I've seen Blair Witch, REC, Paranormal Activity and Cloverfield. What found footage movies do you recommend, both inside and outside the horror genre?
Found footage
Hardcore Henry
Just seeing those should've been enough to convince you the genre/format/style is worthless.
The Borderlands
Check it out. It was just alright throughout, but the ending was pretty scary if you're claustrophobic
It's a Horror movie btw
As Above, So Below
I'd definitely recommend lake mungo. Others might mention noroi: the curse, and while it has a few interesting parts, it just doesn't really do anything to stand out from the rest of the found footage pack.
I've to see one that didn't have at least one significant flaw, but I really feel like there's huge potential that maybe hasn't been realised yet. I could be wrong.
No, it's terrible. Cliche and badly acted. Ninety percent of the scares are nothing. As in, literally nothing. They'll throw a loud bang into the soundtrack and a smash cut to...one of their friends showing up.
Cannibal Holocaust
The Visit
Grave Encounters