>Give peace a chance
>Proceeds to beat wife
What did he mean by this?
>Give peace a chance
>Proceeds to beat wife
What did he mean by this?
>this fucking thread again
Lennon was a huge cunt but at least he wasnt arab
His wife wasn't giving him any peace
Doesn't excuse the fact that he was a wife beater
>often hit women for stepping out of line
>was vehemently hateful of jews and gays
>pretended to be peaceful while doing all these things
he might as well have been
t. Eric Clapton
>The empty bottles piled up near the bar, the conversations grew louder, the laughter more boisterous. Then Cavern Club DJ Bob Wooler, glass in hand, edged over to John and made a crack about the guitarist's recent trip to Spain with Brian. "Oh, it wasn't a joke," the lawyer Rex Makin says with a chuckle. "It was an overture. Bob was gay. It was definitely an overture." Maybe Wooler was drunk. He certainly didn't realize how drunk John was, or how violent he could be when he'd been drinking. John punched Wooler in the eye hard enough to knock him down, then set to kicking him, cracking his ribs with the sharp toes of his Beatle boots. The tall, solidly built Billy J. Kramer swooped in to pull the white-faced, screaming John off the prone and gasping disc jockey, then Brian Epstein joined in to help scrape Wooler off the ground and take him to the hospital. But John was still drunk and, it seems, even more belligerent, so when he saw an attractive woman talking to some members of the Fourmost, he stalked over and grabbed her breast. She slapped him, and in a flash John had decked her, too, and was just rearing back to kick her when Hatton stepped in to pull him away.
Seriously though, what the fuck was his problem?
>be born in 1940
>working-class family in Liverpool
>father rarely around
>father stops supporting mother, who has an illegitimate child by another man
>father comes back and parents literally force you to choose between them
>shipped off to live with extended family members
>repress horrendous childhood memories to lead a fairly normal adolescence
>john a band with local friends
>become huge global sensations at an unprecedented scale; within a few years become one of the most famous people in human history
>ingest clinical levels of LSD
>be under constant media and public scrutiny, even scrutiny for stating that your band is so famous
>constant criticism from both the media and your managers of your relationship with your wife and child because you're supposed to be desirable by 14 year old girls
Look I'm not saying that he's excused from having abused both his wives and his child, but I must say that all of the above factors likely drove the man down that path.
we must go farther
he was clearly an extremely conflicted and tortured soul and I fully believe he was capable of advocating for peace while being a violent bastard in his personal life. It doesn't seem like that outlandish of an idea.
Is this why the Beatles dropped the Cavern gig?
i jacked off while reading about how he banged some other asian slut while yoko was outside the room listening to the sounds
Probably desu
He never apologised to Bob Wooler for that, and even years later said he deserved it. Epstein forged an apology to send to Wooler though, because Epstein was a nice bloke like that.
In his personal life, John did seem like a dick. But I always think that if John had lived through middle age and come to 'grow up,' he might have calmed down a lot.
he did calm down
last 5 years of his life he stayed at home and cared for Sean.
>What did he mean by this?
...always have a plan B? All he was saying is to give peace A chance, as in singular - not multiple times.
what's wrong with beating your wife?
Bitch was disrupting the peace.
he probably just lost it
That art style emanates mental illness
I'll always love John, even if he was a fucking shithead.
I believe that he meant everything he said.
It works so well
what if this is literally ringo
Don't you dare tell anyone I post here, I have an image to uphold, peace and love
clearly he wanted peace....
...peace & quiet!!
Hahaha ha! Good one, Carol!
I will beat your ass
The Ben Garrison signature was a nice touch
>posts from phone
life is hard and people do fucked up things. people are abusive when they have a hard time controlling their own lives, so they control those weaker than themselves.
doesn't excuse it, but I do think he believed in peace. just didn't always practice what he preached
>Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl
>Than to be with another man
>You better keep your head, little girl
>Or I won't know where I am
>You better run for your life if you can, little girl
>Hide your head in the sand little girl
>Catch you with another man
>That's the end, little girl
>Well you know that I'm a wicked guy
>And I was born with a jealous mind
>And I can't spend my whole life
>Trying just to make you toe the line
>Let this be a sermon
>I mean everything I've said
>Baby, I'm determined
>And I'd rather see you dead
But he didn't.
David Bowie is not a God but that stuff about him x Lori Mattix is bullshit. She's contradicted herself 3 separate times in different interviews about whether or not she lost her virginity to him or if they even had sex at all
>Sup Forums
>not with ocd
hey guys, have you ever heard the pet sounds album or deathgrips?
It isn't bullshit and Bowie would say as much himself if he weren't dead as doornails
literally doesnt excuse the fact that he preached nothing but generic hippy love but beat his wife and son
>I enjoy music
>Proceeds to say bad things about all of it
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
He never beat his son, and by the time he was preaching about the hippy shit he had stopped hitting women.
help research!
>often hit women for stepping out of line
>was vehemently hateful of jews and gays
if anything I like the lad more now
you're saying like those are bad things
>promote racemixing
>prove that racemixing causes chaos and violence
Why are liberals so retarded?
Didn't he apologize for the wife beating? like isnt that part of the reason he advocated love and peace cause he himself was a scumbag who needed it?
Since when did he promote racemixing?
This, it's a lot more complicated than "he beat his wife, so hypocrite"
>Ben Garrison
Clever little fuck
Whoops meantfor
>George writes Give Me Love (Give me Peace on Earth)
>Destroys anything a fan hands him to autograph
>Paul sites Give Ireland Back To The Irish
>Accepts a knighthood from the people who have been oppressing the Irish for centuries
>Ringo wishes "Peace and Love" to everybody in the world
>Is know to be mean to complete strangers and storm out of interviews when he doesn't like a question
Everybody points out that John Lennon was a wife beating drunk but what about the other three?
They were all horrible people in real life!
John Lennon was my hero, never did care about his music though.
>Paul sites Give Ireland Back To The Irish
>Accepts a knighthood from the people who have been oppressing the Irish for centuries
If that's the worst you can come up with about Paul then he must be an absolute saint. That's really quite a leap to make.
you forgot that Ringo was a wife beating drunk too
>accepts a knighthood
Is that all you got on Paul
Is there a source on George destroying fans stuff
Reminder Paul was accused of beating his wife as well
But that didn't happen