How old were you when you matured enough to give up atheism?

how old were you when you matured enough to give up atheism?

Truthfully I was about 22 or 23

thats so fucking sad bro

When I started seeing butt-devastated Atheists false flagging as Christians to make retarded threads about Atheism on Sup Forums.

Grimace doesn't want to lose, so he's leaving now.

Fun to read such a question about maturity when you know how immature the author is...
Question is : when OP will realize that God does not exist

>when OP will realize that God does not exist

when you can prove it to me atheistfag.

how old were you when you matured enough to embrace atheism. Tell me and cum in my mouth while you are at it.

23. A crazy whore I fucked at my birthday party tried to accuse me of being her babies father. The DNA test said it wasn't me and the fertility test said I fire blanks. Only God could have taken my hatred of kids and prevented me from having any of my own accidentally.

Odin is going to smite the fuck out of you Christ Fags.

At least Atheists have the decency not to worship false gods.

Atheism is just as ignorant as any religion, whereas religion is the blind belief, atheism is a blind disbelief.

Why can't people just accept that know one can possibly know?

Somewhere around 20. But still fuck your kike Jewsus.

"Heil Odinn! He is BAAASED! Comic books taught me so!"
You cucks probably dont even know what the term "pagan" really means.


Then I upgraded to Satanism.

Im too euphoric to give it up


Sorry that "god" gave you a tiny dick

You realize that you don't need to know that something doesn't exist to not believe in it, right?

For Fucking mouse.

So all I need to do to get into Valhalla is die in battle right? Cause tbh it sounds like a pretty dope place to spend the afterlife in, assuming you aint allowed to sin in heaven.

Have you never met an agnostic atheist?
Someone who doesn't believe because of a lack of evidence, yet who admits no one can know for sure.


20, decided it was better to play it safe and that most atheists are edgelords

Im agnostic, so Im open to the idea of a god or Jezzaz. Unlike autismo-theists I can accept proper evidence when presented it.

Started identifying as atheist around 10. 29 now and still atheist.

When will I finally grow up OP?

>turns out God exists
>turns out God hates theists
>go to hell


Prove what?

What does proper evidence of a supernatural whatchamacallit look like?

Works every time.

them trips alone gonna get you into valhalla m8

for all time, I've more or less always been agnostic, even grew up going to church and just figured it seemed like a bunch of fairy tales but that I didn't know what happens after you die or if there is a god or not

I have no idea, and I can't prove if there is or isn't so I can't take a strong stance either way, I'll just have to wait and see

Nah, not every time. It depends on the first few posts; sometimes people will just post a few unrelated maymays and the thread dies.

Hint: agnosticism and atheism aren't alternatives to each other.

Do you believe in a god? No? Then you're atheist.

I mean and thats assuming an omnipotent being to which we are literally germs actually cares about individual human life. Like really if there was a being that fit the criteria for a God he a) gives no shits or b) finds our mortal struggles entertaining

and thats not even considering that a truly omnipotent all powerful being would be beyond our comprehension and thus a few old sand niggers couldn't write an accurate book about him any more than cavemen could write a book about quantum physics

The existance of a 5th dimensional being is near indisputable, but we ourselves would not be able to percieve it.
To explain, a 2nd dimensional being (a circle) would only see its 3rd dimensional counterpart (a sphere) as a shape in the 2nd dimension(a circle). In turn we as 4th dimensional beings (XYZ axis then the one-way figurative axis of time itself) would only be able to percieve a 5th dimensional being (Existing at every point of time at once) as a 4th dimensional being. Time is simply a picture in motion through eternity-we see it one picture at a time, wheras a 5th dimensional being would experience everything at once, as if walking through a gallery of time.
In turn, I deem these 5th dimensional beings as 'God(s)'. I will never interact with them, they will live regardless of me but alas, they are and always will be greater than I, even if only for posterity.

>The existance of a 5th dimensional being is near indisputable
o rly?

Also, you realize that 2 dimensional shapes like circles only 'exist' as abstract concepts right? Any circle you try to represent will actually have more dimensions to it.

