ITT: We nerf each other's superpowers

ITT: We nerf each other's superpowers

>Ability to shit spheres of solid gold with 3'' diameters

Other thread here. I guess that means it'll take twice as long to 404 this time

>ability to start similar threads, and rival thread gets deleted

your ass gets so loose you die

can piss off anyone

Anyone you piss off becomes the hulk

>The gold is molten

Can drink all the bepis i want

The taste is never cool or refreshing

Power to start a thread and not be a faggot

you get instantly killed when I touch your tongue with mine

so, bepis

Goes down windpipe instead

They're 100°C

>you bit most of your tongue clean off when you were younger

but people with the same blood type also kills you

gotta be flat

ability see through other eyes

but meanwhile they can hear your thoughts

any person I touch grows xxl tits

But only through blind people's

You live in Africa, where there are no people. Only niggers.

Square shaped asshole

you shit triangles

but the calories they needed will come from your body, and you cant control if its your fat, musles or organs. (the skins is also a organ)

can switch gender. (two bodies, no transgender shit)

but only in red-light districts

have snakes as arms

can switch the color of your skin. even camoflage mode possible.

the snakes are hostile towards you

They insist you call them Big Boss

on a full moon you transform into a nigger


use farts as a form of locomotion

but as long as they are in contact with the light of the day, they have to fight. if there is somebody they will attack everyone, even you.

But only when you're clothed head to toe

There are no brakes

tiny noodle sneks

but you have always diarrhea

In both gender forms you are a horrendously ugly SJW

Can have loving, close and sexual relationships with anyone on earh at any time

Ever hear of sleeves?

read animal minds translated in english

Everyone other than you relocates to Mars

Every animal dies

but while readfing you also get their emotional state

In order to read their minds you have to have sex with one male member of that species once a year, both as the giver and receiver

can see in the future.


But you cannot do anything to influence future events.

but everytime random memories of you life will get lost.

I become a real life rare Pepe with all the power of kekistan and an army of neck beards with nuggets. My "reeeeeeeeee" battlefry can permanently disable all primes and tendies quintuple my power. All my money is in good boy points and with it I can buy anything on the face of the planet

you can steal other superpowers.

but you're 4' 11", mute, and in a wheelchair

everytime you do, you shit yourself

but their the powers in this thread

but each victim will become a newdisociative identity of you

You have to go back to redd*t

I become a normal, mentally and physically stable functioning member of society.

the power to bring people back to life

In your dreams

I am able to leave Sup Forums

They wish you hadn't

only its a broken down, apocalyptic society

And in doing so you must start a tumblr blog

for 5 years and then you also get immune to suicide

they all want you dead
can't see the past
have a dick in any form anyway

But they all come back being the kind of people that post bananas in ylyl's and Andy sixx log threads

but there wont be porns outside of Sup Forums anymore

the power to make anything delicious and edible

after not showing your tits

My anger makes me physically stronger and more durable

But if you or anyone else eats it they literally shit molten rock.

you smoke a lot of weed

You have insatiable hunger urges that you can never satisfy

I become king of the weeaboos and all the waifus become mine

you realize that the waifu's are paper thin so when you try to fuck them you're basically grinding your dick against paper

I am able to get away with murdering any person I choose once a year and get off scot free with no consequences or unforeseen twists

but the pain of damage will backfire you doubles when get calm again

I become moot

you cant pick who you murder

Have all the powers of Avatar, the last Airbender.

Bruh it literally says any person he chooses.

for one thread only

but you have to kill someone (consume their life) twice a year or you will die

can shift between 3d and 1d

oh shit it does, guess i skimmed over that part

but you can only use your powers against the fire nation

i have the power to take away all of these nerfs

but everyone will expect from you to save the world

But you gain all of them to your superpower

but you have to put them on someone else with superpowers or they will stay at you

I am actually able to grow my dick 8 inches longer using those 3 simple tips

the power to be an hero

length doesn't matter when you masturbate

but your body will grow propotional

but also have a dissociative identity disorder. and the other person wants to be a villain

the power to have dubs any time i want

can turn into Trump whenever I want to

You grow a clitoris above your bunghole

I am able to ejaculate literally 17 gallons of sperm per orgasm with no adverse health effects other than slight dehydration

but your forget how to turn back