What are the best songs?

What are the best songs?

>inb4 none


Probably cassius-

I like this album a lot but I hope it grows on me more because I feel I should like it more than I do, still an 7-8/10

Fool's Errand

Third Of May, Kept Woman, On Another Ocean, Meartscapa

Also that moment in the first track where he gets up, still singing, opens a door and then falls into the strings is fucking amazing

Yeah I feel this. It's a beautiful album but I kinda miss their old way of making songs

Didn't listen to the leak, but the two singles, Third of May is mediocre as fuck and Fool's Errand is garbage

kill yourself

Dude, give Third of May another couple of listens. It took a minute to hit me but now it's my favourite song of the year.

Fool's Errand is still pretty eh

>Didn't listen to the leak

kill yourself

wew lad
did my opinion offend you?

>liking songs tailored exclusively for that p4k BNM

No I like this style better honestly, it just feels like they think the melodies are much more beautiful than they actually are, I like the change, I just hope I can fully appreciate everything about it with repeated listens

>Implying Robin gives a flying fuck about p4k

On Another Ocean (SOTY)
Naiads, Cassadies
I Should See Memphis

he really does kek


I Am All That I Need
On another ocean
Fool's Errand
I should see memphis
if you need to keep time on me
crack up
third of may
naiads, cassadies
Kept Woman

Irelevant band

>modern folk is irrelevant
>being this normie


>fleet foxes
>modern folk

Did you just try to avoid saying indie folk?

>going off-topic to distract from the fact you're a pleb

I thought the album was ok. More grandiose than their other stuff but it's pretty much the same thing.

All of them except Keep Time, boring and doesn't quite fit with the grandness of the rest of the songs