Back to Europe

Why is there no movement for Europeans to go back home?

There probably is in white nationalist communities. These are mostly in America, and nobody likes Americans, so I don't see much potential for this concept

There is. Plenty of white yuppies think Europe is "enlightened" or whatever. (They are in for a rude awakening).

But really, outside of that nobody wants to move around unless they are trying to escape crushing poverty or whatever (or are an idiot Euroboo/Ameriboo/Weeaboo). Home is home.

I don't think so

Most White supremacists have a imperalistic ideology instead of a defensive one.

I common argument they lose is that the New World is rightfully "White man's " land because the natives did nothing with it

Literally cancer

This is true however.

Especially in cases like Japan, where it exists as America's right of claim and conquest to this day.

So England is rightful Arab clay?

England is rightful French clay due to 1066 and the genetics of their royal family

No, British kangz and queenz are krauts.

Wasn't that nigger descended from Rollo?

France is Norwegian clay

There are groups that want to move back to Europe and groups that think that North America and Europe are better than everybody else but it's mostly due to eugenics and identity politics,

These groups are quite small because of their fringe beliefs and nobody takes them seriously because of the things they say can apply to them as well, most notably the whole "degeneracy" thing

When are Yamoto going to leave Hokkaido? It's rightful Ainu clay after all.

It's equivalent of England owning Cornwall.

No Comparison to North America and Australia

Dutch Indonesians already went home.


We haven't talked to them in 200 years.

There is a reason why Europeans left.

To be shot or exploded in a terrorist attack? No thanks, here is more safe

Because Europe is shit.

The world is my peoples clay god gave it to me

Because there are many resources here in the new world for us which we must harvest.

Spanish Filipinos either went home after Independence from Spain, or were killed during the liberation of Philippines from Japan.

Objectively false.

He bent the knee to french crown to keep normandy.

how many tens of thousands of murders a year does brazil have?

That would be very dangerous

>wanting to go back to that shithole
I'll keep my guns and ability to shoot criminals with no repercussions thanks

"Europeans" not in Europe, don't feel any connection or allegiance to Europe (almost all, at least). Shit, my father is English but I don't feel any particular connection with England outside of the general Australia-Britain thing.

I guess distance, different language and different identity?

Thugs killing each other dont afect life of regular people, i can get the subway withou concern about my security


the afrikaners move here instead

australia has a similar culture and weather to what they're used to

I wonder, is it hard for an American to get a job and residency in Europe?
For an European, it is super hard to move to America


Because Europe is small and crowded and used up most of its material resources long ago. In terms of things like food security and other domestic production it's fragile as hell.

Because Yuros descend from cucks while New Worlders descend from alpha criminals and adventurers.

Afrikaaners were in south africa before the Bantu invasion.


Everybody knows immigrating to Europe is only cool if you're a refugee.

You got a source for that?

Not in a negative way, i am just a sucker for maps

Europe doesn't allow whites. Only brown people are welcome

Cuz New world > Old world. Europe's bit old and somewhat boring and that sense of opportunity and getting ahead is not present as it is in the americas.

oooh do the same but for rape in sweden

From what Ive read criterias for rape are also a problem. In Sweden if you look at a woman in the eyes it might be considered rape.

I hope you're joking

honestly it's cool that americans will die for our freedom but nobody wants them in his country desu.

They don't fit into a modern, progressive society.

Europe is really crappy and I wish I could live basically anywhere else. I hope I can move to Panama or something in a couple of years.

Nobody wants these mongrels in Europe

Neither will you when your "modern, progressive society," suffers the destruction it's already engineered for itself.

Canadian culture is built solely on telling everyone how not like America they are. It's as pathetic as "muh heritage," is. Especially since it's equally a nation of European mutts. It's the self-loathing mutt crying in a corner while its retarded brother struts like a rooster.

this is what they're talking about bud

I'd rather kill myself then live around those metrosexual arrogant Euros. All my heritage can be traced to the British Isles, if I was forced to live there I would go deep in the Scottish highlands where the state can't tax 70% of my income to pay for refugees.

