Why are liberals into art (including fine arts, music, etc.) moreso than right-wingers?

Why are liberals into art (including fine arts, music, etc.) moreso than right-wingers?

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Because they're mostly secular/humanist/athiest and think things man has done and made are the pinnacle.

They really aren't. Have you even met any art people? The historians are more conservative while the practicing "artists" are usually liberal.

[citation needed]

>[citation needed]
Given this isn't true, maybe there is still a huge divide in the type of art consumed. Hypothesis: liberals rather consume abstract art, while conservatives prefer representational art (realism, ...).

And yet, the answer remains the same: escapism.

I'm going to break up your circlejerk and give an actual answer since I'm a liberal.

In my personal experience, I started out as an uptight conservative until I was 19. When I was 19 I dealt with the misery that I had before and experienced consistent happiness for the first time in my life. This correlated with a newfound liberal ideology and a huge boost in creativity as well as appreciation for art.

I find that conservatives are often bitter people who reject anything right brained and of that nature. I don't think their personalities are conducive to liking art, and obviously there are exceptions so don't be a fucking retard and pretend I'm implying there isn't.

>maybe there is still a huge divide in the type of art consumed. Hypothesis: liberals rather consume abstract art, while conservatives prefer representational art (realism, ...).

Liberals consume (and produce) shitty art, anything that is simple and ugly.
Other liberals then 'interpret' that art.

See: spraying paint from your twat or asshole onto canvas, randomly scattering garbage around a gallery, photographing faggots with tennis rackets stuck in their bungholes, ir just doing fucking nothing (pic related).

>and experienced consistent happiness for the first time in my life.

So some chick touched your dick finally and you became a complete pussy liberal because that's what she is. Got it, story old as time.

No I was fucking around with girls when I was 14. I found meaning in life and found confidence in myself. Good on you for just making up a story and getting it completely wrong though.

spot the liar.

There's a woman involved. He knows it, he's embarrassed that his 'how i became a liberal fag' story is so obvious.

Nope, found a long term gf when I was 20 and was just doing one night stands at 19, as I was before. It's pretty funny that you're hung up on this, I wonder why that is.

>since I'm a liberal
Stopped reading right there.


Good on you for pushing your boundaries and letting your views be challenged.

Liberals certainly seem to be more 'into' Modern Art. It's intriguing that a lot of such art is aesthetically - and usually technically - inferior to, say, a Pre-Raphaelite painting or illuminated manuscript. People with an interest in this nu-age crap claim the intrigue lies not in what can be seen, but in contemplating the thought processes and mood of the creator. In other words, modern art panders to the Liberal fantasy that mind is equal to matter, and therefore reality can be ignored because, hey, yours is different to mine.
I would also say that if you're talking about art critics, of the ilk who study HOA at Oxbridge or Harvard, then you should remember that whilst they are intelligent they are also, invariably, from moneyed backgrounds. This means they have little experience of the vicissitudes encountered by the common man, and are more likely to hold liberal/communist/Marxist beliefs.

Good on you for being mentally ill.

Lol I'm a happy dude actually.

>Stopped reading right there.
And I stopped reading right there.

>tfw flaky creative stereotype but also rightwing as fuck
>tfw can't get along anywhere

Conservatives value preserving tradition, whereas Liberals believe in change, in possibilities and pushing the envelope, seeking novel and new approaches to issues in society. Hence, why Liberals are more likely to be creative and into the arts.

No liberals are happy. You are not happy. Keep telling yourself you are, though.

Art isn't functional.

I'm talking about art in general, not specific types of art. Also don't forget that our countries are pretty different in culture.

I could say nearly the exact same thing in inverse, excluding the bullshit abut misery. It has nothing to do with your political persuasion.


lmao okay man, whatever helps you sleep at night.

So at the end then?

I think it's pretty clear that there is overlap between political affiliation and taste in art. Political affiliation is based on sub-culture, and each sub-culture has associated art.

That's not true unless you consider "modern art" as a form of art than yes right wankers ain't into coan shaped snowman and shit

Because they can't handle truth and facts.

Liberals are definitely more artistic

I suppose not having a job frees up alot of brainpower to dedicate to art

>hey i can lie on the internet

check out my solid gold rocket car nigga

You know how people have hobbies that they do in their free time? Some people have the hobby of creating and consuming art.

Man you are insecure as fuck, this is sad. Nothing I've said is rare or unbelievable.

You didn't say taste in art, you were talking about art in general. Obviously it affects your taste in art, degenerate shit about twerkin' Dat booty and poppin' the pussy isn't going to appeal to me as it would to others.

>Why is a field that is 99% worthless impoverished losers mostly made up of liberals
Wowwie gee I can't imagine.

More seriously it's because liberals are obsessed with novelty, and novelty-seekers do tend to be creative. That doesn't mean that what they create is good, however. For every one good idea a Liberal has, fifty stupid ideas are shot down by Conservatives. That is the dynamic our civilization has, and it works.

There's a lot more variety among both art makers and consumers than your black or white thinking allows.

This guy is either a great shitposter/baiter or mentally deficient. What a fucking faggot damn.

