Tell me of your interactions with Muslims in real life

Tell me of your interactions with Muslims in real life.

too many for this thread t b h

Never met one

I met a few, they were smelly, had very bad teeth and talked like they had a dick in their mouth.
They spent a week here and returned to London.

they're bad drivers

I fucked a muslim qt just yesterday ama

I was molested be a drunk not very attractive Morocan girl some years ago.
And apart of being near them in a metro or being near lots of they woman in bags in the summer and the smell, not very much more desu.

My girlfriend's dad is.

the muzzies at uni give everyone the stink eye if they even bother to muster up the basic decency of making eye contact

Was she a virgin?

First roommate was muslim. Super chill dude who would offer to be the DD for people. Salt of the earth fellow.

Went to some Turkish fair a few months ago. Amazing food and everyone was very friendly and open despite being one of the only non-Turks there.

But fuck Somalis, the men are so fucking loud and rude. Worst immigrant group in my city by far. But among there are some qts to be found.

I used to be a part time mailman, one time I had a signed letter for a Moroccan family.
Man opens the door wearing a long robe and signs with 'Allah'. I shit you not.


I took the virginity of an Algerian girl in highschool. Religious enough to be veiled, which is kinda rare here. She didn't even have delusions of me marrying her or anything, her reasoning was that it was alright because she would get hymen reconstruction surgery later, so her future husband will never know, and that Allah would forgive her.

She actually got engaged not long after graduating. Don't know if she had other guys other me, if she had that surgery done, or if her husband knows, though.

Really hypocrite
They drink,swear,dont pray and all, but in the end eating some pork or making fun of Muhammad is wrong to them

She probably did a lot of Blue is the Warmest Colour-tier lesbian nonsense as well

I live in a relatively poor neighbourhood where there is a lot of Muslims, black guys, and Portuguese.

Apparently there is a traffic of weed going on. Never seen it.
Lots of people are walking in full prayer attire. Some women have a ugly, unicolour piece of clothing that covers everything but the face. Others are dressed normally. I've heard them speak of the imam a few times - in French. Nobody speaks Arabic.

The roads are clean and pretty because the town is rich and take care of it. Never heard of theft or violence the whole 2 years I've been living here. Everybody lives in state-owned houses and shop at the hard-discount. The buildings are 8 to 14 floors tall usually, kept clean by the housing company. Near them you can find parkings and parks. The parks are also kept clean.

One time people tried to broke the building's door window, leaving it damaged. It got changed the next week.

People are extremely noisy and party up to 2 am. Had an argument with a neighbour over this. He calmed down since.

One time I witnessed two Arab guys arguing with a (white) woman over traffic issue. Did not hear any slurs though. It began to heat up but a crowd formed and separated them.

Police can be seen doing some patrols here and then. A car is parked near the building I live in since two years and is completly wrecked.

In short you do notice them, but they are not too bad. Mostly because the town invests a lot in keeping everything clean.

I once fucked a turkish girl. Was bretty good but gave me a STD

my favorite one:
>have date with muslim guy
>go to a restaraunt
>complains about me drinking alcohol and eating pork
>"dude, you're gay, you're going to hell anyway"
>"one thing doesn't mean that I will neglect my faith bla bla"

Never met one

A Turkish kebab shop owner in UK gave me a part time summer job (leaflets) when I was a teenager. He paid me a bit more than he had to and his family always offered me a meal before working.
If an average roach is like these guys then they're alright in my book.

Never met one yet

Did you end up bumming him?

Our family has an AVO and police charges against one of our Muslim neighbours for jumping the fence and bashing my mum.
They are fucking shitcunts. They're not intelligent and hyper aggressive and are always trying to stab someone in the back for their personal gain.

The ones at uni talk in nothing but Spanglish while wearing their scarf so all right I guess

This. Never met one either. They aren't worth my time. My city is over 99% white.


Does anybody here speak fluent arabic? I would really like some help with something I'm trying to write. It would be greatly appreciated.

Why gay Muslims tend to be effeminate ?

Served with an Albanian Muslim as a conscript.

