For all you unemployed fags with the intention of staying unemployed, how do you do it? How do you survive?
For all you unemployed fags with the intention of staying unemployed, how do you do it? How do you survive?
Most of them live off their parents/grandparents.
I was unemployed and living at home for a year straight 3 years ago (at 20).
I felt so worthless and was super depressed.
I can't imagine being jobless and living off other for any longer or at an older age.
*off others
Daddy just bought me a brand new car then we went out for pizza and wings :)
How are YOU surviving?
Most new jobs now adays arent even full time, so as long as ur working, dont care if u live at home. Living at home rotting, not working, fapping 3x a day to questionable material, is not good for anyone though.
Not OP here. Other poster above you.
I assume that you are joking. If you are serious, what's your age and gender?
You just live off your dad without shame?
Male. 23. I stretched the truth a little. I have a full-time job and I'm going to college but my dad did just buy me a new car then I took him out to dinner and paid.
Good point. But I stand by what I said about living at home. Get a roommate or two. Get two part time jobs.
Just move the fuck out.
But I do agree that if you are working that is much better than being a useless fag living with the parents.
Being unemployed should be a miserable existence. I was unemployed for 3 months back in my early 20s and lived off my gf shitty income. Almost died. To all those that spend more than 6mo unemployed without being related to a severe injury should get shoveled off to the labor camps in North Korea. Quit leaching off others you worthless pieces of shit.
No issues there.
No shame in having a father that was successful enough to buy his son a new car.
Working and going to college too is a surprise. Most fags our age ( I'm 23 too) claim that they can't work and go to college. Life is just so hard for some people. Lazy cunts.
For any anons living off someone else, get your fucking life together or you'll lose her
I agree user.
There's a huge problem with entitlement and laziness in people below 30 right now.
I hate belonging to this shit generation.
I don't want to go to college but I have realised I will never survive without some sort of degree. Also if I maintain good grade by dad will buy me an apartment, not a room in an apartment, a whole apartment complex.
Unemployedfag here.
I've engineered a scenario where I pay 150 bucks a month. I dumpster dive consistently, and I sell garbage to college kids on craigslist. Other than that, I work on projects and shit that I want to do and play vidya.
I also have a girlfriend and an otherwise fairly normal life. I'm not an autist, I'm not incapable, I just don't feel like spending the years of my life that I'll be in good enough shape to enjoy it, slaving away for a company or job that I don't give a shit about.
Retire young. You're going to work your dick raw when you're old, anyway.
Also, I've been unemployed for about 4 or 5 years, now, with intermittent gigs here and there. Forgot to mention that part.
Good for you user.
I never went to college. No interest. Spent some time unemployed like I mentioned before. Bounced around between jobs (not quiting one until I had another). But now I work for the Post Office. The work is shit, but the pay is fucking great and people consider it a respectable enough job.
Good luck with the degree.
So no jobless fags wanting to speak up?
We know you are here.
I guess I should refresh before I post.
What do you mean you pay 150 a month?
For rent, electric, water, and Internet?
I split all four with a housemate (in a low cost of living area) and I pay 350 a month for my half.
Your GF must have low self-esteem.
mommy im 23
I'm trying to get my wife a job that will pay for both us. I'll raise the kids, I don't a fuck. I'm /fit enough to obliterate anyone trying to cuck me.
Fuck working.
Yea, also what does your gf think of you dumpster diving to pay 150 a month of bills?
His "GF" is a homage blow up doll. No woman would put up with a unemployed dumpster diving degenerate.
NEET since 2012 here. Have $10k for a rainy day; mostly support myself through neetbucks. Parents pay for most things so I spend money on vidya.
my parents take care of me, and will for many years to come. I don't get laid clearly, and have no social life..but I do get to sit around growing and smokng weed, playing vidya, and have no worries
How are you happy like that though? I live with my dad, I have a job, and I'm in college, but I can't wait to be on my own.
living the good life brother
I got them socialist autismbux. Parents still support me through a €20,- a month extra, so I'm double worthless.
I do volunteer work at a thrift shop these days but that's worthless work for worthless people, so in essence I do nothing.
I survive, very well compared to probably 99,97% of people on earth as I eat every day, own a phone, a 720p tv and a ps4 and have a two room apartment so I even live in riches I utterly don't deserve.
