Why are you still thinking about her Sup Forumsro? It's time to let her go. She's not thinking about you

Why are you still thinking about her Sup Forumsro? It's time to let her go. She's not thinking about you.

easy to tell, hard to do
brain is stupid

Well, no im not, and she got fat.. Stop being a pussy

idk she's got me on standby and its totally working lmao but easy poon so can't complain


Have some pride & self respect man, don't let yourself be a girls backup plan.

That kind of arrangement only works if there's mutually no feels involved.

She's probably not thinking of me, since she has her career, her husband, and two beautiful kids, but 26 unanswered years later, she's still the only woman I've ever loved.

that's a serious case of oneitus even for Sup Forums standards

She does those things only to make you jealous.


I love this treads, it makes me realize how a pathetic cuck I am, and I am not the only one

So things were going really well with her, she lives in a city about an hour away (we live in Ontario) so she would come up on the weekends, spend a night or two with me, and then head back down. This went on for a few weeks before she finally sent me a message saying "sorry I don't think I can see you anymore I don't want to get too attached". This was also after she asked me some weird probing questions about if I was still seeing other girls to which I kinda implied I was even though I'm not. IDK seemed like the right move. After she said she didn't want to hang out anymore I probed a bit and after it really seemed like she wasn't interested I basically said "Alright, nice knowing you". I figured that was it but she keeps looking for reasons to talk to me. She came up last weekend but didn't come see me. I have no idea what to do but I'm definitely still interested in her and think about her a lot. I'm sure she's banging other dudes in her city.

A truer quote was never offered. I am only here because she is not.




I've lost the ability to love... It was stripped away from me and now all but an icy heart remains.
Would never have it any other way, this is the price of being an autist on the internet.

There's this one girl that I get a strange feeling when I see... Not lust, but genuine love... She used to haunt my dreams. I was close with her but not any more.

I'd like to say I've gotten over her... But I had that fucking dream again when I briefly seen her the other day.

I don't even think she remembers my name...

None of my old friends do...

You need to cut contact. Unfollow her on FB etc so you don't get updates on her life.



pic related

Cant even hang with my own friends atm because my ex is friends with them and is always involved

don't have it in me to be around her or even know anything about her. So I sit in my room alone all weekend while my friends are doing things.


I fucking don't. I never did. My ex bitches kept bothering me why I don't give any fuck about them right after we broke up.
I told them "You are irrelevant as of now, have fun with whatever you do and don't fuckin' bother me again".

What a bunch of fucking pussies you are

Hard to do when she's in my dreams every single fucking night.

because thinking about her is the only way i still feel anything.


You're an awfully presumptions cunt, ya know that?


intuitively accurate though

Because I know she's still thinking of me. Circumstances didn't allow for it to continue.

because i still post nudez of her

Well it is kind of playing the odds by addressing the question to Sup Forums, like going to a funeral home and stating "All of you fucks are sad".
Still doesn't account for the guy running the place who doesn't give a fuck though.

every day because of her

she got with someone else within a week of us ending

live within 30 meters of each other so end up getting glimpses of them together now and then

no, dude, she's always thinking about me. pic related

OP she's coming over today to rip my clothes off because of how horny she is, wtf you talking about?


You're letting her win. Live for yourself. Don't let her keep you from your friends. Make her be the one who feels uncomfortable and starts distancing herself from YOUR friends.

So much bitter faggots. Grow some balls, go to the gym and find a new girl.

So much fuckin this.
Fuck her, user. Life is too short for her shit.
Live by your own groove. Take it from a married oldfag.


part one
>act like an autistic little shit all my life
>too much tv or something
>my first gf was like me
>her autism matched my autism
>move away and is alone in another city on the other side of the country
>starts at a small school
>only 1 other guy in my class. he's pretty chill I guess
>grandpa just died and watched him do so by cancer
>was my idol
>all my family members were libtards feminist and communist pussies
>he was a war veteran and badass as fuck
>is alone, not knowing how to communicate correctly with people
>everyone liked my at the beginning because it at least 7/10 while also having a sexy name
>just end up spewing autism
>only friend is a literal autist
>is known as the creepy weirdo who hangs with the autist
>girls in my class ignore me if I walk by them
>feels bad man
>relise I have to do something
>ditch autist friend for starters, and just sits alone for the most part and is careful what I do and say
>slowly become normal
>girls stop ignoring me
>smile back now if I smile to them
>new guy start at school
>befriend him
>relize I am friends with all the guys in my class
>get idea
>3 years pass, and 4 other guys starts in our class during that time
>befriend all of them. not hard, just offer to show them around, and stuff, and we're game
>is now part of this huge alpha bro gang
>we teach each other how to be alpha basically
>fucking works. becomes more and more alpha

