>Fidget Spinner General
What are you guys rocking tonight?
>Fidget Spinner General
What are you guys rocking tonight?
A noose, trust me it is more fun than that.
Yep, it sure is summer.
I'm going to crucify my fidget spinner tbh
Jesus died for your spins, man.
>Fidget Spinners weren't cool in the first place and they still aren't.
They're a fucking tool, not a toy, just like a fucking trampoline.
So close, then what?
7/11 stress gear.
>these fucking spergs
I live my life one spin at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those two minutes or less, I’m free.
What kind of functional purpose does a trampoline serve?
only bought a cheap little gas station one out of curiosity haven't touched it since i bought it....waste of money is what they are for people who they weren't designed for. so that must mean that OP is an autistic faggot
>This guy takes the time to reply to edgy comments to sound cool.
What a fucking sperglord.
Spin is life
>being this hypocritical
Si4N3 center ceramic bearing.
Lead shot cast epoxy coated arm weights.
>6 minute spins...
Not being autistic
>Being this hypocritical by being hypocritical
Enjoy your crayons, faggot.
>I don't like it so it's a waste of money and autistic
Nicely done, fam.
Went ahead and spent some good money on this bad boy.
>solid titanium
>ceramic ball bearings
My first. Male, 24, graphic designer with some anxiety issues. Under control, but its nice to take the edge off on long days. Iv noticed improvement on my focus. I can't stand any that makes noise, annoying.
fucking fag, those were for ADHD in the first place kids are getting suspended now becuase they use them as a toy, my damn friend uses a fidget cube I gave him for his birthday and im afraid he will get in trouble, thanks alot fag
Autistfag here but despises the autistic spinner, the bandwagon has already derailed, but it hasn't stopped.
>responding to people by just saying "triggered"
10/10 original comeback
Are you that autistic?
I bought this retarded thing from China for about 2 bucks a couple of months ago, I just like things that spins. almost never used since the first spins.
How in the fuck people use it to concentrate, focus, cure ADHD disorders, etc? I mean, what am I missing?
Oh and it's nice for long phone conversations with customers talking my ear off.
As a desk Wagie it gives me something to play with as I work and talk to ppl, still waiting on my fidgit cube to arrive. It will easily replace the spinner as a time waster
You fags are losing your shit over a fad, sounds triggered to me.
It does not cure. And if you don't have any issues with focus at all, you won't find the actual use for it other than just a simple toy.
Ever have a long phone call and you are just walking around the house with a phone? That's kinda like the idea, doing something mindlessly in the background kinda helps with focus.
Obvious shill. None of that is true
stress relief buddy.
nice try you fucking moron
I had to look that up. Naw dude they are cheap, nothing to really advertise. Besides the fad will die, and all that will be left are the few people who actually get a use out of the damn thing.
Who does this? Who says "wat" on the internet? Just go back and read it.
I say it when I don't give a fuck and not being professional. I said it because I didn't understand what he was talking about.
Lurk moar, people have been saying this shit for years.
߷ Vshhhhhhh