Whos next?

My bets on Germany

My bets are on netherlands or france (again)

I hope for another here before the elections.

Maybe France.
I hope it's Denmark, then all the mainland scandi cunts will have had one.

Netherlands. Are we even debating on this?

Italy. They also have too many refugees but never had anything so far


>Wanting your countrymen to die for your own selfish political purposes
Democracy has failed.

France is would be a non-happening

I was in Germany a few hours ago and the situation there is far worse than here. Germany is still a beautiful country, but the refugees are ruining it. White homeless people get their food from a bin while refugees are walking with expensive mobile phones. I hope for better times to come

> White homeless people get their food from a bin
please stop lying.

>White homeless people get their food from a bin

not that I wouldn't believe it but where the fuck did you go man?

This. Amsterdam is long overdue for a peace attack.

that said we are a small country with a large surveillance system. pretty much everything here gets stopped.

Ruhrgebiet, so I guess that makes sense.

Of course there are non-German people doing that as well, but native Germans shoudn't do this.

No one has to be homeless in Germany. People doing that shit only do it because they choose to.


that's impossible! I live here and everyone in my city is fine.



I also bet on Italy. Plus Germany was already attacked few months ago.

Here they are usually mentally ill so it's not really a choice.

dubs for France

That was already the case before the refugees came. People in Germany are poor as fuck because all our money goes to Israel and the EU who then call us Nazis.

The next attack will be in Russia again. Stay safe rusbros.

Isn't the current EU your idea? Most Germans are rich though, but there are some exceptions.