Would The Predator be able to kill Kevin in his house full of traps?

Would The Predator be able to kill Kevin in his house full of traps?


No. His honor would prevent it.
No pregnant women and no children.

Nah. That 7ft nigga would get clocked by a swinging paint can and then not be able to get up since the floor would be covered in marbles. No chance in hell.

and there go my fucking sides. fucking kudos

predator would step on a nail and die

But what if Kevin provoked him? I think the predator would do something then.

Kevin only had a chance against the burglers because he saw them coming. Predator has stealth technology.
I say Pred wins this 6 times out of 10.

After seeing what the Predator species can handle.. Unless Kevin had an actual weapon that posed a viable threat, he would be ignored.

How much prep time does each of them get?

>7 ft armor-clad motherfucker
He'd step in literally all of Kevin's traps.

And then probably just panic and self-destruct.

20 minutes. Predator covered in flour or some shit.

> Kevin gets house prepped
> Predator arrives
> thermal vision can see heated door knob
> goes through window
> callused feet crush ornament glass with no effect
> gets to bottom of stairs
> immense weight flattens micromachines
> *here come the paint cans!*
> plasmacaster obliterates them
> Kevin tosses tarantula at Predator
> Predator fucking eats it
> Kevin tries to get to treehouse via rope
> Predator grabs rope and rips it from the tree
> now Kev is unconcious on the back lawn
> Predator jumps from window no problem
> takes off biomask and horks a loogie on Kevin
> not worthy of a trophy
> worst insult

>Predator sneaks into Kevins room
>Kid is hiding under the covers
>Predator goes invisible and leaps to the bedside
>Removes covers and lifts blades
>Xenomorph jumps out the bed
Meanwhile Kevin is getting some juice downstairs, says "3...2...1" and then a long scream from the Predator eminates from upstairs.

Oh my god I have never laughed so hard

> goes to leave
> slips on a marble
> falls down stairs
> breaks neck on last stair
> who really had the last laugh

Glad ypu enjoyed.
Why the fuck would he re-enter the window and go down the stairs when he's already outside and the objective is complete?



Frankly i expect some bullshit like this with The Predator comin out in 2k18, with the literal autistic kid being involved. (Who tf looked at the predator series and thought, hm, this needs literal autistic kids?)

>little kid plot armor

Yeah, imma go with Kevin.

The answer to this ultimately depends on whether we're watching a Home Alone movie featuring the predator, or a Predator movie featuring Kevin McAllister.

If it's the former then plot armor will win the day every time. If it's the later it's a toss up between whether Kevin is an extra, in which case he dies very quickly, or if he's the main protagonist in which case he'll probably live, but only if he forges an alliance with the Predator to stop the Wet Bandits from plundering his ship full of rare species' skulls.

What is this you speak of?
Is there actually an autistic character?

Well predator has honor but that little shit would have no chance in hell. He would start it and my main man would fuck him all up

Nope. Kevin at home is invincible. Could beat One-Above-All easily

Supposedly. This is the leaked plot- ill find shots of the kid on set

That. Sounds. Retarded.

Here's the cast. Got this from a site called blackfilm but cant post link- it also has the plot i posted

It really does. Shane Black met up with Arnold and even he denied appearing in the movie because he didn't like it

Tell me that isn't the dude from Key & Peel on the far right...

"house full of traps" It depends. What kind of traps? If /b traps... Predator would be disgusted and leave immediately.


Just checked- yep, that's him. Keegan-Michael Key.

So.. The sjw liberal Hollywood crowd got their hands on another beloved franchise.

> .... B.. But.. Muh Predator..
Okay. Taking bets on how bad this hurts the franchise.

Arnold will not be pleased by this atrocity. Only god may help the franchises not yet squandered by the Hollywood SJW plague.

D'glester Hardunkichud?

> we have a cis white male who is portrayed as failing as a father since his son is estranged
> a young female biology professor who's likely going to spout off about the Preds being non-binary gender queers or some shit
> a littoral autistic "genious"
> a merc from a YouTube comedy channel that they'll try to take a Deadpool angle with
> an African refugee
> and one of them is probably Muslim to ice this turd cake
> bonus: no Arnold


Arnold cameo? 2 minute cameo?

not true if kevin tried to kill him he would kill kevin if kevin didn't fight there would be no sport to it so he wouldn't kill him then

>Ghostbusters all over again

> SJW's vs. Arnold's legacy movies be like gif related

Not to mention the bullshit "genetic engineering" of a Pred, as if preds as they were weren't terrifying/strong/interesting enough as they are. We all know they're gonna pull a Jurassic World durr hurr deux ex machina and defeat the "stronger" pred either way. I s2g this is fucking cancer

Lex Luthor was right.. We should nuke the San Andreas fault line and send Hollywood to the bottom of the Pacific.