Almost killed myself a week ago, thinking of seeing if I can muster up the courage next time, free up the space and resources I am currently costing the world.
Tbh, you are falling for the /pol neets are scroungers only meme. Those right at the top lords/politicians are also costs to the tax payer here in UK and in the USA
Thing is a politician has power and makes legislation. Even if he is a corrupt dictator thst eradicates millions and sends his own to war for worthless ends is a better person than a NEET, who only costs money and contributes nothing, not to history not to his surroundings.
NEETs are literally the worst form of person. I hold more respect for a serial child molester who licks stamps for a living because at least he gets paid a salary.
Volunteers and the unemployed have only one value and that is caloric. I am among them and honestly we deserve the gas chamber.
The good news is if you are one of the quality people in the millennial generation, then the world is going to be your oyster. Our generation will slowly take the helm and cost of living will adjust accordingly. I'm doing quite well now and even better later on.
Also if you're a successful guy, then you'll have a better choice of women I suppose.
I'm not sure how our generation will pan out. Obviously the above average ones are predictable, but the people who have few skills will have to adapt because technology is rapidly taking their jobs. The skilled people are in a good position to take their jobs away. I think we'll need to have some kind of retraining program. America needs to out compete other countries not burden itself with subpar people
The unskilled and poor simply just need to die. We were needed before automation but now we are just a burden.
Because of that I applaud cigarettes and fast food being most prevalent in poor neighbourhoods, all we need to do is take health care away from us and we'll finally just die. We have more value as fertilizer than we do as people.
This is presented entirely without sarcasm by the way, I think anyone below middle class should be shot in the street, including myself. Just too big of a pussy to kill myself, a further testament to the lack of morality and humanity in the poor.
My father gifted me a home worth 1.4million dollars with two apartments that give me $3800 USD a month in rent.
Why automation and solar energy could supply the world with food. Working is unneccessary. Everything can be automated. The reason we don't is because people want big boats and fast cars.
If work is unnecessary than the worker is unecessary so let's cull us.
Seriously, the rich and powerful are simply of a higher pedigree than those who aren't. The world should belong to them, not us masses. Our life experience is fundamentally of no importance so in the face of automation the working class needs to stop breeding and start dying.
I used to have delusions of grandeur. Moving out into the wilderness and living amongst the trees. become a hermit and building my own house from the bounty of the land.
Then I took an arrow in the knee.
As a society we still go off the premise that you deserve very little. We kind of give you a little bit of food and shelter. Automation and energy production will still benefit the people who can pay for it.
It comes down to defining what you deserve. Right now a human is entitled (I call them handouts) to very little. Maybe in the future we decide people get more or less. What we have currently is sort of capitalism. You get what you bring to the table.
So, as long as you do something, doesn't matter if you kill millions, or destroy ecosystems, or steal from those that eke by, so long as you do something, you're better than someone who does nothing.
Yes, 100 times yes.
If you won't- or are incapable of doing anything what is your use? Why exist?
It's been plagueing me since I lost employment and dropped out, mostly due to depression and shit. I am among the worst type of people. We shouldn't even be seen as people; we are just self sustaining biomass.
Living at home. Working part time, just finished getting a certificate I needed to hopefully find a job that pays enough to support myself.
I pay my own expenses right now (food, gas, insurance, etc) but still feel like shit. When family friends come over and see me they are always polite but I can see them thinking 'oh hes still living here...'. Just the worst honestly.
What makes it worse is that both of my parents are very successful, and both had less education and opportunities than I did, so I know I'm a disappointment. All this sort of hit me recently, and I started doing something to make up for the time I had wasted, idk I just hope it isnt too late.
That's pretty terrible advice. I finished school but having two part time jobs and roommates stressing me out would never have allowed me to finish. I know this because I did that for a year. Moving back home let me finish and now I have a full time job making more than my parents ever made. Of course I help them out now.
The point is there's no shame in receiving help with the way the economy is now.
One of the issues now is that more people have opportunities and college degrees. Thus now it's more competitive to get those good jobs. being qualified doesn't guarantee anything. You have to be the best person they interviewed.
Your parent's had 30+ years of work to get to where they are now. You're in your 20's. You have time. Not that many people are immediately better off than their parents.
