Why are nazis always the bad guys?
>yfw when THAT scene
If you don't fucking hate Nazis something's wrong with you son
>that scene where the main character parks his car on an uphill driveway, leaves it in neutral, exits the car to check his mail, and gets crushed by the car as it rolls downhill
completely unbelievable. no one would ever be that stupid irl. literally final destination tier writing.
the chopping up his arm from outside the door scene?
Neo nazis are all tweaking brutes who would kill you for an ounce of meth
good, but forgetful
Protagonist was a bit too limp-wristed desu
why is metal "music" so terrible? holy shit that singing sounds gaytarded.
Metal is definitely terrible, but that wasn't what the band in the movie was playing.
It's punk.
the film very clearly has metal with cookie monster vocals, as did blue ruin. I didn't say main characters' band was punk either.
I hate metal as much as the next guy, but the music in the movie is not metal.
Too predictable, too many stereotypical characters, le edgy ending. Breddy bad.
Just ok. I don't get the hype. Yeah, it's tense i guess.
there IS metal playing throughout the film. there's also punk and the film deals with neo nazis and skinheads but there is definitely also metal
And what music do you like?
That shit and then when they disembowel the big guy was a bit excessive.
The opening twenty minutes where they're just showhopping and playing to empty venues is the most disgustingly honest portrayal of low-level band touring ever put on the screen and the movie that follows is a treat for anybody who's ever played in a band that hit the road.
wow you're narcissistic
I told my friend, who had been in a low level touring band, to see Green Room and he thought it was just about a band going from show to show. It was like an hour in before he realized they weren't going to another show.
>not getting punk
it's ok carry on listening to your VN bgm
what does your friend look like?
like a guy that used to be in a band
that fucking skinhead hall was spot-on too, speaking as someone who used to spend a lot of time hanging out in them the set dressing was superb
Hear's your medal.
Art imitating life, Sup Forumscuck.
Man o man, I wish I had that experience watching this movie that would be great. The slow realization and then terror setting in, no idea what's going to happen. That'd be great
I shouldn't watch trailers anymore
I mean, I liked it, but I kind of struggle to think about it now.
Though the dog was neat. You don't get to see animals trained like that much in movies or tv.
Just vaprwVe :^)
Old boots new dirt