White race finished by 2050 - Prepare to be cucked


>New research shows that temperatures are set to skyrocket in parts of the Middle East and Africa, making human habitation next to impossible. In a region that’s home to 500 million people, that could trigger a climate-exodus of epic proportions.

>These new climate projections, compiled by researchers from the Max Planck Institute, tell an incredibly scary story — like, apocalyptic Mad Max scary. According to Johannes Lelieveld and colleagues, even if Earth’s average temperature were to increase by 2C compared to pre-industrial times, the summer temperature in these regions would still increase more than twofold by the midpoint of the century. Combined with prolonged heat waves, decades-long megadroughts and windblown desert dust, these environmental conditions would be intolerable for humans, forcing many to migrate.

>By 2050, summer temperatures in parts of the Middle East and North Africa would stay above 30C at night. During the day, temperatures during the hot seasons are predicted to rise to 46C. By the end of the century, midday temperatures would reach 50C. By comparison, the average maximum summer temperature in Eastern California’s Death Valley is 46C, and the average maximum summer temperature in Sydney is 26C.

>Heat waves will likely occur ten times more frequently than they do now, and they will last much longer. Prior to 2005, there were about 16 excruciatingly hot days per year on average. According to the new models, it will be unusually hot for about 80 days per year — a figure that will jump to 118 days by the end of the century.

>And if all this wasn’t bad enough, the researchers also found that desert dust in the atmosphere is increasing over Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria. They’re attributing this to an increase of sand storms as a result of protracted droughts. Climate change will exacerbate this even further.

>500 million!!!!



You can't bump yuor own threads, but it seems like a possibly interesting thread so here you go.

And as far as the topic goes here's a counter narrative: far likelier scenario is that it's a doom for black race and muslims. Just look at the reaction to a measlly million migrants. You can't really fit a 500 million and expect that people will just accept it.

>During the day, temperatures during the hot seasons are predicted to rise to 46C. By the end of the century, midday temperatures would reach 50C
i've been in the moroccan desert several times, it gets hotter than that often, 46° is nothing special. max i've seen is 53°

>you can't bump your own threads
Hey look it's captain retard from the faggot police

It's ok, Germany and Sawedn are rich enough

Fuck it i'm moving to galt's gulch.

If the world is going to hell anyway, I look forward to fucking all these delicious brown girls.

They've never made a remotely accurate climate prediction, and they won't be starting anytime soon.


Huh, must be karma for all those towelheads selling all that oil. You know what the left says: They can deal with the problems of their own creation!

But no, I hope by that time right wing government will be firmly in place, and we'll tell those niggers and ragheads to go fuck themselves.

Just let them die, it's natural selection. It's unnatural to let people in first world countries with insane level of living standards. Humanism hurts this planet.

Yeah, and the suggestion that the planet getting a little hotter will ruin life forever for everyone is ridiculous. There have been bigger temperature changes, so manmade or not, it's literally not the end of the world.

It's just another leftist excuse for wanting to destroy the Western world. I swear, Marxism must me outlawed entirely. Every Marxist must hang.

Very clever science bitches. Trying to get us to fund your climate research with threats of more niggers and shitskins? How about fuck off, we're full

These are proper responses.

While people still believe in climate change, the European elites will act like Arabs are living in an apocalyptic extreme desert climate as propaganda to let in more rapefugees.

Well when those temperature changes happened the world wasn't as populated as it is now

If the present amount of Earths population is preserved and is reduced only by the means of birth control, then:

Birthgiving must be licenced. To enhance population quality, genetically or socially unfit homes will be denied offspring, so that several birth licences can be allowed to families of quality.
Energy production must be drastically reduced. Electricity is allowed only for the most necessary lighting and communications.
Food: Hunting must be made more efficient. Human diet will include rats and invertebrate animals. Agriculture moves to small un-mechanized units. All human manure is used as fertilizer.
Traffic is mostly done with bicycles and rowing boats. Private cars are confiscated. Long-distance travel is done with sparse mass transport. Trees will be planted on most roads.
Foreign affairs: All mass immigration and most of import-export trade must stop. Cross-border travel is allowed only for small numbers of diplomats and correspondents.
Business will mostly end. Manufacture is allowed only for well argumented needs. All major manufacturing capacity is state owned. Products will be durable and last for generations.
Science and schooling: Education will concentrate on practical skills. All competition is rooted out. Technological research is reduced to extreme minimum. But every child will learn how to clean a fish in a way that only the big shiny bones are left over."

