Did it really need to come to this? Do people at last see the harm they've caused by casualizing marijuana use?

Did it really need to come to this? Do people at last see the harm they've caused by casualizing marijuana use?

Other urls found in this thread:


That shit was laced, doesn't count

>In 2014, 9,967 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes
>1 death in 2017

Yea ok

Bet you want to ban assault weapons too, which, along with all rifles, cause less than 300 of the 30k gun deaths in the US each year.

Not true. You're obviously still in denial as to the behavioral changes marijuana consumption induces.

>1 death in 2017

That we *know* of.

No, it's not harmless. But neither is alcohol, or smoking. That's not the point.

Lets say its 500 or 5000 or 10000, do you also support the prohibition of alcohol?

Haven't heard about a lot of smokers killing other people with smokes lately tho

Mental breakdowns gonna happen regardless of whether they are drunk or smoking weed. Mental breakdowns gonna happen more often if meth or opiates are involved.

>Do you also support the prohibition of alcohol?

Yes but I'm aware that prohibition was a complete failure due to the ease of alcohol manufacturing and the complete lack of moral fibre in the United States. So I guess it's at least better to sell it in stores and licensed establishments, where it's somewhat regulated.

But you have heard about TEN THOUSAND alcohol related car deaths, and even more via alcohol induced violence and stupidity.

there's millions of people who smoke weed and don't have reactions like this.

damn dood. reminds me of when i smoked an entire weed and got the irresistable urge to run a bunch of people over.

And the exact same thing could be said of marijuana...
Great idea.

I was initially opposed to marijuana legalization but you raise some very good points.

Mexican weed needs to be banned NOW. Enough of this crazy legalization experiment it will be the death of us all.

SO fake

another false flag in americaa

ur mentally ill

The pot is making you angry

I wouldnt smoke the devils cabbage or drink his piss water either. Both are violence personified.

If you ever drink any alcohol you are a terrorist. Theres no difference.

No you doofus marijuana production is very difficult to conceal so we should just double down on the mexican border and domestic production. It WILL be easier to stop than alcohol. It CAN be done. Alcohol is so easily made prison inmates do it too. I would preferably like to ban *everything* but it's wiser to choose the battles you know are possible to win.

It's either a false job or an inside flag.

Citation needed
Go smoke another scumspliff you pot monster

Maybe we should try making majurana completely illegal for once and see if anyone is able to get any. That would be a good experiment.

How are you all falling for this obvious bait?

I'm on your side but
> there's millions of people that smoked meth and didn't have this reaction

See? This brave user has the balls to admit the truth of mary jane

If weed was legal we wouldn't be smoking Mexican weed. It would actually ruin some business for the Cartel.


>>trying to make a case for cannabis prohibition solely based on DUI

Are you THAT retarded? Get the fuck out

Get hard fucking baited m8

The doobs are making you paranoid.

>We can't win completely.

>So lets just give up and let everyone have it!

Good idea! Next, lets sell corner store fentanyl to children since keeping it illegal / regulated is obviously such an illogical move.

This thread was made by the same poster who makes the log threads.

I can tell by its high quality

No we should make it 100% illegal just like we should make alcohol 100% illegal.

Sure some will get it, grow it, brew it, but the vast majority will be safer.

You sure it didnt have some jihad in it?

Why do liberals want to make everything illegal?





God I hate liberals

"Falling for it" is strong words. I'm playing along.

Yeah right. That worled so splendidly the last time round.

Okay, then! Welcome to drugfreeworld!

Please note that "me me's" are also considered a drug and that as a member you will be required not to view them at any given time.


Ahh I see, a good old double-bait...


-funds terrorism
-funds cartels
-creates a black market for drug dealers
-is a gateway drug
-is a dangerous intoxicant, and has ruined many lives

Thank God for AG Jeff Sessions.

Yah actually my cousins cousin died of marijuana overdose... Son of a bitch injected 3 whole marjiuanas


well liberals "legalized" a federally-illegal substance. Thank God Jeff Sessions is going after the states that "legalized" marijuana, and the users therein.

That thing would get so nasty after a few bowl packs and a day of being left out.


Jamal will love this, not only did the street value of weed just skyrocket, but now he can sell alcohol too. Gang power increases threefold. They use all this money to buy guns the law abiding citizen isn't allowed to own, then they spread fear and influence until every pack of niggers work on a mafia-esque level. Sounds fun.
btw, prepare for a million more mexicans, once they find out they can smuggle alcohol into America and make a shit ton of money.

Don't worry. We'll ban jamal too, eventually.


lol I work with heavy machinery on construction sites and I vet high everyday before work. This guy just sucks at life

we also need to outlaw niggers!!! still think there harmless?



Then Jamal is replaced with a gang of whites, gang effeciency up tenfold. Life has many doors edboys.

Shit man, a while weed? I can only get a cup of weed down before I'm ready to shoot some people on the streets. Much respect

This makes too much damn sense for this thread.

I drive stoned every day to work 30 mins and I have been for the last 3 years... never had an accident. Althought i did have an accident when i was 17... and sober!!

this isnt real... its the goverment starting to run fake news and "crack" down on marijuana

A gang of whites is called "neighborhood watch."

They'll make sure your noise level is acceptable, and that you have a nice day.

Faggot alcohol is illegal to drive around drinking but people still do it it's not the drug it's the actions

You've never seen a white nigger before have you. I envy you.
(i no is joke, but still, ok?)

I snort trump brand cocain, he's not going to stop a market he could make a shit load of money off.

hook, line and sinker


Dude was screaming Alah Akbar at the intersection.

See but if it was legal to grow it wouldn't fund cartels and terrorists anymore because we'd just get it from local growers and there wouldn't be a black market anymore because it's legal

that's called a wigger get your terminology right fag

But then people would be smoking marijaunas and doing 9/11's and stops at 7/11


(i no dat ok? ok.)


Nick Nolte was there thankfully, keeping the peace.

>the behavioral changes marijuana consumption induces.

It usually slows people down, rather than speed them up. I don't really care for weed, as I prefer opiates and meth. I can tell you first hand though opiate and meth addicts are not people you want to deal with anymore than you have to. Potheads can be annoying, but they are rarely threatening in any way. When they are there are usually other drugs and/or mental issues involved as well. In places where weed has been decriminalized, or legalized the use, and problems associated with the use of harder drugs have gone, and stayed down.

Mexican weed is fucking garbage

Sticks n stems

Weed makes me feel fast as fuck boiii.
Try some green crack, a personal favorite.

Reel em in Doris they're biting like mad!

Youve got that 100% backwards

>It usually slows people down

Yeah no duh. The dude drove down 3 blocks of sidewalk before he realized his mistake. See OP pic for the face you make when you realize you smoked marijuana and drove down a sidewalk for 3 blocks.


>ban everything

Why do you hate freedom faggot?

Note to self: Ban this freedom thing. Is a catch all for all the bad stuff happening.

I hate freedom because I was never allowed it, so neither should you.

i wonder how sal looked before his drug use.

Conservatives just love those states rights and small government right faggot?

I have smoked weed with my friend while hes driving down roads for years. this is bullshit you pussy ass niggas

>smoked weed and killed someone

Yeah, im not so sure he smoked weed. Probably spice laced with PCP for him to do this, or maybe he was already fucked in the head

>false job or inside flag

>tfw Sup Forums has caused more deaths than weed

So we should ban Sup Forums too? Take the first step and gtfo nigger

Earlier they were saying that he claimed he did it intentionally.

Irony, irony everywhere.



>So we should ban Sup Forums too?


Youre move, faggot.