Most liberal "artists" are jobless bums and they like it that way. They think it makes them more authentic somehow to be a rich kid playing at being poor on daddy's money.

It's rather pathetic really.


they're into 'modern art' - the bullshit that resembles nothing and can be cranked out by talentless posers with grant money.

Artists with actual talent tend to be more mid to right.

I know plenty of liberals with jobs who make music or art in their free time. I know some that do it for a career.

I'm in art school, have been drawing my whole life, naturally talented, and prefer abstraction to realism, because it's more challenging imo.

I'm pretty conservative. Also, I'm the only guy at school who actually likes math.

I live round the corner from an art college. I know what these faggots are like.

conservative people only turned away from art when it started to have a degenarate ideology.
just look at the most popular singers of today, one more disgusting than the other

>Artists with actual talent tend to be more mid to right.


>"“Britain is ready for a fascist leader… I think Britain could benefit from a fascist leader. After all, fascism is really nationalism… I believe very strongly in fascism, people have always responded with greater efficiency under a regimental leadership…Adolf Hitler was one of the first rock stars…You’ve got to have an extreme right front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up.” -David Bowie

Looks like something from TheOnion

Artist here. Mostly abstract/collage. Have shows just about every month, sell enough work to pay rent every now and then, work as chef to pay the rest of the bills. when I was younger I was liberal, as I got older I went more and more libertarian, now pretty much full blown conservative. Have to go to many art shows to peddle my work. The absolute nonsense I must endure at these functions is staggering. I must be the only non bernout in the whole art community.

Liberals are artistic

Conservatives are autistic

>le artists are liberals
>showing starry night
You realize Van Gogh wanted to be a priest, right?

As an ex-liberal, it makes them feel special and smart. Many of my lib friends would often imply they were smarter than conservatives because they are more "open" to art.

Its not true. They use art for image. Can't count how many times a liberal drones on about pseudo art. And "droning" is a key term- they will latch onto the same thing every other liberal likes if they think it gives them an image of being open minded and free thinking. You know the rampant pseudo artsy shit tumblr spews? Probably the best example of this all.

Don't know how the irony isn't lost on them.

I went to a liberal arts college. Things change after college. You have to get a job, many of them stay liberal, and they still love art.

why are NEETS into shitposting on Sup Forums more so than people with jobs?

>The absolute nonsense I must endure at these functions is staggering
Got any stories for us user?

This (about art events)

I skipped on my friend's opening last night because I can't take these people anymore. It's not enough to be creative in art, they have to be chaotic in every aspect of their lives; yet, all of their stylish opinions sound the same to me.

>When I was 19 I dealt with the misery that I had before and experienced consistent happiness for the first time in my life. This correlated with a newfound liberal ideology and a huge boost in creativity as well as appreciation for art.
You found religion, not a proper political doctrine. This is pathetic.


>You have to get a job, many of them stay liberal, and they still love art.

Yeah but they're no longer artists because they find out that outside of their postmodern circlejerk no one is interested in a gallery full of high resolution pictures of their arseholes and their only other marketable skill is serving coffee.


>their life has to be a chaotic work of art
blame rimbaud


MICA is right near where I go to school. All of their art is fucking ugly and not aesthetically pleasing at all. It's all either abstract social commentary, or Jackson Pollack bullshit. Don't even get me started on the student "films"

I don't know if it's just because of where I grew up or what, but all the people I grew up with who turned into hardcore liberals never showed any interest in the arts. They're all into anime, these shitty screamo bands, and those stupid fucking comic book movies.

They wouldn't know fine art if it started jerking off in front of them in their room.

Conservatives appreciate actual art that takes talent (classical music, excellent sculpture, etc.) Unfortunately, the kind of "art" that's hip today is talentless crap.

You really have no interest in any kind of rational debate. I have no interest in debating someone like you who bases everything on emotions and hyperbole.

Who /conservativeartist/ here? Feels fucking alienating, man.

because art/listening to music/video games and similar to those, are a waste of time




To be fair Picasso (or rublev desu) don't exactly constitute anything past entry level either.

When you're broke (i.e. liberal) and can't buy it, you see it as this great exotic world you will never be a part of and it's fascinating.

When you have money (i.e. conservative) you see a bunch of pictures that don't look anything like their subjects and wonder why some retard thinks you'll pay more than 20 bucks for them and it's all super boring.

You will never find a self-made art collector for this reason, only aristocratic blue-bloods. In order to make enough money to be "into art" you have to have the kind of financial sense that makes you realize how retarded it is.

When you take a minority and apply it to a much larger group which it doesn't apply to, you're exaggerating. Enjoy your weak trolling or stupidity, I can't tell which.

I've never met a conservative who really cared about the arts, which kind of sucks. I'm more of a musicfag, but my options are usually either libcucks with some pretty damn refined taste one way or another, or conservatives that pull the "everything but rap and country" card. Or "everything but rap and metal."

It's kind of offsetting.

Liberals love "art". Conservatives/right-wingers love ART.

i wish i could paint clouds like that

I ruin a lot of painting because of shitty painted clouds




These people are representing countries. Art institutions are awaring them prizes. Their work is (somehow) worth millions.

