As a Polish man, how many victim points do I have?
>Poles never took part in the Atlantic Slave trade
>Poles never owned any slaves
>Poles were one of the first known slaves (Saqaliba) and therefore the word "slave" comes from the world "Slav" or "Slavic"
>Poles were called "white niggers" because Polish men were poor and shared the same social status as blacks in early America
>the KKK hated Polish people (partially because of their Slavic origin, and partially because of their Catholic religion).
>Poles, until the 1960s, were not considered "white" in the American racial criteria
>Poles never colonized Africa, Asia nor the Americas. None of the colonies were Polish
>Poles never killed the Native Americans
>Poles, as well as blacks, Gypsies, Serbs and Jews, were classificated as "subhuman" by the nazis, therefore Poles became the victims of racism in their own German-occupied country
>Poles, similarily to blacks, went through a lot of stuff, being slaves, having their land taken away, being victims of genocides (Khatyn, Volhynia, etc), being the creators of numerous rebellions and uprisings (November and January Uprisings, Warsaw Uprising etc.), and even nowadays being hated and discriminated only for representing a certain ethno-cultural group (anti-Polonism in the UK, the Netherlands, or in Germany)
Am I exempt from "white privilege?" Am I even white?

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Good question, I like it.

You are still the niggers of Europe. Stay in your shit hole and stop flooding into other countries.

Kurwa kurwa kurwa

Yeah, but you forget the most important thing: you have white skin and thus are overprivileged shitlords who always had everything easy

>Poles, as well as blacks, Gypsies, Serbs and Jews, were classificated as "subhuman" by the nazis, therefore Poles became the victims of racism in their own German-occupied country
but on this part you're gonna get REMINDED
we just refused to provide a landbridge for germani

White privilege is a way of misdirecting anger at Jew privilege, which is actually real and which you will notice fills out the pattern.
You have the potential of being a scapegoat for Jew nepotism by virtue of not being Jewish, not as a function of anything else.

If your skin is white, you don't get victim points. Also, I like a lot of poles that I've met but y'all are basically the mexicans of europe. You do the equivalent of everything mexicans do over here.

>Poles never took part in the Atlantic Slave trade
>Poles never owned any slaves
>Poles never colonized Africa, Asia nor the Americas. None of the colonies were Polish

Technically, The Duchy of Kurland, which was a Polish Client state, had colonies in Africa and the Caribean and therefore obviously owned slaves.

>posting well know fake quote

i fucked a fat hairy polish girl... she didnt understand how to wipe her ass... that slut was definitely subhuman

if you want to belong you are doing life wrong


>Poles, until the 1960s, were not considered "white" in the American racial criteria

I'd like to see some proof on this.

>had colonies in Africa and the Caribean and therefore obviously owned slaves.
But the inhabitants of those colonies became automatically Commonwealth citizens and thus weren't slaves. Fuck me, Poland-Lithuania-Courlandia even traded goods with goods with them, those were the best colonial practices in history then.

You're white. Insert bullshit about "systematic racism" and "muh ancestors were stolen from africa by whities" here.

Privilege is a Marxist newspeak. Do not expect it to have meaning here, real privilege means private law and therefore unless you find an unequal law there is no such thing as privilege. It does not exist in reality. Marxist interpretations are not based off of reality.

So, I have a Sicilian parent, do I need to begin how everyone that ever thought they were someone decides to fuck with us?

Jewish privilege, aka nepotism, feels like a sin up until you notice the instant distrust you start with, or how people are always sceptical when you're charitable. Not a Jew, but I don't think it'd be hard for me to imagine the experience.