part 2
>chose a ginger girl in class one day to practise my social skills to the opposite sex to
>she has problems with the other girls, so she feels lucky that me, a relatively popular kid, even gives her attention
>she was a popular girl but lost her status
>play with her feelings
>get good at it too
>tires it at more girls, and it works like a charm
>litrally turning into a chad
>dont have the body yet, but I'm tall, so I'm kind of good
>works out sometimes
>still feel alone af tough, as all the girls I know from my class are fat retards
>have not been with a girl for real since I was a kid
>gets depressed a lot
>inside playing Skyrim 24/7
>isolate myself for so long that my sense of reality is distorted
>gives me anxiety
>anxiety fucks with me to this very day. fml
>has to go to a camp of some sorts
>only know one guy there
>still alone with all these strangers as we get separated into different groups
>now I'm the new guy again
>just sit there for myself. learned it's better than going full retard like last time
>some weird guy approached me
>>hey dude. want to sit with us? we ned another guy on our group
>accepts. ready to ditch him as soon as I discover if he is a retard or not
>he is. ignoring him next time I meet him
>then I change my mind
pic slightly related. looks like beta bro

I thought these retarded "now you're thinking about HURRRR" threads died out. Get over it you whiny little bitches. I swear it's worse than watching a teenage girl after her first heartbreak. You pine after these women you can't have.

part 3
>he shouted a girls name, and this beautiful perfect Arian 10/10 girl comes up with perfect eyes, and incredible smile comes by
>>hey. who's your friend?
>>it is user. I met him yesterday
>shake her hand and great her
>cant stop thinking about this woman. I was in shock
>we hang with her sometimes
>she has a perfect personality as well
>not a feminist, not a cunt, not autistic, not mean, not a slut, just a perfect woman
>some guy tries to get with her
>mate is distressed as he too likes her
>he has no possible way to get with her though. to big competition for him
>guy is taller than me and has a deeper voice tan me even
>very chad looking
>no worries, I'm a chad as well
>my training with the ginger pays off
>know when to not be and when to be physical for example, and how to not come off as intimidating, while also coming up as dominant and alpha
>ultra chad get's btfo'd
>he is too much
>she choose me
>I fought for this woman, and I am now so close to getting her
>we flirt with each other all the time, while beta bro tries to get her as well. she gets annoyed with him
>litrally eliminated all competition at this point
>we have something going on
>I can see in the way she looks at me that she wants me, but it's too soon to take the risk. this is not supposed to be my fuck meat, but my future girlfriend
>has to be careful
cont to last part. prepare you autism goggles. shits gonna get real
she is like pic related btw

>increadably deep in love with her at this point
>we sit up all night talking and flirting
>only reason we didn't fuck was because people were nearby
>last day of camp and people stand in the rain waiting for their parents
>we talk while waiting for her friend's parents to pick her up
>I live like 150 meters away so I say goodbye and walk home
>>user! wait!
>she runs up to me and decides to walk with me
>dich her close friend and my competitors for walking in the rain with me
>99% progress made at this point. just has to nail the 1% and I can ask her out
>aks for her number as I forgot to do it before
>smiles and give me it happily
>we were both very busy that day, so she walked home alone rest of the way, while I went home
>text her
>>you want to meet me at the pizzeria tomorrow? I have some spear cash, so it's on me
>who can say no to pizza, so I think this would be perfect
>>sorry user, we don't know each other that well yet
>wat... what did I do wrong?! I thought to myself
>as I'm desperately in love, I forget to be alpha, spaghetti flies everywhere
>text her that she is pretty every. single. day
>gets annoyed with me and leaves
>relised just recently that I misunderstood her
>she saw it as something really serious
>mfw I just wanted some pizza and fucked up a potential perfect relationship in the process
>mfw her boyfriend is a beta daddy's boy as we speak
>mfw I'd be with her now if I'd brush it off, and ask her for something less serious

