Movies You Had To Watch In High School


Biology class kino right here desu

>Magic School Bus

Not even mad. But some of the episodes covered High School Curriculum better...

Inglorious basterds lmao was a riot
Public enemies, watching the mann with the high school sweetheart, that feel you never forget

We watched this every year from when we were 11 onwards.

Same here
I didn't realize this was common at all

shit, same here



>yfw everybody was chosen because their skills were vital to the mission and everybody dies as a consequence of that stupid faggot having a heart attack during spaceflight

My Biology teacher was cool. I don't even remember what we learned but I remember this movie. Also, Blood Diamonds, Gladiator and a couple of epic movies for History class as well as a bunch of old movies for Literature.

>Inglorious Bastards
>Public Enemies

Romeo and Juliet. The one with the tits

I didn't go to film school, I went to films. In school.

If he was going to develop the heart condition, he already would have (and he'd be dead already)

>watching movies in class
literally the worst form of teaching

did your school mates became all coal burners?

I actually enjoyed the hell out of it and still do but I was to macho to admit it

The first half of Shrek dozens of times. It was the go-to timekiller when the teacher got bored of teaching.

it was for off days.

For instance, 12th graders didn't have to do anything on the week everyone else had to due state standardized testing so we would just watch movies and fuck around.

>Saving private ryan becuase WW2
>a few girls cried during wade's death
good times

Why would you watch it in biology class?

>watching SPR for history class
>all bros in the room are hyped because war movie
>all girls are "ugh, blood and guts and guns"
>opening beach scene leaves everyone speechless and in shock
>1st fucking period of the day

Because it's about genetics? I did too

It'd fit more in a politics or philosophy class

>watch roots
>that one kid who laughs during the whipping scenes
>teacher has to stop the movie
>entire class gets lectured about slavery
>tfw it was me

Now that the public schooling has settled...

Was Rudy kino? I watched it in health class for some reason

japanese class

absolute fucking kino man. whole class was hooked.
>dat godtier soundtrack in shitty vhs quality.

I took a film analysis class once.
The films we had to watch, discuss, and write about were:

Double Indemnity
Smoke Signals
A Simple Plan
The Big Lebowski
12 Angry Men

I think there was a couple more but I can't remember what.
All I remember was Hud blowing my mind because the main character was such an asshole and he never redeemed himself, which seemed really odd for a 60's westerner.

My high school didn't offer those

Been a while since I've seen it.

Disregard, I suck cocks.

>mfw I watched Zulu in high school

man that Social Studies teacher was so based

Freshman math teacher was based.

The teacher explained how the certain types of lighting such as Nicholson covered in red in one scene as he represents the devil over taking the religious boy of Damon and turning him.

It was probs my first Kino lesson on film

Towards the end of Grade 12 English we watched Total Recall.
We read the short story that inspired it but I think the teacher just wanted to watch Total Recall.

Based on what?


the latest pixar shit

and some retard kid with a dissability who saved people from a bus

>tfw someone on Sup Forums will become a teacher and make their students study the kinography of Batman V Superman

My video productions teacher was a pretty cool guy
Its too bad my second year taking it he quit and got replaced by the worst teacher i've ever had

Might have been late elementary school or early high school but I remember they made us go to an assembly to watch Rudy, maybe I was a cynical little shit or they just overhyped it to much but I remember it being boring at the time. They hyped it up as some borderline life changing insparational movie and it was lackluster with a generic overcoming the odds feel good vibe, at least that's how I remember it.

Quick, Sup Forums, what film should I show a college English course?

We watched this every year from fifth grade to twelfth. It was a joke among the student body that it was shown every single year. We also watched Varsity Blues one time during shop class. Doc Hollywood was also shown to a class at my High School while I was there.

dem breasts

>tfw the pretentious hpisters calling everyone plebs will DEFINITELY become teachers and force students to sit through black and white asian cinema

A Roy Stuart joint

Suicide Squad.

As artistic as film's get.

That chemical pool seen is beautiful

Pic related

This too. 8th grade history.

Not this though. We watched the 90s one.

>We watched the 90s one.
watched that in my freshman english class, what a piece of shit that was. I had a hot teacher though so it was alright

Ive probably seen this movie more times than I've seen my own dick.

Not when you're the student.


>watched that in my freshman english class
Hey me too. Male teacher though, and we made fun of it all the way through.

This and All The President's Men in senior US Gov.

