So, Sup Forums, how was it?

So, Sup Forums, how was it?

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Technically awful, but generally entertaining in a "so bad it's good" kinda' way.

Nonsensical plot, awful pace and clear-cut studio interference in the editing process, but charming performances.

4/10, didn't regret watching in the theater but won't go for seconds or buy the home release.

It was objectively the worst DC flick.
And that's a fucking lot to say...

It was alright. The in-between form of the witch was so fucking hot. It was the best part.

i dont know i took too much fentanyl and overdosed in the theater

meh not worth the amount of hype, which you could tell they were pushing these past few years. Letos acting was so forced and in the end sub par. Not a lot of the dialogue felt natural organic. Wil Smith is a professional so it's expected he can pull off a character, but besides the woman playing Waller, a lot of the cast didn't really click into their role

The editing was nearly incomprehensible
Leto's performance was forgettable
The jokes were aimed at younger teens
The pop songs every 5 minutes were incredible obvious and took me out of the movie every time they started
The dialogue was was so on the nose or overwrought, "They worship machines now so I will build a machine to destroy them" "desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes Power" like what the fuck does that even mean?
The action was boring at best, and what the hell was up with the first fight scene with the blueberry monsters? They were literally just black silhouettes, most likely to lower the CG budget
Speaking of which, the CG was lackluster, like something from a mid-2000's movie

It was fucking awful

>"so bad it's good"

this is not so bad it's good.
The Room is so bad it's good.

This is just pure, unadultered try-hard high budget shit. It doesn't have ONE redeeming quality


Not that great, honestly. A real shame because DC had a great streak going with Man of Steel and BvS.

>It was objectively the worst DC flick.
DCU you mean right? Because there is no way this is worse than Catwoman or Batman & Robin, isn't it? ISN'T IT???

Its actually terrible
even ghostbusting 3 comes of as a film when compared


that poster is better than anything in the movie

>Going to the cinema

So is it worse or not?

I have tickets for this night

you mean this? Cuz if so then I agree

oh son, if only you knew.
This is way way below catwoman and batman and robin. These movies were not great, ok, entertaining. SS is... it looks like a (bad) film student was given a lot of money and told "do the most mainstream shit you can".

Meh, I liked it.
Don't know why people are making such a fuss over it. It's just a stupid movie, it's a fun couple of hours and then you forget it, same as any other.

and I have to add that after the film student would have made the most bland, soulless, badly directed mainstream shit he could, the studio kicked in and said: "this is a little too good, let's edit it in order to make it more shit".
This is how bad it is.

I loved it actually! Was so fun and enjoyable and hope to see a sequel.

No idea why it gets hate when this to me is the best DCEU film at the moment.

Of course the editing suffered in many parts but all in all it was a real fun entertaining watch.

>not posting her cute belly

is this real life? is this just fantasy? is bait? is it so? easy come, easy go.
Anyway the world goes, doesn't really matter, to me, to meeeee, to meeeeeeeeeeee!

Shit pacing, shit editing, shit story

no joker

To give you some persepctive:
I'd rather rewatch ghostbusters than rewatch this.



The crocodile dude got a happy ending so I'm happy with it :)

You are memeing right? I can't understand how people cannot enjoy this movie that was really fantastic with all its characters

Watched it last night. It gave me headache and was overall a mess. Will Smith has good, but even he couldn't save the terrible dialogue. Cringe level diagloue like
>this bird is baked
Margot Robbie was hot, but her accent keep changing from valley girl to jersey trash and it was distracting. The entire plot was retarded. The Enchantress is quite possibly the worst macguffin in recent memory. The action scenes are Michael Bay-tier. The editing is annoying and choppy. Overall 5/10. Would not watch again.
>It ain't me starts playing

Solid 7/10 fun end of summer blockbuster

Lots of stuff got cut obviously but people saying "bad editing" are just memeing (none of them understand cinema well enough to actually make that judgement call)

Only gripe is that rush the middle and spend too much time at the beginning.

>it's bait

I'm reassured.

>Would not watch again.
Strange because once I saw it I had such a rush to re watch it with how fun it was

0.10 $ has been deposited in your account

>Michael bay
>bad action

I seriously want Reddit to leave. His movie may be bad but he's a skilled director.

>I didn't like this movie so he's a bad director
Go back to watching anime

You can fuck off now

I bet you're voting for Bernie Sanders

>The action scenes are Michael Bay-tier
Thats an insult to based bay.

anyone have a webm of enchantress moving her hips?

are you trying to scare off disenting opinions, shill?
How much do you get paid?

I'd pay 1,000,000 dollars to fuck Margot Robbie while she's dressed as Harley Quinn

Especially if she puts on that jersey trash accent


Wow... your job seems hard.
Shilling shit movies, trying to use the hive-mind to the advantage of your company...
All of that for a shit pay...

I feel for you m8. I hope things get better.

>Lots of stuff got cut obviously but people saying "bad editing" are just memeing
We're not talking about the stuff that got cut. We're talking about the pacing. Not just the overall story pacing in terms of character development (which was incredibly flawed in it's own right), but each scene's pacing was a complete disaster. Too many jump cuts, no breathing room, even the space between character's dialogue was choppy, not a clear understanding of where characters physically are in relation to each other, etc.



just wait for the movie to not be airing anymore and mircaculously these "super satisfied die hard fans" will vanish. It's magic.



Get out of my board nigger

I rather see killer croc sexy ass 7/24 then watching those piece od shit

I don't watch anime, I don't reddit and Michael Bay is one of the worst action directors of all-time. I still have no clue what was happening in any of the fight scenes in Transformers. Just a jumbled up, cgi mess.

No summer blockbuster film has had too pacing since they started marketing for China
At least I can say that SS is too short where as every other film is a drag of endless CGI nonsense

>0.10$ has been deposited in your account

seconding this

enchantress is my waifu

Don't go to e621, it's just generic crocodile furries.

>this literal mouth breathing retard enjoyed that god awful piece of shit in the dark movie

Hes clearly in jail at the end.

Still a better ending than the other big scary monster dude.

I know someone who liked it a lot....

not sure if better or worse than the ghostbusters tat or if i should just leave this country at this point

it stinks

I feel reviews crucified this film and people just jumped on the bandwagon, not even going into the movie with an open mind.

Sure, the plot is definitely garbage. DCU still hasn't realized what makes the Marvel movies succeed but their films fail. And that's pacing and editing.
Also, the movie is really more about Deadshot and Harley, with everyone else just standing in the background.
The soundtrack is fantastic though. Fuck everyone who tells you otherwise.

It's a solid 6.5 movie. And yet I enjoyed it better than Sausage Party, which has gotten far better reviews.


About 3.5-4/10.

Would watch it just for the experience if it was free, but it was a huge waste of money.

Definitely is.

Batman and Robin was intentionally trying to be a modern "retro" 50s type of batman movie. It was extremely, painfully cheesy but that is at least fun stuff.

SS has about 4-5 jokes that land decently, the rest is boring, contrived, nonsensical, formulaic, or just bad.


You don't understand film as an art form well enough to say that

>You don't understand film as an art form well enough to say that

your first year in art school i guess


It's a legitimately fun, silly comic book movie. It's not the best I've ever seen, but it's far from the worst.

No. Catwoman still takes first prize. SS isn't even the 10th worst cape flick I've ever seen.

Harley's ass was the best part.

Why do women always get the worst tattoos?

>Cringe level diagloue like "this bird is baked"
And believe it or not that was Joker's one joke throughout the whole movie

Harley had worse lines let's be real