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rainbows are circles, you simply cant see the whole thing due to the earth being in the way.


I never thought about the earth being flat

like i just got cancer

For further evidence look up "Moonbow" it's a rainbow that encircles the moon on misty nights.

is this legit?

The earth is shaped like a phallus

are you people fucking retarded?

If you truly believe the earth is flat go put a gun in your mouth and try and swallow a bullet before it explodes through the back of your head.

So your telling me the earth is flat?

no, you are though for taking obvious bait.

listen up lib-cucks. CHINA DOESNT EXIST! it never did. the japanese have been pretending the chinese exist since the early 2010s.


Prove its not fag

Wouldn't the rainbow be like a halo in the sky if the earth was flat?

Or at least a distorted circle if it was projected on that bubble sky?

holy shit ...

I heard about flat earth i thought it was a joke

Makes feel sad that even with empirical scientific and mathematical evidence, people capable of cognitive thought can buy into some stupid shit like this....then again, I'm stoned so what do I know

>shifting burden of proof
legit flat tard tactic.
how about you prove its flat?

Its more proof it flat than otherwise.

Has no one ever seen a rainbow from a plain? they are full circles btw.

because you aren't a retard.


>millennial science

Until Trump says the Earth is flat, it's round.

This user is correct. I don't know how op figures they are shaped like domes.

NASA only uses composite photos
Why what are the trying to hide?
Maybe that the earth is not globe shaped.
If it was why make a photo?

what now? 2-disc earth?

it is. It's the final redpill and it's the hardest one to swallow.

So what your saying is a rainbow is another world that is flat a long distance away. Makes sense

Issac Newton...
Read a fucking book...

>What is refraction

Misfits turned to shit after season 2
.keep believing the globejew
what is an ice wall barrier?
>jewish science

earth = 2 disc
sun = a ball

way up high

jesus christ man get a grip on your life

>doesn't know the difference between an arc and a dome
>thinks he's qualified to judge the shape of the thing he's on

typical retarded flat earther retardation.


I feel we shouldn't let idiots use a computer

a rainbow is conical....more precisely a slice or cross section of a conical light input,

Fuck off flat earth shill.

Flat earth and ball earth are two sides of the same masonic coin.

The earth is concave and we are living inside of it!

the reason we see ships go below the horizon is because light is curved by acceleration towards the earth. If the light is too far away it just hits the ground

Believe your own eyes not what everyone tells you

These flat tards have turned this into a YLYL thread and I fucking lose!!

Bubbles are spherical so does that mean the earth is a sphere ?

>implying there is any barrier that will stop a cat

dumping redpills

You have never used a high powered laser pointer? It doesn't just fall to the ground after a while.

Fucking this

>"Cassini's digital camera takes pictures through three different filters: red, blue and green. These separate, sequential images are later combined to create a composite, true-color photo."
It's no secret that NASA enhances photos for a more pleasurable appearance. originals are available afaik, if you're interested in them.

Photos taken of space do not show stars, originally. the exposure has to be edited for the stars to appear, so in essence along with whatever is in focus, like the earth or any other celestial.

>pic related

NASA picture showing earth and a floating space debris. notice how stars are not visible.

Rainbows don't exist - they are actually Sunbows


The Inside out Earth theory is one of the craziest fucking things I've ever read about on the internet.

WTF!?!? I'm feel fucking dumber just for reading this!

Read a fucking book or kys


Yeah it's pretty full of retarded

>more on sunbows
When your mind has been warped by masonic propaganda the truth can seem crazy.

I like how flathearthers get btfo'd then come up with something else, like concave earth


congratulations, you've proved that the sun is not a flashlight.

yeah, except people actually believe this shit..

That's right! I just learned that in college.

your mind has been warped by the concave templars. no wonder a globe seems crazy to you.

>see how this logic can be turned against you
cheap shots don't work.


Notice how its a flat horizon??
Because i do, that far up there should be some aspect of a curve.

Oh I guess your right. We CANT measure the distance of the moon by bouncing a laser off of a mirror placed on it because when we shoot a laser the light just falls to the ground like rain.

If the earth was flat then when the planet is flooded we would float off the side. I feel bad for you all who bought into this.

The Disinformation Campaign continues..

You're so smart. ...

It appears flat because how close the orbit is to the earth.
also, that photo is zoomed in.

It's about perspective. It's nothing complicated.

Then feel free to dispute any of the evidence presented in my macros you ball earth rosicrucian shill

There are actually no such things as rainbows. It is a trick your brain plays on itself.

meant for

this theory takes far more faith to believe in than a globe.

Not even going to read any posts I just want to thank you OP for a genuine laugh, they are few and far between on Sup Forums these days.

This is more like it.

Only because you are more familiar with ball earth ideology.

Take a peek behind the curtain...

Do you even try to troll?

Technically, gravitational lensing is an actual thing. The earth isn't nearly massive enough to cause a "fake horizon" that way, though.

SO if you weren't told since a child that the earth was globe you would have to believe your own eyes so just think about everyday life the earth doesn't drop 8 inches every mile for the curve does it?


more truth bombs

Reminds me of the Si-Fi TV series 'Under The Down'. Look it up.

please tell me that you're really being ironic and this is just a meme, I'm autistic and i can't tell whether you're joking or not

I'm NOT autistic and it's still hard to tell if this is just an elaborate ruse...

fuck you flat earth wackjob.

>Current year
>believes in ball earth



Not the autistic user, but I too find it difficult, 90% of this sounds ludicrous...
In my experience, the most ludicrous answers are the most real
I'm still going to believe in the round earth, but... I'm not out right dispelling the concave one,
The flat earth is retarded as there is no ice wall

LOL stop trolling. A 2 yo can see curvature in that pic.
Try looking out a window at about 35k feet. You can see curvature. Or lets do this even simpler, go watch a boat sail away on the ocean, as it gets further away and almost disappears from sight, pull out your telescope. Amazing you can't see the lowest part of the ship that you could previously. Why? Because the curvature of the earth is obscuring the view.

Here's a real simple way to disprove your idiotic belief. If the Earth was flat, the world would always be either day light or dark, assuming you people also believe that the earth rotates. Around noon tomorrow, call somewhere that us "crazy round earth" people define as the other side of the globe and have them look out the window and tell you if it's day or night.

Inb4 the tilt angle in relation to the sun causes a shadow..

Brothers I address you earnestly.

Learn the hidden wisdom of the masons

>no replies

Kys flat-earthers

The horizon is too high to lie!

The sun and moon rotate clockwise around the earth in sync, eclipses are staged by the govt. or are holograms
>pic related

Are the explanations given by flat earth era

Wait so rainbows are both smaller and larger than earth at the same time?

>pot of gold nowhere to be seen
concaveearthfags BTFO

It makes me sad that some people still have IQ's in the 60's range...

>curved light
there are borders you should not cross, and that is one of them.
are you trolling? then you're bad and you should feel bad.
or are you autisitic? then please kill yourself, you're just unworthy life.

Sadder still, the Internet gives them voice.