The most popular language studied in each country

On duolingo

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And here's a second most popular.

English is more popular than Spanish in Israel.

I know this very good myself, since i'm a citizen of Israel myself, but that doesn't mean, spanish is more likely studied on duolingo.

Finally mentioned

>swedish in sweden



HahahhahahAA Sweden yes!

>swedish in sweden

>Indonesia learns German

definitely not true for canada

only quebec speaks french

what kind of joke is this lol?

Everybody I know on Duolingo studies German, I expected it to be the most popular.

>More immigrants learning Swedish than there are students learning english

Pretty sad

I don't get it.

Wait what the fuck I don't study Spanish

i did the italian course

Arabic is their first language.

I dont get it. Why would a finn study spanish? Its fucking useless language.

I used this to teach myself German a while back.

The map is shit, OP is full of shit, the thread is shit. Stop reposting this.

>Spanish most popular in the UK
It begins.

can someone point out the turkish & italian countries to me?

I honestly thought this, that's why I think this map is bullshit.

it's not fake



dude we have like 46m people born outside USA in USA

ted kennedy fucked us

That map is bullshit. Literally nobody speaks or studies spanish in Finland.

Obviously, in English-spoken countries, Spanish is the first language, in Spanish-countries and the rest, English is the first

Second most popular

Are you fluent?

>All that German
what the actual fuck

I laughed so hard my stomach actually hurts now, shit.

i never knew it before
is it a good way to learn a new language?

All those people probably want to move to Germany one day. It's why I am studying German anyway. Of course, I am starting to think it's a wasted effort. By the time I am finished with my education, Arabic should have supplanted German as first language.

even the fluency meter thing was only at around 50 something percent when i'd finished all the courses.
i can get the gist of what i'm reading when it's text, but i can only pick up things here and there when it's spoken.
i'm still really glad i took it though, it was a lot of fun.

wondering this as well, they're not shown probably because they both have only 1 country

pretty shit map desu

what is duolingo and is it popular enough to be considered applicable to the general population?

We already know English decently well so why bother studying it on Duolingo?

Spanish is a pretty popular as a primary school elective language in Finland.

>what the actual fuck

German companies operate world wide and most of them are leaders in their specific industry.



Based Denmark


it doesn't have a lot of languages including mandarin and arabic, and if you don't speak english or don't want to learn another language through english, you only have 3-6 languages to choose from tops

Canada and Oz studying a language that only niggers speak.

And we wonder why the rampant shitposting.

Based Americas, except Canad. Unification when?

>entirety of americas speaks european languages
>can't even say the same about europe
k e k

This is assuming that Scandinavians already speak English, right?

>London civil war between Mexicans and Arabs

yes, it's simply data from their app/website usage
scandi people speak fantastic english from my time spent in norway anyways

A lot of immigrants trying to learn our language which is a necessary step to eventually integrating. Waaay better than the German refugees, at least.

How long did that take?

Isn't it a bit of a waste of time if you can barely even use it functionally?

>Myanmar studying Spanish

As if I didn't love that place enough already.

Mother of fucking kek holy shit

>people integrating is bad

yes, you can't even learn english as a swedish speaker on duolingo

you can't even pick anything but english or french on german duolingo

>implying i said this
I was just laughing, cuntstick.
Also, how do you get that quick of a reaction?
17 seconds until a fucking (You).

use captcha v1, the new one is shit

I do, I just didn't expect that quick of a (You) tee bee aich pham

Man the Swedish thing isn't even a joke edit, it's true! We're so fucking fucked, Jesus Christ.

Point out one country that doesn't have a European language in that graphic you fucking retard. Do you even know where Europe is?

det är okej, svenska bror. vi kommer att göra det ut levande

Thanks for the gesture, google translator friend.

For once it's nice to see nobody cares to learn Italian, that means nobody even considers Italy as a place where to head for.

Based Namibia

>nobody even considers Italy as a place where to head for.
Brazil has news for you, Mario

TOPKEK "Norwegians" learning norwegian.

im Studying German on duolingo.

after watching so many WW2 movies (especially Inglorious Bastards) i was convinced that its the coolest sounding language


looks childish but thats why its so good.

super basic interface with advanced shit as you progress


Loyal to the end

People aren't learning English mainly to go to England. It allows you to speak with a lot of different people. Same with Spanish, with large parts of Latin America, and to a lesser degree French, with several African states. Italian is pretty much just Italy.

Balkans and Scandinavia are such cucks, made to learn those irrelevant languages

Surprised Spanish is so high as a nigga who's completed French and half way through German and Russian.

less than a month.
it was free, and fun to do. even if i'm not fluent, it's still a neat skill to have.
i have the syntax down, and thousands of vocabulary words memorized (it tells you this.)
all i really need is a lot more practice, immersion.
i consider it less of a waste of time than the time i spend shitposting here.

>learning English on Duolingo

lol no english is most popular language studied in Serbia, the 2nd most popular is German probably

>Do you even know where Europe is?

No, check his flag.

What. It's French. No-one studies Spanish here.