Right now a 5th dimensional being is writing on a 4th dimensional screen about how he thinks of 7th dimensional beings as gods.

Asks for proof of no God?, are you fucking retarded, either support your cause or drop it,

Wait I thought 4th dimensional beings could perceive their entire timeline at once while 5th dimensional beings could perceive their entire timeline across every timeline at once

We are 3 dimensional beings. We only actually perceive one point of time at any... time.

It was 17 when I gave up atheism to be agnostic, and it was 21 when I came to be a theist.

But here's the catch- when I became a theist, God told me he was alive...

and that I was his flesh and blood.

How old were you when you realized you are a faggot?

A second dimensional being is literally a line connecting two places. In turn, from the perspective of that line, a sphere/ball will only appear as a line, because that is all it can see-think like a scan of an object, one line at a time.

7th dimension is weird. Put it this way
>1-3 dimnsion=Place
>4-6 dimension=Time
>7-9 dimension=Reality
>10th dimnsion is everything that can exist, will exis or possibly could exist-i.e The Universe and all the surrounding Chaos.

We're 4th dimensional like the post above, we have three axis of place, but only one point in time. 5th dimension is everything between two points in a fixed timeline (The Beginning and End) and 6th dimension is every possible timeline at once.
7-9 is messing with the laws of physics, thus having a point in reality (Real fucking weird)


Where's the proof that the faggot even exist?

oh ye I forgot about that

The sun is God

Why do these threads use the girl from the Neverending story as the first pic?

You aren't very good at this. Here, let me help:
Zero dimensional object: Point
One dimensional object: Line (has length)
Two dimensional object: Plane / shape (circle etc.) (has length and width)
Three dimensional object: Space / object (sphere etc.) (has length, width, and depth)

Beyond that is open to debate. You could consider the 4th dimension to be spatial and get things like a tesseract or you could consider it to be time and get an object that has all its states.

>we have three axis of place, but only one point in time
Exactly, hence, 3 dimensional. Just like a line has only one point in width and a circle has only one point in depth.

No the sun is hypernuclear ball of gas which is constantly burning, outputting enough heat to keep Earth alive. One of Billions.

god is a backwards dog, in the 5th dimension

you would have to ask the original memester who started it all

About 24... The whole university establishment is pro-marxism and anti-christian, so it's hard to not get swept away with it all. I was a full blown fedora tipping neck-beard for a while. It's hard to explain any religion from a literal position, so this is precisely where the marxists attack from.
But you grow up and start to see how things are decaying in society... And then you become spiritual within your own individuality.
The final push was when the stories of the bible were explained to me from a meta-physical perspective. That was the final big push to get me back to church. Never been happier to be honest.
>don't tell me there's no proof of God's existence because I don't give a shit

oh yeah well if the sun isnt god then how come its the biggest star in the sky checkmate athiests

things have always been decaying in society, look at the roman empire, they literally invented the fucking bible and it didn't help them for shit

Hello I'm an atheist, it looks bigger because we are closer to it.
I do agree with you that it is the cause of all life on our planet though. Without it providing our planet with energy, this place would just be a dead rock.

There is no god, no spooks, no ghosts, no spirits, no miracles, no destiny, no aliens, the "meaning of life" is procreation, everything on earth must kill everything on earth just to survive, there IS such a thing as a stupid question, and size does matter, time travel is not possible, there is no future, only the present and the past.

Religion only exists inside of your head, God is in your head, not in the real world. Jesus' birthday is not on Christmas, if he was fucking real then his birthday would be in the spring. Sins are petty fictional laws that have done nothing but put stress onto others because their mind is held hostage. Religion causes brain damage, it messes up the way you think.

When you die, you no longer exist, your brain is shut down. Everything in life happens naturally, there is no God or Jesus that has a fucking plan for you. Jesus isn't real, if he was then he made everything up about God and started a cult.

it was a pretty good stroke of genius to pretend to go christian in order to patch things together for a little while longer though, although that was really just a s stop gap measure

if people would just stop believing in sky wizards though we could stop fighting over said sky wizards and change to more important things like fighting over resources and human rights

Don't tell me god exists because it don't give a shit

How can you claim that no aliens exist.
Even if life forming is rare, there are still plenty of chances for it to form in our universe.

