"I'm a 15-25 year old male and really into cinema" starter pack:

"I'm a 15-25 year old male and really into cinema" starter pack:

- A Clockwork Orange
- Apocalypse Now
- The Godfather
- Oldboy
- Blade Runner
- Pulp Fiction
- Drive
- The Thing
- Taxi Driver
- Terminator
- Mad Max Fury Road
- Original Star Wars Trilogy
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Alien
- Seven Samurai

Yes, and?

There's nothing wring with liking those movies.

I'm insecure and need to show anonymous jack-offs on the internet that I've above kids getting into cinema.

It's a fucking shame Sup Forums is full of tasteless entry level plebs like this now


>he hasn't seen the list of ranked movies by Sup Forums from years ago

Correct. All mandatory viewing.

There's nothing wrong with liking any of those movies. They're all good or great.

There's obviously a lot more to look into, but ain't cringe.

>because a lot of people have seen a movie it's bad

Hipsters pls go

Is there an "I'm a mature adult with a genuinely good taste in cinema" starter pack somehwere?