Band of Brothers. What a glorious 2 weeks it was.

My nigga, took us like 6 periods to watch the whole movie.

Osmosis Jones
Lorenzo's Oil
Select scenes from Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List
Romeo + Juliet

true biology kino


i gotta go watch that rocket kino again.




OH IT SHOWS. That's why you're stuck on
>Sup Forums.

watching this felt like a sick joke, we were too young to have our eyes opened like that


>someone else had a crazy political theorist teacher who showed this film
ruined the last few years of high school when all the """smart""" kids became fedora tipping 9/11 truthers

It pretty often happens that athletes with congenital heart defects just drop dead well into their careers.

still a better film then 99% of the tripe in this thread

This so much.
In senior year US government we had a project where we pretended to be Congress and split into committee groups to draft a bill, then argue for it. Some of the proposals were so redpill I wanted to ask a few of them if they bought a Sup Forums pass.

10 Things I Hate About You in English class, Troy in Ancient History, Saving Private Ryan in Year 12 Modern History, and The Terminal at some point, can't remember why. All good shit, except maybe Troy.

>Das Boot
>Stalingrad (1993)

German class was pretty cool

tbqh i never liked watching movies at school. It ruins the experience of the movie to watch it broken up over multiple days in a shitty classroom with the knowledge that you'll have to include it in your work somehow.

>Freshman English
>Romeo & Juliet (1968)
That was awesome.

>Not posting the best

Remember watching this in my biology class.

>Smoke Signals

Was that the one about the Indian reservation and shit? We watched that in 11th grade English class during a curriculum on native Americans. I was into movies by then and still hated that boring shit.



Back in 12th grade English after my class finished First They Killed My Father.

watched this in my government class for some reason
still, was pretty dank

I watched it on TV, pretty fun


so many propaganda films in this thread :^)

I watched all of these senpai
Class of 2014 Report!

Who was your teacher?

Let's see, what else.
>Greek Mythology class(fuck yeah)
Star Wars
Armond Assante version of the Odyssey
Harry Potter
>Don't remember the class, may have been English
Knight's Tale
>Jr High, not Highschool, but whatever
Jeremiah Fucking Johnson. They had the entire eight grade not have any classes that day and we all just sat in our homerooms and watched that piped over the cctv system.

Class of 2014 was 18 2 years ago, what is your point?

I remember being thrown off because the doctor guy said something along the lines of
>Right handed guys don't hold it with their left

I've literally always held my dick with my left hand, whether pissing or masturbating, right handed in every other way, and I assumed that was normal.
Fucking movie made me self-conscious about my penis regimen, 0/10

An old white guy who was really cool but pretty left leaning

Romeo + Juliet 1996

i had to watch pic related in college

Stand and Deliver - every fucking math class
The Patriot - based 8th grade histor teacher
Loose Change (about how 9/11 was done by the gov.), based 8th grade English teacher
Dead Poets' Society - based 8th grade english teacher
Elf - every fucking Christmas
The Blind Side
Mean Girls - for an anti-bullying assembly. kek
Saving Private Ryan - based 8th grade history teacher
Full Metal Jacket - based 8th grade history teacher
Life is Beautiful - holocaust propaganda
"O" - was like a nigger version of Othello. had a roastie lit teacher
Good Will Hunting - for psychology
Requiem for a Dream - to this day i still don't know why we watched this, in 8th grade English. He was one of those teachers that also gave us advice/social skills since it was a ghetto area in New Jersey. He was an eccentric guy, 4'11", wasn't able to lift his right arm up, was always traveling around. I miss him ;_;

>Watching Gandhi in History class
>Gandhi gets shot at the start
>"Oh God"
>Laugh maniacally with friend
>Teacher fuming
>Lectures us about how that isn't funny
>End of the movie
>"Oh God" again
>Can't hold it
>Laugh even harder

same here

I remember this one
During the balcony scene I remember the girl who sat next to me going "'Oh, come on, no teenager has boobs like that"
>Olivia Hussey was actually 15 years old
>We were about 17
>Watching breast envy unfolding before my very eyes

My spanish teacher showed this, all three years I took her classes lmao. I think she just liked the movie.

Catholic school ftw.
Also, Masada.

where's the 7th samurai? was he the one who took the picture?

Stop making me feel.young

My class had to watch Romeo + Juliet

Liked the play, absolutely fucking hated that re-imagining of it.