Normal day browsing Sup Forums

>normal day browsing Sup Forums
>suddenly *doorbell*
>"hey mister, I need a big strong guy like you to help me practice my cheer-leading routine for the upcoming game. all you need to do is throw me up in the air and catch me a few times. you think you can handle that?"

wat do?

man you stupid shithead just die.

fuck off.

Literally kill yourself you degenerate faggot

reddit pls go

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.

Jokes on you guys. I'm a cunnyseur

> big strong guy
for you

Why is this on Sup Forums? FUCK OFF

Cunnyposters BTFO

Delete this

I hope you get banned. Starting shit threads like this is so fucking annoying.

Fuck off back to 8ch, pedo.

Redditors out in full force today, I see.

t. 8gag

sup reddit

hola reddito

i hope this thread lives forever

Me too user.
Me too.

Go away pedo

But cunnyfaggotry came from reddit you newfag.

sup reddit

Hey there, nice to see a fellow redditor on this board (outside the GoT threads of course xD). What subs do you browse?