He washed his feet in the sink. He could fall asleep standing upright. He would go clubbing and dance his ass off, stone cold sober.
The Muslims had to sign up for alternative food in the mess hall. If they missed one meal they would be put off the list, and couldn't get back on.

He was also the spitting image of king Zog. I've only met one Albanian, so for all I know they all look like that.

>"Hey, how much for the gin"
>"That would be 13 euros"
>"Do you take credit card?"
>"Nah, sorry"
>"No worries"
From yesterday.

Possible, honestly. One of her fantasies was watching me fuck another girl and then joining in, and we watched lesbian porn together.

Thinking back, it's kinda hilarious how hyprocitical she was. But a lot of Muslims, especially the guys, are like that here: drinking, smoking, trying (and failing) to fuck girls, but claiming to be religious and doing the Ramadan and all that.

From what I've seen some Muslims treat their religion like a contract lol loopholes everywhere

>doing Ramadan

You mean

>seize an excuse to eat and party at 4am

Oh yeah, of course. And don't forget that it gives them an excuse to bitch when you eat in front of them.

But I don't mind the Ramadan too much, desu. During it the mother of the Muslim family in my building always gives me sweets and rests of God-tier food ever since I tutored her kids, because she thinks I'm too skinny. I almost don't have to buy groceries for a month.

>Tell me of your interactions with Muslims in real life.
Had a Iraqi (Muslim) in my year when I used to go to school. It was 99% white and he was the only brown bloke. He was pretty charming I guess.
He'd show everyone pics of all the (usually white) girls talking to and which ones he slept with, which was a lot for kids our age I guess.
I started talking to his cousin one day and he threatened me the day after, to stay away from his family or else he was gonna go and drop me.

Muzzies are fucking hypocrite scum. Fuck em.


Tried to kill my friends twice, saw a muslim woman in a hijab once, played a football match against tatars once

she has pierced nipples, giant breasts and has anal sex only because vaginal penetration before marriage displeases allah


>but claiming to be religious and doing the Ramadan and all that.
Because in this age social and sexual fulfillment are paramount, decadence is everywhere, and they've been exposed to Western pleasures and tech

They'll have important moments and revert right back in middle age, seek forgiveness and use their self-hatred for all those vices to hate decadent countries

People will commit all those foul acts and later cite the Hadith - 'There will come a time where being pious will be as tortorous and painful as clasping a hot coal'

Ya same here. I've only seen like 2 black people in my life and a few natives. Everyone else is white.

I do jerk off to occasional Arab girls getting smashed tho.

Most are utter dickheads to everyone where I live. There are a few who actively condemn the group listed above, and are super friendly to others.
>TL;DR Basically depends.

>and a few natives.
Kinda sad desu :(

Never met one. Knew one azerbaijani but he is atheist.

Actually, most of the people below who condemn them are now atheist.

>grew up on farmland, rural area
>shooting pests is a part of life
>between ages 8 and 12, literally spend hours EVERY afternoon, EVERY day, shooting rabbits and feral birds who ruin our family's crops
>one day my Muslim uncle from Egypt, comes up to me whilst I'm shooting parrots
>says "You know user, these trees... these plants, these bugs, even these rabbits and birds, they're all God's creatures."
>I reply "hmm... I guess they were all created by God" (not at all religious, but talk to him in that sense anyway)
>He says "Exactly, and they're all alive - all living; just like you. And they all deserve respect and life, you know."
>I reply "Yeah... you're right."
>he says "I love you user, have a good afternoon"
>hugs me, then leaves

I fucking love him, he's the best uncle ever, we always were so close, and I'm glad he's in my life. Absolutely wonderful man. When I bring up the topic of Islamic terrorism with him, he explains how they're all fucking crazy, deserve to die, should never have been born and should have their own mothers killed by terrorists to see how it feels.

But then I realize that he's quite frankly one of the minorities within his culture. His own brother won't talk to my family, because we're kaffirs.

Weird mix, give me uncomfortable feels about holding the view that Islam is a toxic culture; but it's still how I feel.

Mashallah brother. Mashallah. Really brought some liquido to the old eye you feel me.

>one day my Muslim uncle from Egypt,
PLEASE impregnate a European white girl in your remaining time in Australia.

