Armed Citizen webm thread
Armed Citizen webm thread
Guns kill. This is one rare, isolated case of a firearm saving an innocent life. It still doesn't make up for the millions of innocents lost every year due to reckless gun ownership. End gun ownership now.
Nice bait
Did prohibition stop people from drinking alcohol and therefore beating their wives? No you fucking retard it didn't, and it wont work for guns either.
>reckless gun ownership
Because of this, I am going to buy a gun now.
Untrue. A gun is an object. By your logic, screwdrivers and kitchen cutlery also kill. Maybe you should learn to fucking think outside of blatant herd mentality and not be a mongoloid.
It worked in Australia. mean the 14,000 or so people who die every year in the U.S., out of 325,000,000? Where nearly half are gang related?
this is Russia.
notice date stamp is done in foreign commie format, not good patriotic american month/day/year format.
I support russians killing other russians.
notice the track suits on faggots
if they were in england, it wouldve involved kitchen knives
Guns don't beat wives. Guns murder wives. Surrender your guns today.
Hell ya these videos make me hard. This is why I will most likely carry in a mall/movie theater even though it's forbidden. Would rather save my own life and lose my gun rights or some shit than be dead.
Anyone got the story for this video?
Explain how it would work in the US, the gun capital of the world. Banning guns would not make them all disappear, it would only expand the illegal gun market especially considering its the US.
Just remember what's waiting for you when you sand niggers try to up and heist the subway.
I'm a little conflicted on this one. It was 2 v1 with a gun already on him he could have gotten both of them killed. Either way what dumb nigs rob a fucking gun store? every single one of those guys is packing.
kill yourself
K. A lever action shotgun was banned for being "semi automatic" according to Australia because they don't understand how it works nor care.... cuz it's scary
>It worked in Australia.
Yes, that was an incredibly interesting story, about that Martin Bryant guy who bought legal guns in Tasmania, then went on a murderous road trip, killing 35 people, wounding 24 others, at road stops and tourist gathering places. Mad max level shit
Yup that is millions to those liberal faggots, cause if they understood math they wouldn't be liberal
How? I don't have a gun
wow you really are fucking stupid aren't you?
Took off like a little bitch lol
It's a long-term solution. It could take a decade or longer. Buy back programs work. You can't take the guns out of the hands of criminals, no. But if you reduce the supply over time and continually crack down and punish those who are found with them, you greatly reduce the number of instances where guns are used. You just can't imagine a solution if it's not a part of your American, instant-gratification mindset. You don't have the attention span for a solution that might not be accomplished in a minute.
Americans love guns.
>we will always have guns.
If you haven't shot a gun in your life you are inferior.
>you should go buy a gun and shoot yourselves.
*Rolls eyes while making oddly masteubatory hand gesture*
Not nearly as much as they save. do some reasearch away from your own echochamber before opening your mouth
Also 3/10 made me reply and managed to annoy
You own a gun? You're the stupid one here.
Those are not armed citizens. Those are monkeys.
hang, stab, plastic bag over head, drown, choke, stop eating, stop drinking, fuck there are any number of ways to kys
Then bitch and moan like you always do.
These threads make my dick hard
Why would that dude even give a fuck if subway got robbed. I wouldn't risk my life for pedophile sandwiches
I love this one. The guy checks the aisles to be sure no one will get in the crossfire. Then he proceed to light up the nigger in the back so he doesn't have to fire in the direction of the lady waiting. That's a job well done.
is that a gun in your pocket, or just happy to Sup Forums here?
Fact: millions of Americans buy a gun every year just to kill themselves. This, combined with suicide by cop makes America the world leader in suicides per capita.
Source: wikipedia
End private gun ownership now.
You faggots arguing about guns are the worst.
Anti Gun Faggots: Deal with it, there's gonna be guns you pussies.
Pro-Gun Faggots: Deal with it, you need to follow some basic rules and background checks you assholes.
Chug a cup of bleach, jump off a bridge, stick your head in the oven, mix bleach and ammonia in the the bathtub with the door and drain closed.
Plenty of ways to do it.
Australlia lol... Population of new york state and not connected to anything....
this shit is dope keep 'em coming
Stop comparing apples to oranges. The US and AU are entirely different countries, with entirely different diversity.
What do the Aussies have to worry about, lol? The Abbo, zoned out on petrol?
The US has that third world shithole called Mexico that oozes cartel over its borders, niggers who get hyped up on crack and an absurd, enabled, promoted anti-white hate culture, etc.
Shut up. Fuck off. Die.
Guns are the great equalizer. When you try and tell me my daughter can't conceal carry, to protect herself against a ravenous pack of raping niggers..
From my cold dead hands, cunt.
Stupid fucker still lost his wallet though. Now the gangbanger that got away know the name and address of the guy that killed his buddy. Good luck sleeping safely after this.
Shit on.
>source wikipedia
Why don't you use any of these methods to subdue a home intruder? If I don't need a gun, neither do you
Bitch why cant fruit be compared?