I still think about this woman after all these years because I just recently discovered our old messages, and realised this. I literally managed to waist the perfect girlfriend on a misunderstanding over pizza. I am depressed because I'm just a random racist shitlord on the internet, that had the potential perfect girlfriend and life for that matter. her parents were rich as fuck, while I grew up in a really poor family. I could have had a good life. now I don't

>dfw she's seeing another guy just a week after you broke up
>dfw she just instantly moved on like you didnt mean anything
>dfw you don't even have the willpower to talk to other girls yet nevermind be with someone or even a ONS.
>dfw it feels like the past 7 months have just been a complete waste of time
>dfw when mutual friends so you have to see her happy while you feel like utter shit

She moved and I never applied my self for the same school. She ended it even though I was taking the train to see her but she became distant so it ended and I never felt like it was a mutual thing.


>met a 10/10 (to me at least) girl.
>She became jealous af
>became an antisocial idiot.
>she found someone better after she moved.
>got destroyed mentally
>9 months later.
>occasionally get a strange text.
>cry inside
>finally starts to try and move on.

I broke more hearts and destroyed more lifes in the time I have been without her than I had friends when I was with her.

Don't be an antisocial cuck. Just try to be the best person you can be and make true on some prommisses you have for yourself.

>wouldn't have dated myself now I look at it in retrospective.

This was my life for a number of years

You told her you were still seeing other girls then wonder why she didnt want to get too attached? you shat in your own nest son

Strong analogy

She's not thinking of me. I'm just the old guy who used to be her Godfather, but tricked her into sending nudes. If she does think of me, it's probably thinking about kicking my ass.

I need to get over those perfect tits and that bouncy ass, I know I do. I need to get over thinking about the way she fingered herself for me. I need to get over her.

I'll get there... one day.

karma bros

Ive been playing girls for years now, even my ex of 3 years has never made me break a sweat of stress.

This girl ive been fucking for the last 3-4 months has been ignoring me and I was well aware that she is a slut.

Shes basically doing to me what ive done to my ex and all my past hookups and its been killing me.

I wrote a note to her at 3am today crying my eyes out and i didnt send it.

saving that shit for when she decides to either stop breakiing my heart or just leave for good.

When you haven't had anyone else better it's hard. We broke up at 21. I'm 25 now and 4 years later I haven't had that same connection, same spark with anyone else. I don't think of her often, but when I do it feels more of a longing for companionship than missing her specifically. But I won't lie and say that I never wish that things turned out differently. And there are certainly days where she haunts my thoughts for hours. I've been with hotter girls since but that deep, almost spiritual connection is very rare and I miss that most of all.

Alright I'm done being a faggot now.

Post em bro

Because I'm a lonely idiot.

I feel terrible Sup Forums.

I'm in a relationship of 5 years and I keep thinking of some other girl. The girl and I are both musicians and we saw eachtoher today because of that. We ended up cuddling and she blushed when I looked her in the eye. I kept thinking of her all the way home. When I came home, my girlfriend was there, waiting for me. She sucked me off and then she left. I couldn't help but to think of the other girl while being sucked off. Not even in a sexual way, just in a 'I need to see you again, as soon as possible' kind of way. Sooo, now I'm here and I'm really fucking depressed.

Yes, we must know how you feel...


I do this to an extent, I don't have a clue why, most girls to me are just that, girls, but the one that causes oneitos, are the ones that I consider rarereties out I the world, the self motivated hard working woman. If I see that she can take care of her financial needs without having to ask for my help,this is what usually get me going, I start thinking about how great she and I would be together and what things we could accomplish together. Then I realize that a woman like that would never want a cringe guy like me,
Idk why or if it's true, but recently I feel this way about a certain type of girl that I use to work with.
Someone made up a rumor that I had quit because she had gotten pregnant buy the guy she was currently fucking because of me (guy poked a hole in the condom). Then later telling my friend that I still have feeling for her but I won't talk to her or engage with her because she now pregnant with another mans seed. Apperantly she got an abortion because of me, and had my number
(Even do I have told her to give me hers twice, and rejected me twice). She won't call me and every day I think about if today will be the day, but it never is, help me Sup Forums.