I'm on section 8. I get food stamps which I sell. I use that money to buy drugs to resell. there's a store near me that will sell you clothing and liquor for stamps. I visit the food bank often. i use a govt phone and a laptop that was given to me when I went to college and failed. my internet comes from the lady next door to me. I fixed her computer once so I hooked myself up. my car was 400 dollars. I got it from a friend. everything in my house came from dumpster diving. sometimes I cut yards. I also sell stuff people throw away. fuck getting a real job. Bring on the judgement
lmao i stayed unemployed in school for 4 years and never lost her. now i make twice what she does.
I saved up for a few years and took 6 months off to just do nothing and be a NEET. Best 6 months of my fucking life
>There's a huge problem with entitlement and laziness in people below 30 right now.
This has been said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Every 5 to 10 years. Again and again. Over and over. You simply got old and have a weird hate for young people because you know you'll never regain what you lost.
Anyone you've dated had low self esteem. Trust.
my girls makes a lot. I dont. I watch the kids. which I'm very happy about because bitches be bat shit crazy
Are you not stealing somebody's resources by not contributing? You literally can't be doing nothing.
So, by mooching off your parents or the system or just cheating it or being for money, how is that not doing "something". You're just upset they're not mooching harder?
No, young people are doing unfulfilling jobs because the education system and the media teaches them that anything that isn't engineering or being famous is redneck trash. They try and realize they hate it or fail and just do minimum wage jobs instead of a trade because it's literally seen as more socially acceptable to flip burgers than to have a trade
>720p tv
That's embarrassing.
They think they are going to be drone pilots and invent robots to replace white men, last I heard anyway.
You're a stay at home dad. Not sure that's the same thing.
Kids need someone at home, doesn't have to be the mother.
>The unskilled and poor simply just need to die
Without them there would be no one to work the jobs you wouldn't dare do because you're too weak.
>KY fag here
>lives with dad since rent in city is upward of 800 dollars avg for 1bed
>live at home for free
>parents divorced
>mother is clinically insane so hardly visit her
>in college
>gf is depressing
>she lives with her mother too
>soon as she gets off work, she just comes over and falls asleep
>I will fap while she's asleep on the bed
>attempt to engage sexual activity once in a while when she's actually not worked 9 straight hours and actually had a decent drive home through an hour of city traffic instead of the usual 2 hours
>spend the next 4 hours doing a combo of HW, music and a movie/tv show before finally falling asleep next to her
>still 2 years away from actually graduating
>CS major
>constantly told that CS is meme
>literally zero motivation to actually finish college
>despite being good at it
>life is so depressing
>couldn't imagine just living off somebody
>barely managing life as it is
Honestly just considering suicide, maybe come back as a rich person. Those people got it easy don't they?
oh man if she left me id be so fucked.
Ever heard of robots, faggot? We need to increase minimum wage to push unskilled fags out of the workforce to replace them with our inevitable future
No I'm upset we can't manage something as simple as being paid a salary.
Again, someone who kills millions or rapes dozens (while having a job) has more of an impact than one who doesn't.
And the rich don't mooch, they contribute, they enrich. Yes sometimes that goes over the backs of the poor but the poor aren't very useful for anything else anyway.
It's far, far more than I deserve. The fact I have running water is a gigantic moral failing of this entire world. I should've been left to rot in a landfill along with anyone else who can't make a decent wage.
>work 8hrs/day 5days/week
>go to the gym 3-4 times a week
>make $45,000/yr
>no college education
how do you unemployed fuckers do it? how do you stand being so lazy?
btw my rent is only like 120 bucks / yr and my phone is one dollar a year. I'm 3yrs behind on both. I could have paid them but fuck it
Live in a big house with my divorced mother. She buys the food i take care of the house. I use to work but i end up spending all my earnings on booze and cigarettes. Life is dull but i know it can be worse since ive been there.
doing what and where?
Im a groundsman for a power company
I dont consider myself to be lazy.
I'm a life hacker
>the rich don't mooch, they contribute, they enrich.
>doesn't remember the massive bail outs for companies that deliberately made ridiculous loans they knew they wouldn't be paid back just for insurance money and eventual fraud that led to the collapse of the housing market in 2008
The rich steal from their employees and communities they're supposed to be enriching, more often than not.
Man you are delusional if you think this is true
cs is meme, lol. Finish it, faggot. I work remotely and travel all over the world making 6 figures and i'm 4 years post graduating w/ a CS degree. Don't suck at life, finish that shit, faggot.
