the yanks are standard morons could you not make us look so spazzy in the process. Cheers.


>too high

>oh, his beard
Fuck off, he could work your brain like wood on a lathe you ridiculous smear.

Is this going to be Trump's next senior advisor spokesperson now that Miller, Conway, Spicey, and Huckabee-Sanders have gone down in flames?

Oooh, I say, my good man, might you have any Grey Poo-pohng?

If he is then the USA is fucked. No, scratch that, the whole world is fucked, Brown is a super villain waiting to happen.

Always wondered, whet is Grey Poo-pohng? I don't know the correct spelling Google is not being helpful.

>just too high of an intellectual caliber
>just too high of
>too high of
Illiterate peasant

user: Likes games, eh? She's been around a bit, been around?

OP: She has traveled, yes. She's from Purley.

user: SAY NO MORE!!

user: Purley, saynomore, saynomore, saynomore, squire!

How do you not know how to google that?
Grey Poupon, it's a mustard

grey poupon, and its just an american brand of mustard.

>Comes to Sup Forums promoting some faggot limey pseudointellectual.
>Doesn't even know the oldest of memes.

'Owls of derisive laughter, Bruce!

Oooo, I've never seen it written down before, I'm on the wiki now, mad disappointed it's just dijon mustard. The line about it in Wayne's World my brother and I debated a lot when we were kids, we thought it might be like a sphinctersayswhat kind of thing, like they were asking if he was wearing grey poop. All is now clear and life is a bit sadder.

If he's so damn smart then why don't he live in America? Checkm8 atheist


I didn't come here for the limes, the burgers or the mustard, I came for a lime burger with mustard, serve it up you slut.

Your silly and you'll die that way

MVP delivers

My silly what?

*ruffles your hair*
ah ya scamp, we're going to have some weird sex

His ghost train thing at thorpe park is fucking amazing