Rekt bread

Rekt bread

start dumpin





more like ylyl thred

Wtf is wrong with chinamen?






where did the bullet go?


to really be rekt tho
shouldn't you play it in reverse?

he just walk right into the blades?

why's everyone running btw? they afraid he'll turn into a zombie? dumbasses, decapitation kills zombies

drift into the abyss

How does this even happen
Also nice trips

It's China, don't try to understand it.










What gets me about these videos isn't the gore, it's the thought of being in that kind of state and you look up to see a dozen idiots stood around you filming it on their fucking phones. Especially the ones where people are dying. Imagine taking your last breaths just wanting to be left the fuck alone whilst a bunch of rubberneck zombies take selfies with you. Literally can't think of a worse way to go.

The fuck is wrong with people?





two different guys
first one is wearing a jersy the sec is wearing army gear

he changed his clothes after the first clip

lol, this

i had never think about that. That true famn, sucky way to go

Literally every clip as well. Some poor cunt gets mashed up by a lorry and there's twenty fuckwits buzzing around like turkeys with their phones out trying to get a close up shot of his life leaving his face. Imagine fucking dying to that. That being the last thing you see.



modern humanity is a fucked up stock. at least in antiquity people had some respect. now all is lost.


The filth bothers me more than that. Imagine surviving an accident but then you have to deal with the aftermath of having your insides scrap against the sewage infested streets. People wonder how someone can get their eyes and scalp eaten by maggots, its because they live in shit.


Why do so many asian people fall into elevators? It seems to be a common thing with them. Explanation anyone?


Cities are bloody disgusting. Human filth over human filth. Sickness and madness

secret rice tunnel on the bottom but you cant access it trough the normal elevator

Asians have the worst luck with elevators. Maybe they should consider taking the stairs from now on.


what the actual fuck? story?

makes you want to write some depraved poetry, right?



stairs you say

Underground nuke test? I wonder what impact it has on the plates beneath the substrate.

I just wonder what was the expected result of that scene



Now it makes sense. They love rice

the fuck is he doing?

damn... she saved the kid... :( if there's an afterlife, she won her place there

IIRC he says "I fucking swallowed the bullet", but who knows with these edgy fuckers.

Welp I guess they are just fucked then. Being chewed up by an escalator would a rather bad way to go out.


I feel like there should be more blood present.

The fuck i the exit wound? Did that dumb bitch actually use a .22lr hallow point?
Looks like the barrel of a Phoenix Arms HP22 actually.

Maybe I should try taking off all my clothes the next time I encounter someone who wants to kill me.

stairs ≠ escalators


>Not naming file TheMallMonster

damn niggars

>not suggesting StairwayToHeaven

Nice one

Did... Did this inspired that death in final destination 4 or it's just me?

It's from Kabbalah.

Zevi's Reversal Rite.

A child birthed through the womb can only be returned via the rectum of the father.

he's just like "Wtf Steve"


I love this one. The dudes are just like
"Did you just stab me in the head?"
"yes, you did. You stabbed me in the fucking head! What did you expect?"
"Well there ain't no blood"
"Give it back, then"
"Give the fucking thing back"
"I said no! Fuck off"

He didn't say that



I know shit what they said. For all that we know they could've said "allahu akbar" to each other repeatedly. Or "Turtlenecks on males look fucking gay".
It just looks like this could be a valid conversation

But they didn't say that?

best thing about that one is that his friend pulled him backwards into the doorframe. I'd be piiiiiissed

HI have no fucking comment.

And I didn't say that they said that either

checkmate atheists

Did he died?

not a good thing to ski when you are on your period

don't pull it off dumbass

no, he now lives as a crab-man, look for it on google

Normally the space between your skin and bones is seal off from airflow but he suffer an injury that allowed for air from when he was exhaling it escape into his face

I like how that cat is just like 'wtf?'

Don't blame em







For fuck sake