The Neon Demon

VOD August 30
BluRay & DVD September 27

I'd eat that

>That pic, that ass, that blonde hair, that milky skin

I'm crying right now

Who is that Neon Demon?

Elle Fanning

she makes my penis cry if you know what i mean by that

She's like what Chloe "Frigidaire" Moretz was supposed to be built like

I can't wait much longer for this movie bros

Does anyone else kinda want to be her so they could please their fans? haha


I would fuck the shit out of Elle Fanning's tight little body... if u no wot I'm sayin

Do you think shes tried anal? Seems like shed be down with it

Don't overhype it breh. It's just ok.


More like semon d-
ruined it

Why do american women dress like such degenerate sluts?

Chloe "the kelvinator" moretz sobs knowing she will never get to be Elle, eat Elle out, be molested by Dakota and KSTEW, or not be a refrigerator.

she just goes back to gently humming while having her brother eat her ass, as she sickens poor defenseless valet drivers.

she's going to dance class

Ask my mom she diagnosed it for me once

Something about not understanding the fine line between modesty and not being ashamed of your body

>sexuality is bad lmao


Same reason american men dress to show off their large muscles and large penises

gotta show everyone you're worth ogling

haha yeah
tfw user will never bodyswap with elle and "leak" pics of her tight little pink butthole for everyone to enjoy

i get the feeling she hasn't tried anal sex but she's definitely interested in it, sometimes she sticks a finger or two up there

>I would unironically go to dance class if she was there.

thats a pretty good explanation


It's my favourite film of 2016, but that says more about 2016
Still, it was great

>average citizen of Londinistan

Let me guess.

You didn't like Sausage Party

but this is literally how most females in the western world dress now


>literally walking around in her underwear
China is laughing at us. ISIS thinks we're in the late decadent period of our society. The West is done.

Please Marvel. Hire Elle as Gwen Stacy. Avoid this diversity trainwreck.

>ankle length

A bra is underwear

underwear you say

HOLY FUCK are these shopped? That waist/belly to hips/ass ratio is fucking goddess tier

Not sure I do, can you explain?

what a sad ass

hell no. don't drag Elle down into that shit.
besides she should be Supergirl.

That's beautiful

>teenage girls are allowed to dress like this but it's still taboo to sexualize them
male suffering on a massive scale

this is how most attractive fashionable women dress in any country that isn't repressed

are we allowed to talk about this film now?? I remember making threads and every single time they would get deleted even if no one posted whyfoo shit

she should only do kino and avoid capeshit

>Elle Fanning in gym attire
>the West is done!

dat negative ass doe

Fuck yeaaaaaah. I'm still pissed about this dropping from theaters after two weeks.

The West is completely done. Tinder is our Augustan Roman orgies. We're a venal culture obsessed with the present tense.

Gosh I'd do way more than take pics, I'd like to get bl*cked and lots of nasty things

>when your fish dinner still has the eyes intact

Chinks dress exactly the same and who gives a flying fuck what religious extremists think? Go move to a religiously oppressed sand country if you think its so bad

Who's that on the left?

semen, user
i'm referring to semen

ngl i'm gonna do some pretty degenerate stuff while watching this kino

man I wanna spill my load in that ass

and you're a gigantic permavirgin faggot.

Considering how many nu-men on Sup Forums brag about all their conquests from tinder/POF/OKC, we don't have much hope

visually the movie was very impressive

When watching the movie I had to make the decision of either enjoying the movie for the artistic aspect or enjoying the boner fest that this movie was.

I think I made the wrong choice of not just jacking of in the theater the whole time.

>takes AP History for one semester
>declares the West done

do women really dress like this?

even if you don't think it's bad per se, you can't deny that it is something that former superpowers go through in their later periods. Whether it be the Ottomans, Romans, or Greeks: once chastity loses its appeal it's all over

10/10s on their way to the gym/dance class do.

Elle's bff Keely

I can assure you, the Chinese dress exactly like that.

t. Hong Kong.

a tale of ten thousand wews

We're kinda fucked, but not cos Elle Fanning's pants are skintight

even 12 year olds do now

oh kill me now


fags, who are the trailblazers for casual sex, are actually starting to reject this attitude. That's why they want to get gay married and raise gay children in gay monogamous households

Elle's friends are pretty lewd

This should literally be illegal.
>muh sexual liberation!
Fuck off. Sexualizing kids should be a crime.

Cue the soccer moms, jeez

Her ratio has been top-tier for some time now.

Alex Grey - Sexy Secretary Pays for Her Mistakes

Looking at that body is almost unfair. I sort of sympathies with crazy muslims and their niqabs. Seeing someone like that would ruin my day

Nah its called "athleisure"

You are a god amongst men.

Damn. That picture made her look a lot more like Elle than she actually does.

She still looks good though

There's this Youtuber/Redditor from Shenzhen, China who's apparently a web developer but dresses like a literal prostitute

Maybe she is idk

i got you covered family

I prefer a small ass like Elle's over a disgusting plump of fat like Kim Kardashian that most people like for some reason

what is that "shirt" they are wearing called.

is that a onesie, i need to know, i want to get my girl something like that, it turns into a g string at the bottom.

this desu
size is overrated, it's all about the shape

why oh fucking god why couldnt she get a nice face too would be literally 11/10

>those legs

Nobody is "sexualizing" anything.

These hoes sexualize themselves

And it should be much more taboo than it currently is.

Her face is straight up kino what the fuck are you on!?

I take a full blast of ass with that ass.

I guess you could try looking for "womens singlet"

>that most people like
They really don't dude. They just talk about Kim so much because she's famous.
I mean, I am an assman, but let's not get too carried away with assumptions here, pun not intended.

thank you user

I don't get people limiting themselves to one body type. I'll take a tall skinny brunette, a short thick blonde. I love body diversity.

i frequent her /hr/ thread daily and i gotta find out about this fantastic set on Sup Forums? jesus get your shit together /hr/

You're welcome, now sit on my face

Sexuality should be explored when kids are teens, that way, when they grow up they can make the right choices.

In the near future neckbeards can 3d print a harem of androids that look and feel like these girls

It's not just the Kim Kardashian thing. Everyone that talks to me about their preference always tell me they like big asses. I never understood it and I have yet to meet someone irl who likes small asses like I do.
