/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread

Fellow Pitchfork patricians, it is once again the time for our nightly countdown for Pitchfork's new reviews to be updated on the site at 1am eastern time.
Best New Music?
Best New Reissue?
8.0+ with no BNM?
A shitty set of 7's and below?
Weird Al’s eternal BNM incoming hypetrain!
Noctourniquetcourtsney Barnett Review?
Ian FUCKIN' Cohen?
Jayson "8.7" Greene?
Lindsay "qt feminist" Zoladz? [retired patrician, memory lives on forever]
Brandon “Meme Metal” Stosuy? [retired]
Grayson "Grizzly" Currin?
Brian "Backup" Howe?
Mark "the elder statesman" Richardson?
Andy "secretly alpha" Beta?
Zoe "¡DALE!" Camp?
Philip "Electronic Wizard” Sherburne?
Stephen "M." Deusner?
Laura "Sun Kil Buffoon" Snapes?
Jenn "Best New Tastemaker" Pelly
Marc "Not Mark" Hogan
KRIS "Meme Rap" EX
Jillian "they don't love you like I love you" Mapes
Kevin "who needs TMT anyways" Lozano

Will someone dethrone Kendrick Lamar’s 9.2 for AOTY?

OFFICIAL and accurate 2017 BNM Tally: 22
Nights since last BNM: 1

The most wonderful time of the night, every night, right now. Here it is, the nightly P4K thread. Time to get comfy.

>P4K Collection Rar (Over 300 deleted reviews, pics of every staff member, now slightly updated)

>Tonight's Top Stories
-This thread stands with Kesha eternally
-This thread hypes and supports DIIV, Jesu/Sun Kil Moon, Planetarium, and each & every poster here
-/p4k/ forever

Other urls found in this thread:


oh hey what's going on in here?

let's get things started shall we?

>More bullshit from globalists vol 1000

i like big black booties.

I think it's about the time we start asking when we're getting the Planetarium review


SZA 7.6
Chief Keef 6.4
Planetarium 7.0
Brockhampton 7.4

If you're going to continue to make these posts, at least use the correct updated logo. Here, I edited it for you, shill.

Planetarium 8.2 no bnm

these threads used to be more active

cmon guys we need more participation!
get in here Sup Forums

Do we know what classic is getting reviewed tonight?

user: Suck My Cock

I switch between the one in the OP and this one depending where I'm posting from
Suf is usually a safe bet for BNM

Oh shit
It's Mark Kozelek

what are we participating in? Someone clue me in.

1:04 AM, Vdara Hotel
Room 14015, April 9, 2016
Our day started today with many kisses
You were on your way out the door to Southern California 'til the fourteenth
And I was on my way to Las Vegas, then to New Orleans
When you said bye and closed my apartment door behind you
A heavy feeling fell upon me, it hit me in a very real way
That we'll live the rest of our lives together
And that gives me so much happiness and comfort
But it also hit me harder than ever before that one day we'll say goodbye for a final time
Every day we get closer and closer to death
I have no illusions of an afterlife
And have no idea how much longer I have on this planet
Or what my quality of life will be in five, ten, fifteen years
Where will our final goodbye be? What condition will I be in?
And how will your health be? Are we even sure we'll be in the same place when one of us has to go?
I don't like goodbyes
I've had enough last goodbyes with people to know that it's the most painful emotion in the world
I don't want to live for eternity, life is filled with too much sorrow
My mind keeps flashing to a woman I saw recently
Of her and her son asleep in the car on the Tenderloin on a very hot day
They were in a tow-away zone and looked to be completely passed out
She had a big map open on her lap
But I knocked on the door and though she couldn't speak to me she was okay
My biggest hope in life is that you are beside me when I die
I've lived many lifetimes in forty-nine years
But the best time of my life is of my days and years spent with you
I'm getting older and my stomach is bloated and feels off
I burp too much, I'm that middle-aged guy with a gut that I never thought I'd be
And here I am in Las Vegas
Family men with bellies bigger than mine are walking around with Guns N' Roses t-shirts

p4k uploading reviews

literally just one guy posting

ive never been on pitchfork, whats so special about this?

also, why havent they reviewed steroids by death grips yet?

whats pitchfork?

Salt-N-Pepa - Very Necessary 8.5 by Claire Lobenfeld



guys im actually not kidding whats so special about pitchfork and why havent they reviewed the new dg shit

whew lad!


They used to be pretty powerful and could make a band with a BNM tag
Either due to it not being a proper release or further evidence that p4k has a grudge against Death Grips

oh thanks for explaining.

can you imagine the kinda person who reads this review and then downloads this album bc p4k? lmao

>listening to music made by womemes


why didn't p4k review crack-up?

aotysf? mine is angel olsen - my women

good choice senpai


Either World Eater or The Assassination of Julius Caesar

fake albums

What does that even mean?