>step 1: go to black hole
>step 2: chill by black hole
>step 3: leave black hole
>step 4: have time traveled into the future

>your post

You don't understand, we are already fighting over those things. Religion and war aren't mutually exclusive but media outlets and shit religions like Islam make me lawl. I have felt God's presence in life, I have seen his hands work. I know his spirit is real. Not a "sky wizard" more like a voxel, you're concept of God is that he is in fact human or conceptually human, however, God isn't made of flesh and blood it is an amalgamation of all things since the dawn of time. There's so much you don't know

>actually attacking my religious stance from a literal position after reading my post
You're a special kind of retarded.

hell theres a reasonable chance at some microbial aliens in our own system with all this water we got around, and that chance increases exponentially if you are just looking for dead shit that was once alive

even if the chance of life is smaller than OP's dick if you multiply that by the amount of planets in the galaxy times the galaxies in the universe times the amount of time the universe has/will be around life is all but guaranteed

besides, how can you say aliens arent real when I saw my landscaper pablo just last monday

>being so conceited to think that an all powerful all knowing sky wizard would care about you in particular

>no aliens
Aliens def exist, considering there are over 200 billion stars in our galaxy and over 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. With those odds we surely are not alone. Now will we ever contact each other? No the universe is to vast

around 25, when i saw the decay of the moral corruption of my nation. It isn't really relevant if god exists or not, the majority of people are too fucking stupid to do shit on their own which means they need an outside force to motivate them, otherwise they just waste away playing video games all day not contributing anything to society. The ultimate end if this continues is muslooms taking over, and we can't have that.

>There's so much you don't know
halp my sides are in heaven


I was at a bad time in my life. Just started university, depressed, stressed etc.

But then one night Lucifer appeared and offered to strengthen me.

Haven't looked back since.

I don't know whether gods or demons exist. But the belief in Lucifer has made me a better person. In that sense, it exists for me. And that's enough to me.

>I have felt God's presence in life, I have seen his hands work.
Have you though?
>I know his spirit is real.
Do you though?
>God isn't made of flesh and blood it is an amalgamation of all things since the dawn of time
What does that mean, exactly?

No falling back on fairy tale stories to teach your self morals to get a hypothetical gods good boy points is what's retarded.

The lefts narrative for the last 50 years has been this:
>Religion was the sole cause of all wars up until nationalism came about and then nationalism was the sole cause of all wars
It's party of their party revisions. This is why you'll hear two things from Marxists everywhere:
>le huehue why be proud of le country u never achieved a country le huehue
>haha le sky wizard believer what an imbecile unlike me I am just way too intelligent for you
They're kids user. They've read a few (((wiki))) articles on history and then proceeded to proclaim themselves smarter then everybody. Their opinions are rarely challenged due to how much they resort to attacking their opponents.

Stop being a fence sitting faggot. Look around, there's no god, if there is hes incompetent, and maybe just maybe doesn't give a fuck.

>hypothetical gods good boy points

now all I can think of is retards in heaven screaming at god to give them chicken tendies for their gbp

Para 1=Correct
Para 2=You are right that 4-6 and 7-9 are interchangable as either the Reality or the Time axis, but its gernerally easier to say 4-6 is time-because then each reality is independant of another, rather than every reality existing at the same time, linking to how realities come to form.
Think of a boiling kettle. Its easier to imagine each bubble forming, rising and popping independent of another, rather than every bubble forming at once, rising at once and popping at once.
Either way we are still 4th dimensional, as we have one point in time at once, or have one point in a single reality (No bending the laws of physics in this reality)

Para 3=No. Imagine five points in the universe. Though you have just made a pyramid (or a pentagon if they are on the same plane), it is only third dimensional as it is independant of time itself. You can destroy where the points are or think of five new points-either way it is not affected by time, as those five points in the universe are fixed. Those five points are there, and they stay there. Forever.
Now find a pyramid-or check out and make one. Despite being the same shape (unless its a pentagon, then kys for being awkward) its' points are not fixed. It is affected by time, as you could throw the fucker across the room and its corners would represent different points in the universe.
>Tl;Dr A point in time allows movement theough space. A different picture each second. We can move ourselves in space, ergo we exist in the fourth dimension.