How exactly is the temperature going to be higher? Just average rise due to global warming, more or higher pressure systems?

How is it going to be 30c at night? There is only so much heat the sand can hold and even then the ambient temperature will still be frigid.

Not saying this story isn't true, but if the deserts get up to 30c at night we have much bigger problems than just people living in deserts

>Humanism hurts this planet.

Damn straight. The #1 cause of pollution is people. Do you ever hear the left about reducing global population? Nope. We have to save everyone, AND ensure they can have 8 kids each.

If all of Africa and the Middle East dies off, we're probably going to see a decrease in average temperature afterwards. And the entire world will agree that it was for the best.


Linkola is one of the few voices who advocates:

No immigration
Downsize population
Kill defectives
Stop rampant technology
In the eyes of the most credible sources, planet Earth can sustain a half-billion humans without any sizable destruction of our habitat, or any loss in species or stability of our ecosystem. Any numbers higher than that, no matter how much they recycle, will cause environmental chaos. The modern leftist-tinged environmental movement is terrified of telling anyone that they cannot breed and keep buying whatever strikes their fancy, but someone must do this in the future. The sooner we do it, the fewer people in the future will be left without a means of sustenance and thus require termination.

As Linkola himself has said, "We still have a chance to be cruel. But if we are not cruel today, all is lost.

See: Environmentalism and pro-overpopulation politics (i.e. leftist politics) do not fit through the same door.

More specifically Europe is fucked, right? Because this will just be another massive refugee crisis and we have a fucking ocean separating us, thank god.

Beastiality is a sin, faggot.

Leftists get in panic mode when true ecofascist tells them that people in third world countries should be left alone and we shouldn't ruin our ecosystem. Our Green Party even says that we should take more migrants because "we have so much free space" yet they don't even understand what that free space is(tundra and mountains), at the same time they protest against nuclear power which is the most eco-friendly and safe source of energy on this side of planet(solar power is stupid because the sun doesn't even rise the time of year you need that energy the most, wind power just kills birds and they freeze in the winter). Yet they still want MORE people that need to use energy for heated houses and high standard of living in general. They think both electricity and money come out of some kind of magic wall.

>He said he was for a radical reduction in the world population and was quoted as saying about a future world war, "If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die."

How have I not heard of this guy? He sounds like a legend.

The planet is totally fucked. The only thing we can do now is protect ourselves by buying productive land in countries that aren't totally cucked.

Yeah, those people. I legit can't understand how anyone could have a viewpoint like that without some sort of ulterior motive being attached to it. Because it doesn't make any fucking sense, and not even in a complicated way. It doesn't make sense in a very simple way that literally anyone could understand. I mean, when African niggers think white people never work and get free money, I understand where it comes from. They watch American TV about rich people doing nothing. They are fed leftist lies about racism. That's clear. But how an educated, Western individual could fail to grasp the concept of demand outstripping supply, or think that wild nature equates to "free space" is beyond me.

People that stupid shouldn't be allowed in politics. It's legit dangerous, not to the individual, not to groups, not even to the country, but to the entire fucking world. These people will doom us for the sake of their easily countered fallacies.

>implying the people with guns will just allow themselves to be overrun

>le global warming meme

I am convinced we cause chaos in the 3rd world to force their citizens to flee as refugees and come to the west to continually suppress wages to maintain profit margins and appease share holders.

Maybe if they stopped bombing themselves every 2 seconds they wouldn't have so much heat there

That's why the most important thing is overthrowing the anti-white U.S/EU/NATO system within this decade, and putting in place strong nationalist governments to rule the next ~100 years atleast.

I've seen it get that hot in Arizona.

I don't think anyone cares what happens to muslims and africans do they?

Nice shilling m9

The Qataris have made artificial fucking storms in the desert

Drought will be no problem

The only solution to this, as should be for every problem we encounter, is guns for everyone.

> doesn't know there's a mini ice age beginning in the 2030s