Humiliate me taking orders mache alles

humiliate me taking orders mache alles

Stick dick through picture of pope


Draw swastika on belly

Hallöchen Frank (eher Alexander? Oder wie war das, na ja, ist auch egal) was machste so heute, außer auf Sup Forums gammeln

Hi ho. LOL naja außer Sup Forums gammeln und Fernsehen wohl nicht mehr viel heute

Geht mir genauso.

I want to fuck you right now



Dick this guy


Dimi lutscht im Nion für 2€

get erect for me and write AYA on your hard dick


ops, sry but cant get a boner anymore

If you could write "Miss you Popica" on a piece of paper and hold it over your dick it'd be greatly appreciated. He's a friend I want to play a prank on



Write " Answer me tinkybang " danke


Why cant you get errect OP

well cause i m impotent

How long have you been doing this

hm its about more than three years i guess

can you please write "hey gerard why dont you return my calls?" thanks dude

Banana in ass


thx dude, i get my friend real good with these pics :)
at first he believed it was his GF's stalker who wanted me to send picture to him.

lol, nice :-)

so tiny

Maybe you could write " Hey Kevin, Hope you are getting lots of loot",

Schreib "↓ ↓ ↓ Nina lutscht↓ ↓ ↓ "

schreib Nina du bist fett




"Dylan 4 downrank" pls

Are you a cuck OP ?

schreib bitte Ich mache schluss


"I raped Caleb hard" pls and thank you

no unfortunately not. not yet

"max ur fucking gay" please lmfao

Make one that says " Hi Jack, I hope you're doing well" please

Schreib mal: Danke, Doernse!



Please OP deliver

"Henlo frens of OSM, r8 this pic"

Thanks in advance

Schreib bitte "Mehran, ich brauche deinen kleinen Türken in mir!"

What do you do with these papers when you are done.

mach bitte "Franzmann hat zurecht verloren"

Do "ATSUNAH" it means something in my language


Schreib " 100% halal "

Make one that says "I raped caleb"

Can you hold the paper to your face and write "Greg, Irene is an egg" I know its about your dick but if it was at your face it would be funnier.

well mostly, I throw them into the trash can


puh well i m not sure....

"I love you destiny" plx

im Kramer. can you please write me something

You've shown your face anyway so its not like it will be the first time mate. Danke.



Hrmpf. Bitte ein "Danke, Doernse!"

"Jack is a"

Have you ever flashed yourself in public at strangers to make them laugh at your small cock

schreib mal ich liebe alwinas nase
wärst ein schatz!

awesome you still do these? write "Mo you balding alcoholic!". I'd appreciate that.

lol, no of course not

Can you write "This is what love looks like, Amanda"




Please judge this DyaDya Mitta


Could you write this? Would be great!

gülsüms ist pfannenkuchen gesicht

danke der herr!

Could you please do this one?

Duc, you suck at LoL

Lea, I love you more than words can describe

could you write "Thomas Hebden is a nonce" cheers



"david jacob kramer eats cum"

OP, how old is this picture? Seen it here for several years at least. Figured this was someone else reposting it but now you are providing OC.

Can you please write "I love #LRH" ?

Can you do: "Daan flashing again as usual" ?

hm dont know 3 or 4 years i guess

Write "morigi basta tol"

Write "Duc you suck at League of Legends" please!!!

Pls write "giudi butta dentro"

Go outside






Put "Astunuhhhh" on your paper