Also zero dimensions isn't a thing. Kinda. A point doesn't have any dimensions by definition. Its literally a point. So both yes and no.

Have some faith

>There is so much you don't know
Yet I still know more than you, apparently

>not realising that stories contain deeper messages
Again: You're retarded. It's like you think the "boy who cried wolf" is just LITERALLY about a boy who just lies to everyone about wolves.
But please continue to attack my religious beliefs from a literal position, despite saying in the first post that I don't take things from the Bible literally lol
You're so dumb. So very very dumb....

Ughhh my brain

>t. smug
Be honest now, do you guys like to sniff your own farts?

>not realizing that most of the bibles stories don't apply/are morally wrong in today's society and only a select few remain relevant

>furthermore needing to be taught these things instead of knowing how not to be an asshole inherently


>it is only third dimensional as it is independant of time itself
>Despite being the same shape (unless its a pentagon, then kys for being awkward) its' points are not fixed
They are though, for that point in time. No matter what happens at another point in time, that point in time is fixed.

We move through time, but we only exist at one point in time.

To give a lower dimensional example, let's take the circle and use spatial dimensions. The circle exists at one point in depth. You could move the circle through depth, but it would remain a two dimensional object. You could stretch or shrink the circle, but it would remain a two dimensional object. The same works if you move the circle through time, it just sounds weird.
>Also zero dimensions isn't a thing.
Neither are one dimension or two dimensions in reality.
>A point doesn't have any dimensions by definition.
Hence zero. Having zero dimensions means you don't have any dimensions.

>fairy tale stories to teach morals

Yup I'm totally arguing from a literal stand point. What my point is religion is just a form of social control used to control the uneducated or the weak willed

Deism or gtfo

>I've never read the bible
I can tell
>furthermore needing to be taught these things instead of knowing how not to be an asshole inherently
Given how much of an asshole you're being over my beliefs, it's clear as day that you are inherently an asshole.
Maybe you should pick up a bible and learn a few things user. Like.... learning how not to be an asshole lol

>learning how not to be an asshole
>from a book about a god that is the biggest asshole of all time


>learn how to not be an asshole
The Spanish Inquisition

>god is an asshole
Someone needs to read the book of Job lol

Considered deism when I dropped theistic dogma. Realized I had no reason to believe that either.


Why are people so retarded, they respond to this never ending shit thread?

Everyone in here is a massively retarded faggot for responding, including myself now, but I couldn't just sit by anymore.

And OP is the faggot son of faggot;overlord aka his dad, who fucks him in the ass every night before bed.

True story.

>le religion is mind control maymay
Humans have always needed a mind crushing ideology user. Look at what Marxism has done around the globe. Humans and our collective nature are ultimately responsible for all of this.
The bible is far from good mind control user. If you can, get somebody in real life or find sombody online to teach you about the metaphysics of the stories and how they relate to being human. You'll never look back.

>I listened to Dawkins cherry pick a few phrases and teach me how God is bad
Good for you bro


dood what are you talking about, god isnt an asshole

women not allowed to teach or order men around just because they are women? not sexist at all
stoning non-virgins? clearly you are killing them out of love
if you are missing your peen you can go to church and are sent to hell? well thats perfectly reasonable
if you have deformities you arent allowed into heaven? get better genes m8
having a baby girl makes you unclean for 2 months? well yeah she is a girl after all and girls are inferior

You don't need to be super intelligent to work out that humans are capable of evil things dude lol

try picking up a bible and actually reading it, its pretty much the story of god being a dick to mankind for the luls