Name a more overrated movie

Name a more overrated movie.
>Protip, you can't

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Today I found that I'm not the only one who thinks this movie sucked, comparing it with the other Kubrick's movies.

Hunger games, fantastic beasts, suicide squad and guardians 2

2001 was fantastic, a clockwork orange was alright, everything else is trash.

oh and dr. strangelove is a masterpiece

Today I found out that you haven't watched many Kubrick movies, otherwise you would see his clear and unambiguous narrative overtake the novel's story.

Also, Lolita. There's a Kubrick movie that did not live up to expectations.

And Eyes Wide Shut

what the fuck does that even mean? i'm probably the only one in this thread who actually read The Shining.


EWS was a real mindfuck

Doesn't get it

If you can't tell how Kubrick co-opted the novel
s story line then you haven't read the book.

jack torrance blows up with the boiler. that whole shit with him running around through the maze and freezing? never happens in the novel. in the novel jack has many facets to his character. in the movie, he's just fucking crazy.

silence of the lambs


2001 a space odessy. movie is booring.


Fight Club

The Godfather

You're a faggot. God-tier and revolutionary camera work, suspense, imagery, setting and attention to detail. Is it your miniature cock size that lead to you becoming a contrarian edgelord or is there something else at play here?

No he's not "just fucking crazy", there is a clear supernatural aspect to what happens to Jack.

That's being pretty contrarian. I'd go with the new starwars/the hobbit

Lord of the Rings

Fight Club.

It's honestly the worst movie I have ever watched and I'm not even hating the movie.

2001 is so slow that I had to shit it down. I liked the start with the prehistoric apes or wth that was, but as soon as they were in space it was like watching flowers grow.

I loved Interstellar though.

overrated sure, but the "worst" movie? really? there are so many shitty movies out there

pulp fiction was super overrated

I'm not hating on the movie. I'm hating on you for liking the movie. People like you don't appreciate art.


yeah it was

ITT: a peon who doesn't understand cinema or storytelling, and just wants explosions and superhero action scenes.

i've never seen it actually. what do you consider art and I'll see if I appreciate it or not


I enjoyed it, but it really was slow paced. The 45 minutes of just colors at the end seemed unnecessary

yeah it was

After reading the book and seeing how different and better it was I want someone to make a new shining movie more closely based on the book.


Have you listened to the dialogue? You are you one of those riche nouveau movie critics who can't stand a movie without a gun fight every 30seconds

yeah it was

Donnie Darko is just about some faggot having hallucinations about a rabbit while he wants to kill himself for two hours.

The Force Awakens is way better than Rogue One, that's all I'm gonna say to disprove your point.



yeah it was

You need help

There Will Be Blood.. .
Most boring movie i've ever sat through.

all the new star trek films are way overrated and absolute rubbish. the original series is the way to go.

Say yeah it was one more time motherfucker

I watched this movie before I had heard anything from it and didn't find it interesting, I was surprised to hear everyone hyping it some time later to the point I wasn't even sure I saw the right movie

HahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahajajHHHhahajjahahahahahha good yoke

yeah it was

So YOU are the one who likes action scenes and hates on me because you thought you saw something in me that you hate about yourself?

I don't like action, I'm all about a good love story, art, cinematography and investment in the characters.

80% of the original series is the overrated dogshit, the new movies are pretty good

you're entitled to your wrong opinion

Why u gotta hate on the best movie of all time? It's not even that highly rated.

I know I'm going to take heat for this here. Yeah, I know, it's Sup Forums's favorite movie. But highly overrated: Titanic

original series > new trek
you're delusional

Works by Christopher Nolan and George Lucas is art.


stupid nigger faggot, shut the fuck up. opinions can't be wrong

pulp fiction


Star wars

From an ethical perspective your opinion is wrong. Very wrong. Bad bad boy.

I also agree, Pulp Fiction.

which Nolan films are you referring to? And the Star Wars prequels are considered art?

STOP HATING ON DONNIE DARKO AND THE CRUSH!!!! best movies of all time!!!


This guy has a number of great analysis videos of Kubrick films that might change your opinion and shows a number of things I missed on initial viewing. Also has another channel with more under his name Rob Agers

Absolutely fucking garbage.

I don't know why everyone I know thinks it's the greatest movie ever.


The first thing to understand about "the shining" is that the protagonist is the hotel, not jack. If you can't understand this very basic thing, you won't understand the movie

I didn't like it the first time I watched it. Now it's one of my favorites.


Inception, The Prestige, Following, Interstellar, Memento.

You don't know the work that want into those movies. All the artists who made paintings and sculptures which were either approved or scrapped by Lucas. You probably don't care, but watch the 6 hour bonus material on the Blu-Ray's and start appreciating the art that went into those movies. It's not just CGI!

I also honestly think the love story is better in the prequels than the original trilogy.

Though all Star Wars movies are almost equally great.

ITT: user calls himself a samefag for attention

Love the shining but I have to disagree here. The hotel could be considered a character but it's influence is played out through Jack. Jack and the change that he undergoes is the focus of the film. The plot is moved forward through his actions and character development.

And you are the samefag and now you got the attention. And maybe I am me just samefagging to me?

The Dark Knight.

What a snooze fest.

Pure kino!


What the fuck don't cheat. That's the beauty of Kubrick

I haven't seen Following or Interstellar, but I did really like the rest of those films. I haven't met anyone else who liked The Prestige. Just because a lot of work and time went into something doesn't mean it's art in the end. Yes technically art was made for the movie but I wouldn't consider the final thing to be 'art.' I'd also have to disagree with the last line, of episodes 1-3 only 3 and parts of 2 were good. 4-6 are pretty comparable and 7 is essentially the same story with better effects so I guess it's comparable as well.

>Rob Agers

Jabba the Hutt died today.

every star wars movie within the last few years or so

boring, and i am a petroleum engineer, that movie is boring as shit

Leon the professional is sooo dumb and overrated