We NEED more hybrid vigor in these lands.

if i've ever had any i couldn't tell they were muslim, i didn't ask and they didn't tell


Met a few when Pakistan were touring Australia for cricket a few months back. We were sitting next to each other for two days of the test.

Lovely blokes. Kept on offering me food they bought with them and rambled on and on about why Wasim Akram was better than Glenn McGrath.
One of them really liked David Warner and kept on yelling that he'd give him a free taxi ride whenever he was fielding near us kek.

>between ages 8 and 12, literally spend hours EVERY afternoon, EVERY day, shooting rabbits and feral birds who ruin our family's crops

Shit, we basically had the same childhood
I once met a Coptic Egyptian guy, they lead a very hard, dangerous life over there.

>private uni now
Only have a few muslim friends. Rest is indian or bangladeshi.
>Sup Forumsolerant is now tolerant

Never met one, knew one Iranian but he was atheist

Master race desu

Don't think I have any

Well I went to school with some rich Kuwaiti exchange student but I think that's the only Muslim I've ever met

they detonated

I once called my Bosniak neighbour a camel-fucking rug merchant in a fit of rage

not one of my proudest moments

I asked for directions at a small mosque once. They gave me what I asked.

There were a lot of likely-muslim people I bought middle-eastern food and Moroccan-style tea from, but I didn't ask if they were. They didn't wear traditional clothing, so it would be risky to bet on it.

never seen one irl

I look at a mirror and say "you look okay".

yeah i have seen that shit here in india too......they say bismullah when they open the door.....usually.

>rug merchant
What's wrong with selling rugs?

Noone buys any rags these days and most of these places are used for money laundering.

are you screwing her daily?will you marry her?

Well I have quite many muslim friends at my University (all of them immigrants or sons of immigrants), including my two best friends.

And everything is ok, we often discuss religion (I'm Atheist) but there isn't really a difference than with non-muslims..

Haha, This.

I think I worked with one, but religion never comes up in our socialist secular republic so I'm not sure.

how did he feel about it later .....why would you call him that?


>visiting college during summer
>school has a small lake with beach
>10/10 muslim girl laying on towel
>i smile as i walk past and she returns it
>heart melts
>ask if i can walk around during our lunch break
>get permission and leave
>see her eating lunch alone
>ask to join her.
>says yes and i sit down.
>have basic conversation
>tells me she immigrated here only a year ago
>says she has never been talked to so casually
>asks for my number
>we talk for a few weeks
>she wants me to show her around the area
>meet her
>shes wearing short shorts and crop top
>heart melts again
>show her around and get dinner
>says its too late to walk back to her dorms
>asks to stay overnight at my place
>parents are away so yes
>asks to use shower
>takes shower and walks into my room wearing nothing but towel.
>drink a bit
>watch tv
>she drops towel
>asks me to fuck her
>best sex ever
>super submissive
>fuck all night
>walk her to her first class next morning
>she says shes to sore to walk so i rent a bike and we ride there
>blows me in the bathroom
>says she will call me later
>days pass
>hear people talking about a few students being deported
>she was illegal
>she was deported....

pic kinda related (not her but not far off)

trump, blame that hairy douche........heart melting story user.

Coming this summer to theatres near you

>heart melts

takes shower and walks into my room wearing nothing but towel.
>she drops towel
>asks me to fuck her
>best sex ever

>super submissive

>fuck all night
>walk her to her first class next morning
>she says shes to sore to walk so i rent a bike and we ride there

>blows me in the bathroom

This sounds like a typical4Chan fantasy haha wtf. The
>super submissive
bit tipped me off cause most arab immigrants think they're the shit

yeah me too

well we are from asia so we are excused

did you do the pizza roll? its a sex position

took undergrad Arabic, at the time it was mostly Lebanese who were giant bros, Egyptians who were sulky, and various military brats who were retarded. Professor was a one eyed Iraqi refugee and certifiably insane. In retrospect he was also pretty red pilled and told us many a story of perfidious ways of the Jews.

Only girls in my math phd program were muslims. They were small and insular. It chapped my add they refused to shake my hand.