What was the most expensive mistake you've ever made?

What was the most expensive mistake you've ever made?

me fusing with that egg cell


being born poor, now everything i buy is expensive

blow inheritance instead of saving and investing.


Absolutely wreck someone's camper with my friends

Males are better at swimming with females because males are half sperm

what did you do you fuck

Stupid shit, I don't even know. I have nothing really to show for it.

Consumable stuff, I guess. Food, gas, etc.

all gone

Didn't wear a condom. I'm a dad now. I love him and wouldn't want to get rid of him. He's an awesome child, but tbh he was a mistake and not a cheap one.

lost virginity

Bought a house in late 2006. 11 years later and it's barely regained it's original value, and in the mean time I spent almost $40,000 in repairs and upkeep.

That image has been cancer for a decade now.


$90 spent this past sunday on a landwhale who could only blow me since she was too fat for me to penetrate.

I bought a Subaru STI once

DWI. Seriously... don't drive drunk.

buying an SA account

why didn't you go to school or travel or at least do SOMETHING fuckin' constructive with it? god damn.

Shoulda just browsed and now you're theirs

Went to the wrong doctor

>I gave my brother in law a loan of $1900
>I gave my jewish business partner a loan of $1400
>I gave my buddy $1000 for a drug deal

They all never paid me back, I really should not loan money to people.


Got caught "street racing" (which was realistically just me hauling ass to see how fast I could go) and got bopped doing 75 in a 25. Could have been charged with felony reckless driving but in court ended up making some compromise where I accepted a 1 year and 1 day license suspension for all criminal charges to be dropped. Still got hit with tons of moving violations tho and ended up paying over $1000 in tickets, then since I had no license for over a year (the reason it was 1 year and 1 day) I payed close to another thousand to actually get my license back. So basically at age 18 I lost almost $2000 for being a retard and driving like a dick for no real reason.

Went on vacation to this place... Didnt take a computer or phone.
Stock market sunk... Lost about 40k in stock during the two weeks I was there.

hopefully you didn't panic & sell as soon as you got back?

I'm only upset that the jew didn't pay you back..

Dad? How could you say that?


Don't feel to bad user. I met this one guy who blew 550,000 in inheritance over the course of 5 years. Now he works a dead end job in a shitty Missouri town with nothing to show for it

Same. Mine cost me about $17k
How much did it cost you?

Other than my ex gf, dui. Cost me about 7grand

How the fuck do you blow 550,000? That's mad.

wtf what did he do???

Absolutely. Still suffering from that shit.

18-22 I spent 4 years and over 40 grand on a degree in psychology cause I wanted to fix my fucked up family

it took me a lot longer than that to learn that they're just pieces of shit and there's nothing I could have done to fix that

Got addicted to Heroin

forgot I needed a passport to travel and had to cancel my 1.000€ flight with no returns

i trusted women

Friend asked if I wanted to get into bitcoin mining with him when it first came out. I said nah. He's the rich friend with the comfy place we hang out at now. :(

hahahaha, where were you planning on going?

My existentially is the most expensive and regrettable mistake i ever made... Paying for it every day!!

I went later with stepfathers saved miles when I got it, but still annoys me

have a friend that lost 500 coins, when people were literally on here giving them away for free.

This :(

Fucked a nigger once. Cost me $36,000 in child support. I don't recommend it.

paid 40 dollars for some weed that i later found out was just grass. even had hair in it


But that's the only case where he should have 100% knew better.

that's technically still weed though

Trade up contract on Counter-Strike
I'm bound to do more stupid shit down the line though

Forgot my wallet on top of a gas pump yesterday. I had $80 bucks in it.....


being intollerant.
Because this mistake costs INNOCENT LIFES!

Gambling. I have put my time money family and relationship on the table