>Brewer starting
dantoni must not respect the mavs that much
>tfw new bed
feels so comfy
>game is already over
really putting the ass in dallas here
Am I crazy or is it dark in the stadium? Can't see shit
don't worry its not just you
I didn't know dirk was back already
This is a lineup mismatch since Bogut came back in
harrell will have his work cut out for him
didn't take long for the mavs to get back in this
Brewer, a 1st and a 2nd for Bogut, who says no?
the mavs would say no
>who says no
Hopefully the Rockets. Bogut has maybe one year left in him. He's always injured.
He'd be the backup on a minutes limitation - and they get rid of Brewer, who is fucking dreadful.
morey loves his 2nd round picks though
Fucking Curry, man
Rockets have two incoming 2nd rders (from Portland and Denver) from past trades this year.
you had that nene
nene didn't do anything too bad to warrant getting in a fight
terrible air ball harden
Rockets look v. pissed off which has led to some good defensive effort
Think that shit should count as a rip-through
who gave the okay for this timeout segment?
Anderson could take dirk
dirk invented anderson
>Rockets Busters
>about to be 0-4 against them for the season
Really thinking over here
anderson is younger though so if dirk really wanted to fight him like he was implying with that stare down think anderson would win
Does Carlisle get the most techs of any coach in the league?
not sure about that call
watch the head
Well this game turned to complete shit
it looked like it would be a close on for a couple of minutes. just didn't pan out that way
and 1
harrell got schooled there
what did harden do?
Happy to give Ariza an early bath after a productive back-to-back
>free what a burger for a year
>winner from wisconsin
seems like a waste
lets give chinanu some burn now dantoni
based dekker still going all out
one last game against dallass to go
Any words on a skirmish that happened? Apparently some raghead from the Mavs said something about Ariza's wife and kids.