In 10 years 3D printers than could print guns in mass for cheap will exist making it even easier to get guns. If you really want to go on a money wasting crusade to stop a few potential deaths just like how we waste billions to stop people from selling drugs, well go ahead.
did it?
violent crime rate is up actually, they're just not using guns...
Fact: guns kill 5X more people than they save, every year.
Source: world fact book
this bitch dont know bout pangea
I thought Dylann Roof was in prison. How did you get internet access? Talk to me when you're not on the spectrum.
I love how in all these videos there is a second pussy that runs.
you dumb niggerfaggots need to stop arguing and post more videos
Ummm... Guns save 321.4 million every single day you fucking idiot. The soldiers over seas aren't fighting muslim savages with toilet paper rolls. You are a waste of oxygen.
And why can't you use any of these say to defend yourself? You convinced me NO ONE needs a gun.
Hey buddy, what's better, to lose your wallet or your life?
OP is the only one posting
>not realizing the bait
cops have his face on tape, and the body and identification of his accomplice. You really think he'll he has any options? Skip town, except he's not smart enough to do that, for obvious reasons.
>Trying to meme
You're dumb. Stop digging for karma points.
> gun in back, jammed in ribs
Looks like it's time to pull my oven out of my pocket.
Not today, negro.
Also In going off the FBIs crime stats
Yes, because our liberal shithole of a country doesn't allow any type of firearms near schools. I can guarantee if the staff was armed and trained we would have zero school shootings in this country.
it is hard to hang someone, stab someone, soffocate, drown, choke, starve, or kill someone when that someone is also trying to kill you.
Has getting rid of guns actually reduced murder rates? If so show evidence.
you missed the point, retard
how many thousands are being saved by killing those 5? It's impossible to know...
But the gangsters wouldn't have guns if we just banned them, you fucking retard
I'm a teacher. If I had a gun I can think of at least 3 students that I'd have shot by now.
But most mass shootings happen in GUN-FREE ZONES, illustrating the point that laws restricting are only followed by LAW-ABIDING citizens.
so far, the 3D printers use this fishing line shit to melt into shapes, this stuff melts at relatively low temperatures, it has to be viscous enough to pass thru a nozzle, without drying in such an impossibly hard texture that it would permanenly clog the nozzle.
so guns will not be SUCCESSFULLY printed out with 3D printers, becuase they will not be able to handle the heat of a few roungs.
some folks have made "proof of concept" 3D printed guns, but they only work for a couple rounds, before the explosive hot force of the bullets warps and melts internally, rendering them useless. But for a 1 time use "zip-gun", I guess that is a probablility.
the kinds of polymers used in Glocks, is NOT useable in a 3D printer. It does not come in these easily meltable strands necessary for the concept of being passed thru a "printer" head. it just is the opposite of this process, which is complemented by an immense pressure forming and layers lamination of Glock style polymers for the body of a handgun.
Population control, get rid of the tards in school and the world is a better place.
If we get rid of guns, it would greatly reduce the rate of homicides with guns. How have you not figured this out?
THe first teacher shooting rampage will soon follow.
There aren't enough bullets.
well it's making acid throwing a much more popular weapon in england! Lovely!
>source: Wikipedia
You have been watching too many TV shows if your faith in police is that high. Most cops I know were C students in high school. The chances of them putting 2 and 2 together before nigger shows up at the house with a car full of buddies and guns me down is not high.
you are a horrible person then
pls kys
and for the love of all that is holy pls stop teaching if you do nothing else
But if it's a GUN-FREE ZONE, no one would have a gun there in the first place!! Dumass
> so far
Sigh. You do realize that melting shit isn't the only way 3d printers work, right?
Ever heard of epoxies, glues, resins, etc?
And how about using metal pellets that pass through an induction nozzle?
It's weird how short sighted people can be.
Here for 4 hours
Horrible person for having sarcastic, violent thoughts? Oh man...I should go somewhere where my views and opinions will be understood then...
>Sup Forums
wtf. they werent doing nuffin
I bet you would've executed it to perfection, with just a bullet to your head.
Can't argue with that logic.
>epoxies, glues, resin
best way to clog a nozzle.
am in IT, I have been working with Industrial 3D printers for years
hes lucky the thugs had such bad aim shooting below and above him
australia is the pussy of the world
It isnt rare faggot now fly back to never never land.
I did say murder rates right??
You do realize you can and people do kill other people with weapons other than guns?
BUTTTT the murder with other weapons might have gone UPPPP. Thus making the net loss of life equal. Do you have any evidence to support that this did not happen or that it did?
Its not even just that. The further we go into the future, the more accessible most things are, including guns, regardless of laws. Sure banning guns may stop a few rage and non thought out deaths, and it will stop a few accidental deaths, but anyone who actually wants to have a gun will be able to get one regardless of what laws exist. banning guns wont stop mass shootings or thought out murders. Explain how spending a huge amount of money to ban guns, along with the destruction of the gun industry weakening the economy will be a net positive gain.
i think i'd rather die than suffer an acid attack