The day after graduating high school last year I realize that I didn't planned my future. I was the guy who didn't do his work but still passed because my mom begged the principal the pass me. Now it's been 11 months, I'm 19, still living with my parents, I wake up at 9am and sleep at 1am or so (it varies) I mostly spend my time on my computer or playing on my brother's ps4 when he's at school.
Maybe when I'm 30 I'll finally go outside and go work at the Jack-in-the-box near my house.
Then it's the fault of the poor for letting themselves be exploited instead of being entrepeneurial and making a decent living for themselves. That's still not mooching that is effective human resource management.
All getting rich takes is a plan and a willingness to put more than 12hrs a week into working.
Laziness is the only reason behind poverty. That and maybe disability in which case I find it immoral to keep living anyway.
>CS is meme
I don't get, why is CS meme? Seems like people in CS have jobs when they graduate, and it isn't like they get paid shit money unless they're some code monkey, and even they seem to make an actual living. Why is CS "meme"?
Did you recently get forced into working after being long term unemployed? This is how they normally behave, much like someone who accidentally gets a girl pregnant and then starts reciting immaturity and real man rhetoric, as if they believed it all along.
Mad Bro? I use about 1/3rd every month for a high quality hooker once a week
>Laziness is the only reason behind poverty.
ITT: Americans
Well then Americans are right.
Can't get out of your town? Walk. Doesn't matter if the next town over is 60 miles away, grab a tent. If the cops get you it's your own damn fault for being too dumb to avoid them.
You have no right to life, no right to happiness and no right to be protected. Earn it or die like the worthless meat you are.
not who you replied to, good for you but you sound like youve never had to work for much in your life.
ur a CS major, what's wrong with that? You can do a lot assuming by Cs you mean computer science
Is this a thought experiment for you? This whole thread seems like someone role-playing to get into the mind of the people that are harassing them.
>pursuit of happiness
Think of CS. Now think of the guy's job when he is 50. What is the stereotype of this?
You're thinking of a fat Sup Forumstard sitting at a computer 9 to 5 with long hair and glasses.
Of course CS is meme. Do I give a fuck? No. I tell people what I do, 99% of them think it's IT. A god damn hooker in Thailand was the only one who understood what my job actually entailed... gives you some kind of idea who her clients were, huh?
Nobody will understand you, nobody will understand your job, you will give zero fucks because you're the one flying to Rome for a month eating Italian food and banging eurotrash bitches.
Yes computer science. The entirety of the internet calls CS major meme degree and compares us to lib-arts fags, especially here. I haven't gotten far enough to do co-ops/internships so idk how the job market is. I just don't understand why CS is considered meme and retard-tier.
then please explain cause im also in the dark
>99% of them think its IT.
wut is it then user?
Outdated, we have too many people.
We should strip the rights of anyone but the rich, who keep this country going.
>assuming im poor because i quoted the declaration
This is what I believe. My own poverty is my own failing. Even my parents, who are themselves poor, say there is nothing but their own failings to blame.
Dude, if americans had to live anywhere else than united states of jews, and I mean the most "accomplished" of you not even the NEETS, then the would find out how worthless they really are.
Keep your libertarian bullshit for yourself because they have no meaning for people who live in real countries where their goverments doesnt treat them like babies while they think they are being "entrepeneurial".
CS is a very general field for tech, but if you finish your degree you could easily end up with a +100K job, especially if you move to sillicon valley. My suggestion is hone your skills as a programmer and make yourself valuable to the field. It can change your life.
Indian Gaming. An endless supply of dumb mexicans pays for everything I need. God bless you Spics for humping that American Dream.
my favourite reply here
t. the entire American Republican platform since Regan
So it's not true we're being outsourced to indian-shits who will take jobs for minimum wage?
>An endless supply of dumb mexicans pays for everything I need.
how? what do you mean?
sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really depends on how valuable your skills are. Indian workers are not particularly skilled, there's just many of them and they're cheap. There are CS majors who are broke, and there are ones raking in millions. Which are you gonna be?
So you're planning on committing suicide or do you have a plan to get out of poverty?
Well, hopefully good. I just never saw CS jobs as minimum wage jobs, always thought it was fake. I'll know it the game next summer when I am able to do co-op/internships. Now that you mention the west coast, better than fucking KY.