I honestly want to but the way she went about the whole situation between us, is what keeps her on my mind. Bottom line is that she used me and given the amount of years I spent being around her, my mind doesn't want to accept that she could be such a horrible person. I've seen real emotion and pain in her from some of the shit she's gone through, that I wasn't wanting to see. Karma is a thing though because she got herpes from the pussy ass bitch that she chose to be with over me and he treats her like she can't do anything right. Oh well, I guess the shoe is on the other foot now and she knows how it feels, maybe thinks she deserves it. Who knows. Either way I'll never take her back no matter what I feel because if I did, she wouldn't respect me and it would only enable her to think she can get away with the same shit again. lolnope.jpg

Sounds like you want a financially stable woman to carry your weak-ass... Go suck a bottle faggot.

>itty bitty baby
>itty bitty boat


Still think about her alot and hopefully one day she will be back.

going to rape her

not brain knowledge knows shes fucking retarded
Heart strings are still there.

Lol ok i make $1,500 usd a month
I want a girl that isint just gonna stay home all day every day and clean the house etc. etc. when we could make millions together and pay other people to do it

Yeah I pretty much let her go and faced the probability that I was nothing to her, then she texts me back 6 months later.
Shit's retarded.

are you gay

She wants your validation man, she isint getting it from someone else, and then she remembed you, remember women feed off of knowing they are desired

You can't kiss a dumpster tho.

>Thinking about her and my ex-best mate.
>Thinking about him kissing the mouth that I blew so many loads in.
>Thinking about fucking my fiance.

No doubt user.
See I dropped my one-itis problem almost as soon as we stopped talking.
I talk to at least 4 women at a time to keep myself occupied.
I still never stopped seeing her as "the one".
But I moved out of state, and will be moving back soon.
Should I give her any more of my time?

Well, if I where you, as long as you know she's going to do the same shit she did before, make sure you let her know the only thing you want from her is sex. At least at first, if she won't fuck, then tell her to stop talkig to you entirely, this alone might get you out of the beta male zone

few days ago.

>be late at night night
>live in the same apartment building as my ex
>only broke up a few days ago, I'm ruined
>cant sleep, stressed out and very warm, go to the balcony around 4:30am for a quick drink of water
>see my ex coming back from a night out and taking another guy into her flat already

It hurts Sup Forums

woah there friendo, watch where you point your "beta male".
Like I said I'm not obsessed anymore and talk to other girls on and off.
But like you said I really don't know if she's gonna do the same shit.
I still want something serious with her but I might just have to pump n dump.

Thinking about the only girl that ever cared about me. I wasn't there when she needed me the most and haven't been able to stop thinking about it for years.

why weren't u there?

I mean you could always play her but at least fuck her first before deciding what to do next

Or, I could just make her a quadriplegic.

Got dumped because she wants her ex now she texts me i love you but she regrets it wtf is wrong with females???

Cuz ay dunt wunt tah, how bout DAT?!

They have no control over their emotions and are innately hypergamous.
If you don't know what that means, it means they are always looking for the best relationship, and they'll leave anyone if they think they can get a better one.

Biology says that all woman want the best optimal mate they can attract, she thought her x was better she was dead wrong

I had to switch schools. I had her number and lived nearby, but only talked to her once after it.

Fuckin hivemind, man...

*Best man
They don't care if they are in a relationship as long as the man is there's

It's the truth man

I just want her to feel the same pain that I feel right now

That was implied.
By "relationship" I mean all the good stuff he has.

Hit the gym, get gud.
If you can't make yourself more attractive than her ex, fuck it you lost.
It's a game my friend so play it right before it's over.

I know.. Because she is dead..

Oh I agree, it's just eerie how we said more or less the same thing at the same time.

Lol anyone want a crash course on female phycology?

Good move. Fags wouldn't understand.
Why should he? There's absolutely nothing wrong with keeping tabs.
All about of the plan...

Anyone want a crash course on female phycology?

Sometimes I wonder how powerful Sup Forums would be in real society if we were a unified cult or secret organization.
Obviously NEETs aren't included.

Sure, redpill us oh wise one.


How does this happen? Have you atleast tried to find another woman? Were other women bitches? How'd you break up?