Maybe that Jew boy is just better off getting that internship from his uncle's business.

brilliant point!
the "gentrifcation" we keep hearing about is planned jurification from what my eyes see, big nose khazars infiltrate all bloodlines with their defective inbred genes and all minds with their constant shit talking of round faced (including polish gentiles) PIEfaced proto indo europeans and the promotion of subversive "long face vs round face" thinly vieled ethnic phrenological science articles that would be labeled anti(thhhhhhh)semetic if a gentile wrote a similar opposing view

what was the opposite of antisemetic again?... antigentilic? noooo its "fuck you shikaa goyum piefaced chees eaters cause kikes write it or it didnt happen"

the big schnoz is also promoted in not so subtle cadillac commercials with manish skeletal tucan schnozed women in slow motion with the song "stacies mom has got a big old schnoz" in the background kiking away

oyyyy veeeyy
lament the jew tragedy as you were trained figjam...

every figjam i see has a big kike schnoz too, just more "anglo" halfbreed khazar outcasts from the trAshcaNazi empire of inbred supremacism

you're ignoring the reality of race inequality because there's no "black men are denied this and that" law you hilarious fuck
you still have black people living in "poor" regions with subpar healthcare and education services, a predatory police force that doesn't seek to protect and they have to bear the burden of social alienation, that's the reality
you are blind to the reality you deluded kid

I can top this. I'm Galician (Ukrainian+Polish), so i get all your vitim points + Holodomor + Civil War points

where are my gibmedats?

Hey Russia, in Australia, and ideally in America too, we have somewhat of a standardised education system, at least on the state level, and they kind of force children into this minimum until 16. We also have public health care. So... Like, can the privilege shit stop in Australia? Yeah that'd be great thanks yeah.

Yes, in Russia and Africa it's different, good thing I'm not a cosmopolitan.

Mate you're twisted, but double fives.

Anyone living in a rundown down with awful services would be experiencing the same thing. The middle to upper class black people living in good communities in good cities are getting good quality services and aducations. Thats not a race issue

this one is on lithuanians :^)

>you still have black people living in "poor" regions with subpar healthcare and education services
And yet they essentially have a free ride to any Ivy League school if they put in even the minimum amount of effort into their studies, this guaranteeing them a successful future. But what do they do instead? Skip school and smoke dope. Many don't even finish high school. They get EBT and welfare. Where does that money go? On frivolities. Do they at least grow up in stable homes? Nope, because they have sex before marriage and the men are deadbeats who don't stick around to raise their kids. And alienation? They alienate themselves - within their race between "lightskin niqqas XD" and "darkskin niqqas whaddup!" and as a race, they achieved equality a long time ago, but that wasn't good enough, they couldn't keep up with everyone else, so now they get special treatment, get everything handed to them on a silver platter just for having melanin in their skin, and they still complain. And a predatory police force? They commit over 50% of the murders in the entire COUNTRY! If anything, they're underpoliced. But they don't understand why the police would focus their attention on the group that commits the most crime, so they just cry racism and blame all of the problems that they've caused for themselves on white people.

Get the fuck out of here, cunt. The only blind one here is you.

Thankfully, I'm Moortuguese so even by today's standards I'm not white. White people will be assraped by black, brown, and yellow people and we'll simply blend into the non-white horde. It's like camouflage.

Baltic Germans, actually.
Who knows if any of our colonists to Tobago were actual (proto-)Latvian peasants.



Poland is all good

Poland is the last civilized country in Europe, because all the best and most valuable traits of Europe have been conserved here in Poland and passed onto new generations

Poland is a country of catholicism, rights and philosophical realism, it actually blows my mind, how is it possible that such a golden rule country exists?

Just compare Poland to Huns from the west and east. The only thing they came up with is liberalism, communism, nazism. And Poland? J P II, sister Faustina, Kolbe - all saints. Truly amazing

Unless you decide to become polish, you can vegetate in your degenerate pissholes

You're white, so according to SJWs, zero.

Man, should I move to Poland? My mother came here to give birth to me because she claimed the US was "better" with "more opportunities." This was in the early 90s so degeneracy wasn't as rampant as it is today. I feel like if I'd grown up in Poland, my life wouldnt be so shit right now.

To blacks it doesn't matter. I work in the hood and whenever I say I'm Irish and Southern Italian they get even more pissy. Black people are more full of hate than white people, but for some reason no one seems to care unless the tables are turned.

The culture in Poland is much healthier than elsewhere. As for economic development, obviously, it takes time, but it's gradually improving