Rekt thread

rekt thread

















You do realize that /b is infamous for tracking down faggots like yourself right?

you mean was

>Newfag detected
That gif is years old you fucking Redditor.
Piss off back to your little fucking safe space fuckboy.

Kill yourself you obese degenerate 13 year old faggot. I hope you die



same shit everyday how pathetic

>Confirmation:The Post
>Out now

Snakes are so cool






im intrigued.. please go on



b was never good at anything you tards



Hey spiderman, the city needs your help!



this is why you shouldn't bully people in school


People that get off on stuff like this are true psychopaths, seek help.


That's bullshit. Nobody is responsible for their actions but themselves. The fag that made those videos needs to go straight to fucking hell regardless of what the fuck happened to him. real human beings can handle bullying without turning into something so abominable that killing them grants instant sainthood.

Sup Forums-- this crap allowed.
A sixteen year old in her underwear-- instant ban you pervert.

it just feels good to see cute helpless animals being abused and knowing theres nothing they can do to stop it

i saw isis fighters cutting faster through a neck.
Fucking noob

this is so gay



Pure psychos.

this is the vid ive been looking for, also source?

keep it up


I'd only seen the one where he burns them. Holy shit this is so wrong and yet I can't stop watching

hope you all realise you are seriously fucked in the head. this is repulsive to normal people. you are the type of people who become serial killers if they push their interests too far. kill yourselves please

kys fag

>I just got here yesterday


Nothing you just said made it any more reasonable. neck yourself you lonely faggot

always gotta be whiners in these threads. this is Sup Forums where sociopaths can be sociopaths. if you dont like it dont come in the thread

or are we making like the traps and slowly acclimating u to animal torture... in like 3 years ur gonna be cutting a dogs head off, with ur fake tits hanging out and what was once ur penis stapled to your forehead

you people are a cancer on this earth, go commit suïcide

this was fine