I'm getting severely bullied by my 11 year old brother who's still in elementary school, should I kill myself?

I'm getting severely bullied by my 11 year old brother who's still in elementary school, should I kill myself?

This is my brother choking the shit out of me in the photo. He says that he choked me in a way in which I won't get knocked out straight away and the pain would last longer. My little sister was recording as per his demands, then he sent her out of the room half way through and told her to lock the door.

When she was gone, he started thrusting hard with his legs up and down so my face keeps smashing against his crotch. I can't control this, his legs feel like steel and he can control my movements and breathing. I don't want to get into details but this turned into oral sexual assault afterwards. He said he'd snap my neck with his legs if I didn't do as he said.

Contemplating to whether tell my parents or kill myself, honestly don't know. My brother is 4'8, like 75lbs. I'm 6'1 and 125lbs, nobody will believe my brother is capable of doing this even with all his martial arts experience. I feel like such a loser, I'm 18 years old and have to deal with this. I can't get into College, can't move out. I'm a fucking joke. I'm actually in a motel room hiding from my brother, he texted me "I'm gonna fuck you up".

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you fags dont even try anymore

I guess if this scenario was real, which it isn't, I'd suggest you start eating to gain some weight so you can't be manhandled. Doesn't matter if you gain fat or muscle; any kind of weight is good. Or join the military. That'll get you out of the house and get you in shape.

Even if I became the most ripped guy in the world, I would still be his bitch. Can't be assed for long term goal solutions like that, give me instant advice.

Fucks sake. Hurt him like hell has crawled into his ass and started renovating the place.

Grab him by the balls and squeeze/twist until he falls into a pitiful pile of agony, begging you to stop. Don't. This is just the fucking beginning. If you stop know, he'll recover and come after you in anger.

No. No no no. You need to hurt him so fucking bad that he'll shit his pants at the idea of fucking with you ever again.

Squeeze, twist, yank. Do this for as long as your hand can fucking do it. If he passes out, great. From time to time he'll temporarily try to fight back, just squeeze harder. He'll turn into a sack of fucking potatoes and drop.

Little motherfucker.

Once he's exhausted (his eyes will roll, he'll fade into and out of consciousness every 10 or so seconds, etc)... it's time to start kneeing his fucking crotch like you're fucking a tight hottie for the first time. Really hammer it home, flatten those fucking balls. 5 or so times should do it.

You'll know when you're done it enough, because you can't stand the pain on your knee anymore. It'll fucking hurt too bad to knee him again.

Now, whisper to him. Let him know that the next time he even thinks about fucking with you, he'll never think about anything ever again.

Bite his hairless ballbag

I don't know if I can do that, he's really experienced with BJJ. He's stronger than me, I would lose. Do you think randomly attacking him like that would work?

He forced you to suck him off? Is he even able to cum yet? If so, did you spit or swallow? And how big is it?

Next time he fucks around, grab on. Don't be timid, this is a lesson that must be learned.

There are two types of people, user. He's the type that can only respect what he fears.

Experienced, lol? No-one is experienced with getting their balls rekt.

Until he respects you, he'll disrespect you.

>11 year old
>he started thrusting hard with his legs up and down so my face keeps smashing against his crotch