nice.. uh... """"""sport""""" ya got there Europe...
nice.. uh... """"""sport""""" ya got there Europe...
nba BTFO
la liga BTFO
wtf i HATE soccer now
Kinda bullshit MLB has to split its flag 50/50 with Canada I mean we give them one fucking team (that nobody likes) and they act like it's not a goddamn AMERICAN league
They should move the Blue Jays to Buffalo. Cut all ties with that gay-ass country.
how can yuropoors even compete?
>that nobody likes
Your F.A.N.G. is GAT LIEK
Fucking delete this RIGHT FUCKING NOW
A bit of investment and we can overtake ligue 1
Who can stop us
That chart doesn't list the revenue generated in the champions (and Europa) league or even the World Cup.
If you were to include that revenue and add it together with all the revenue generated in every soccer league it would be well in excess of the NFL tbqh
so the combined total of global soccer is bigger than american football? wow
If you're doing that then lets just add the NFL and NCAA football revenue together. It would crush everything else combined.
This. They need to move to another poverty stricken nigger filled shithole like every other American urban center.
>If you were to include that revenue and add it together with all the revenue generated in every soccer league it would be well in excess of the NFL tbqh
So every league in the world combined is bigger than the league in one country? What a shock.
Australia has an American football league?
plane engines
b-b-but muh poverty-ridden per capita viewers
>MLS is almost worth as much as Eredivisie
Jesus, who actually follows the MLS enough for this to happen?
no, they play their own kind of rugby
Quit being such an American fanboy
to counter this i vote that soccer leagues now have mandatory commercials every 3 minutes
Where's the FIFA World Cup? Olympics? Don't get lazy, user.
"Sports Leagues" you fucking retard.
>all those europoor divegrass league combined barely make half what the American leagues make
>mfw if you combine all cricket and rugby revenue it's still just a fraction of NFL and MLB's revenue
probably doesn't even match NHL or NBA revenue either
euroshit sports btfo
>Bundesliga making more money than La Liga
It's a retarded comparisson. First of all USA is a lot bigger than any European country. Secondly NFL got 32 teams while most European leagues have around 18 teams. Of course your LEAGUE revenue is higher than any European league. But there's no question what sport generates the most money.
>being this mad
This is old and domestic revenue. The PL's most recent deal is over 10bn pounds for domestic and overseas TV deals, which, depending on the conversion rate, is higher than the NFL
Although I don't think it's a good thing and is dumb to brag about
You should combine the UEFA Leagues to see the real state of Football in Europe.
Otherwise is just a matter population
>Literally one "sport" that plays in one league
How the fuck can you even claim something is a sport when you're teams are unironically called "franchises".
Nice b8 though
>most profitable soccer league makes less than fucking baseball
Just combining the European leagues on this chart (without Turkey and Russia and not even counting smaller league in Portugal, Belgium, etc) you get a revenue of 15 B.
>top 5 yuro leagues top NFL in revenue
gg kiddo
But how many Euros do each of these leagues make?
I'm frankly shocked that the Bunda Liga is ahead of La Liga.
>yuropeein sawker leagues make less in revenues than the nhl
Just combine the NFL, NCAA, and Leafball. Get fucked Luigi.
ok add the champions league and well talk
Where do CL and EL rank?
Not including these seems hardly logical.
What a fantastic source. Would bang.
Just do it then.
Don't worry cause we also have the second leagues + uefa cup + champions league
European football >>> American Football even by revenues
>A total of more than €1.3bn will be shared among the clubs in the 2016/17 UEFA Champions League and we explain how the money will be distributed from winners to first qualifying round.
so that's around 1.7 bn dollars just on what teams get
business insider pretty sure also this pic is old as fuck if you reverse the image in the archive you get 400 threads
>Amerifat first past the post mentality failing to understand that just because a sport is big in 1(one) highly populated country it doesn't actually mean it's more profitable than a sport popular literally everywhere else
Imagine the revenue of the Premier League or Champions League if they were showing commercials every 10 seconds during matches
There's only 3 contact sports on there.
What is wrong with Europe?
our league has 45mins of sport interupted
urs has adverts every 35 seconds
>doesn't take into consideration that US is multiple times bigger than any of these countries
>doesn't take lower divisions into consideration
nice """comparison""" you got there
What does your diet have to do with sport revenue?
excuse you
I miss those threads about the daily semen rations.
How do we bring back old Sup Forums?
>Your league has advertisements
>Ours is pure
MFW I see the Air Emirates play the Yokohama Tires
Do NFL teams actually lose money? Seems like the dream to own one of them with no threat of relegation
Beats the fuck out of clubs and "kits"
NFL teams only play 16 games in the regular season whereas Football teams play 30+
I suppose it evens out in the end
Then I guess USA gets all minor league baseball and NCAA too, literally the two most overpopulated sports in the US. Implying you could compete with that.
Why are americans so insecure about their sports?
>no relegation
>stadiums paid for by taxes
>no history so you can basically change the entire ethos of a club and no one will care/kick up a fuss
>contract negotiations are heavily weighted in the club's favour
>the league's entire business strategy is to ensure all franchises are profitable
NFL ownership is complete easy mode.
>NPB 10th
I thought nippon or nip was a derogatory term but it seems they like it.
Nippon is the Japanese translation for Japan in the latin alphabet
nice franchise you got there, america
That's why I keep coming back here, always learning neat stuff.
> ignore the fact that america is as big as Britain, Spain, France, Germany and Italy combined
yankersfags BTFO
"nip" can be seen as derogatory depending on who you ask, it has some negative connotations as it was used as a slur during WW2. I don't think most people care anymore though.
what did he mean by this? is he seriously that triggered?
It's because just watching the NFL every 5 seconds they're either trying to waterboard you with Gatorade or sell you a Hyundai.
>Having a thing called a television timeout in your sport
>Actualy stopping the game for 2-3 minutes to watch commercials
>Being proud of that because it creates revenue
*tips menora
Remember your place
We Americans get off to the idea that somewhere someone is making money. Now that the American Dream is dead, we live the glory of capitalism vicariously.
>commercials every two minutes
>makes more revenue
>Don't stop, grab a Snickers
>unironically stops to watch a Snickers commercial
Nippon is not derogatory
Nip is derogatory
Jap is derogatory, but it's also a kickass song
Epl has increased its shekels
What about sloop?
What about slip?
You really aren't that funny you gypo cunt. I dont want to say anything, We'll see at the end of the season
If you consider how much smaller the European countries they do quite well. I don't get what we are boasting about besides the superior NFL
youre kinda rude for a leaf
kek NCAAF revenue would dwarf the NFL's but they'll never reveal how much they make because it's the most corrupt sporting organization in the world
>posting a graphic that shows football generates more revenue than handegg
>expect to BTFO europe
all of poverty kick combined across the entire world in that graph totals to 19.442 billion dollars. How many teams does that amount to to make less than 50% more than a sport that has a single league played in a single country that only plays 256 games in a season?
>per capita revenue
>NFL: $40.1
>EPL: $94.5
>a 32 team league generates more revenue than a 20 team league
I personally, am absolutely godsmasked at this revelation
that's a choclate bar mate. the word you mean is "sniggers", you fucking fat stupid cunt
NFL has 256 games
EPL has 380
How are you dumb enough to believe an unsourced infographic
the 20 team league plays more than twice the amount of games doe m7.
>the MLS at 536M Euros
How? Literally everyone I know stops watching anytime MLS comes on on FS1 and FS2.
it plays 124 total more games