They wont take >us

>White people from the global diaspora move to Europe
>discover they're not welcome and the Europe sucks
>migrant Whites converge on one part of the continent
>create new country
>natives resist
>rapidly then slowly expand while defending against hostility from all sides
They tried this already and called it Liberia, then they tried it again and called it Israel

Results have been mixed but overall unpleasant


Japs are mixed with Ainu. White people in America, Africa, and Australia are pretty much pure

Don't really care. Smug Europeans only have a generation or two to look down their noses before they have to kiss that "modern and progressive," society goodbye if they don't want to become diaspora dominated theocracies. Canada doing the same while replacing its culture with rabid anti-American contrarianism is equally entertaining.

>Californian tripfag
You fucks are the worst of the US because you try so hard to be both Latin America and Europe at the same time to obviously shitty results.

>sense of opportunity and getting ahead
Just say drug dealing is easier

I hope to leave this mega state that is filled with my enemies.

I hate multi racialism I hate the people in power I hate all the paths of ideologies, I hate the culture enforced through the people with power etc..

All new worlders are disgusting barbarians no better than the shitskins fleeing from the middle-east. Why would anyone want more of them?

The people are taught by and adopt the kikes structure and playing field there is no victory here, I can't convince people their entire purposes are false and untrue, only seperation and move away as far as possible from the reaches of international Jewry.

I tried to warn you. RIP

They hate us to be honest and we made a superpower out of a nothing sparsely populated by stone aged people.

There is no us nigger, my people is the white race nothing else.

>genetics of their royal family
So it's really German?

Fuckface I'm of Kraut-Brit-Polock ancestory. I meant people of Euro ancestory.

I don't give a fuck you retarded kike my only identity is my race not any ruler or state.

Then go home already.
>my country is a white country even though it's 40% non-white

>Racist Anarchism
Holy shit

Subhuman my nation and country is the white race.

If every white on the Americas leave for Europe does that mean we can destroy every piece of everything the European man has built over the years in the Americas?

Define me "white" "race" please

200 years ago "White" meant English, Scottish, and Saxon German. The rest of the world was a mix of tawnies and swarthies.

Retard, my race is my state.

White race you filth.

This. Glad I'm safe in good ol' Brazil.

Yea, and which European countries are white again? please tell me I want to know keeping in mind what the californiANO said

>My race is my State

All of it.

Correct, I only believe in racial organization.

From gibraltar, bosphorus, caucuses and Iraola is white race, all non immigrants from there is my race.


>Why is there no movement for Europeans to go back home?
Back when Europeans emigrated outwards, you could fairly freely move between countries. You didn't need a visa to work, you just sort of showed up in a country and found a job.

Now, you need a visa, you need skills, you need a tertiary education in a field that's in demand in that country. They don't just let any old whitey in.

How does that work?

>Plenty of white yuppies think Europe is "enlightened" or whatever.
tell me more

>If every white on the Americas leave for Europe does that mean we can destroy every piece of everything the European man has built over the years in the Americas?
If it means you can die off then yes please.

I believe in the only true state is organized racially.

There is no other purpose of a state if it is not a racial purpose, there is no nation but racial.

Can't speak for other countries but 9 out of 10 Germans who emigrate, eventually return home.

source of your claim?

German federal statistical office.

Ah... have a good day then

you too

They don't realize you're also a bunch of fucking retards

It sucks that it isn't like that anymore, I would probably not move to Malta if that was still the case.

That's just lowlifes killing each other 95% of the time.

so brazilians then?

>You fucks are the worst of the US because you try so hard to be both Latin America and Europe at the same time to obviously shitty results.

Are you people now so deep into the "fuck California" meme that you need to straight up invent reasons to hate it?

Globalist cuck detected. Go save your Afrikaaner brethren.

>white country

Ok buddy.

Kevin detected.

Everyone knows ESL teachers are the biggest losers in Asia.

Whites didn't start working construction en masse until the 20th century. Slave labor literally built the Capitol.