For pictures of anal shincters, cans of the artist's shit, piles of literal rubbish that they get mad about when the cleaners mistake it for what it is and throw it away. They're designing publuc buildings, apearing on televisions, teaching at schools.

"minority". Fucking laughable.

You know what the real minority in art is these days? Art. The kind that you don't need a degree in wankery to "appreciate".

>You will never find a self-made art collector for this reason, only aristocratic blue-bloods.
Yeah no. There's shitloads of new-rich art collectors that buy all kinds of gaudy shit because they want to seem cultured and flaunt their wealth.

How much of a minority are they really though? I think it's a larger percentage than you would expect

They're not into art at all. They're just into the image of being an artist.Basically they are just practicing a form of narcissism which requires little effort. They actually have no appreciation for beauty or aeshtetics, in fact I think they are jealous of beautiful art and hate it because they can't create it. Art to them is something that provokes a reaction and ultimately draws attention to themselves, because it's not about art it is about them. I studied art briefly and most people could not even draw to save themselves. But they could create works of abstraction and then write 3000 word essays on their shitty creations. Then these people graduate with top marks and become art teachers or even worse get artists grants that could be given to people with actual talent. We need to burn down all the modern art museums and art colleges and break the cycle. We need a revival of true Western art and architecture.

I'm a conservative and I adore art, I consider it to be one of the founding principals of humanity itself. Where we have existed, art has followed. I do feel though, that my taste is certainly different from the tastes of the degenerate liberals that infest modern art galleries and I would be ashamed to have anything I've made set beside the works of a liberal.

I feel that the answer, pertaining to the question as to why liberals are so adamant about art, is simple. Liberals enjoy being loud and known, few liberals are content to harbor their views internally and instead make it very well known that they are a liberal. Conservatives are far more soft spoken about their ideology and prefer to keep it as a small portion of a greater whole. This reflects on both liberal's and conservative's interest so liberals are more apt to express their interest in art.

But, we must remember this: The greatest pieces of art have always been created by people who are either apathetic towards ideology or people who were staunch conservatives. Very few pieces of quality, culture reflecting art have been made by liberals, showing that they constitute the idiotic majority of artist while the more conservative or crazy types are the elite of the field.

On my part that is speculation, as although I am well known in my area, I am neither world renowned or culturally renowned.

You know that art isn't limited to people shoving things up their ass right? Most artists I know are musicians or girls who paint/draw as a hobby.

Good art should be appreciated by everyone.

Artists are usually poor fucks because they're not doing anything anyone wants to pay for. Therefore they're liberal because they want to use the government to take money from others and funnel it to them.

you forgot modern art and pop art

This makes the most sense to me. All of the performance pieces and ugly sculptures they try to pass off as art don't qualify...art is supposed to be visually beautiful. I don't think Pollack was a great artist, but I at least understand how someone could find his paintings nice looking

>no one is interested in a gallery full of high resolution pictures of their arseholes
I'll not lie; if that's a thing, I kinda want to see it

What debate is there to be had? Those who use art as an outlet for their boredom, stress, etc have always been in a minority behind those who utilise sports or music for the same purpose.
As for appreciating art, many don't develop an interest as education about the greats (Titian, Raphael, Michelangelo) is far removed from anything they learn about in their state schools. Those who splurge millions on works of art, as I said earlier, tend to be landed gentry types or spendthrift New Money businessmen with a magpie-like desire to accumulate shiny status symbols. The same folk know it is in their interest to keep spending on similar works of modern art, because said works remain in the public eye ("Newsflash! Man spends £10m on cartoon of Elvis!") and thus do not depreciate in value.
At the other end of the scale there are the likes of yourself, whose lack of boundaries mean the same piece can double as toilet roll, dirty protest and means of income

This is now a Sup Forums art thread.

I don't get it.

>And I stopped reading right there.
Stopped reading right there.

Good idea.

because interpreting bright colors on a canvas and projecting onto it until you can see your dick in the painting itself, is much easier than accepting reality.


>as a hobby.

There's the rub. There are kids in highschool who like to draw little stick men wars in their schoolbooks in maths.

This doesn't make them artists. Not really.


No, I didn't know that. Thanks for telling me.

You also missed my point, and gave an answer indicating you don't want any form of discussion. You could have perhaps given statistics about art school graduate employment, or something along those lines

>no one is interested in a gallery full of high resolution pictures of their arseholes

t. Hope Solo

>have always been created by people who are either apathetic towards ideology or people who were staunch conservatives.y
A few exeptions here and there. Kollwitz was quite the lefty but she still knew a few things about creating decent art.

Because the art pol is into wouldn't be in an art gallery. "Artists" these days prefer cans of shit.
Not joking. They literally will defecate in a can and call it art.
Pic related

>I'll not lie; if that's a thing, I kinda want to see it

It's a thing and I've seen it. Hold on I'll see if I can find the article.

From my experience, both right and left wing people are equally interested in art.

The difference with left-wingers is that they choose to make a career out of studying or performing/creating art, which admittedly would be fun, but it isn't exactly the most intelligent career choice.