Lowest points allowed I'm the NFL by far

>Lowest points allowed I'm the NFL by far
>Essentially tied with the Falcons since Brady has been back in points scored per game, who lead the league by far
You have 5 seconds to explain how the Patriots aren't going to dominate the NFL post season and win an easy superbowl
Protip: You literally cannot

They will make the super bowl easily

Don't forget that the AFC is a shit show. The Owl is literally being served on a platter to /ourguy/

Based Brady, literally the GOAT.

Dolphins.....it's science

Chiefs look scary good, doe.

The best 5 QBs the Pats defense have faced this season are unironically Russell Wilson, Joe Flacco, Ryan Tannehill, Carson Palmer, and Tyrod Taylor. They gave up 21 points or more in all those games.

Pats defense is gonna be exposed hard in the playoffs.

>Lowest points allowed I'm the NFL by far
>You have 5 seconds to explain

They've had the easiest schedule in the NFL and haven't played a decent offense since October

haha holy shit even the game I'm referring to (Steelers) they didn't even play against Roflsburger.

AFC is better than the NFC this year. Cowboys and Seahawks are the only good NFC teams. Chiefs, Steelers, patriots and Dolphins are all contenders.

This. Cowboys defense gave up less combined points to Big Ben, Aaron Rodgers, Matt Stafford, Kirk Cousins, and Jameis Winston than the Pats gave up to those 5 scrubs.

I agree with OP ... Brady's work on defense is overlooked. He is personally responsible for the Pat's allowing so few points.


But the Falcons will beat the Pats in the SB


Here's your (You). The only other good team in the AFC was the Raiders.

By who? Matt Moore, Alex Smeth, or Tom Savage? All the AFC QBs are shit outside Big Ben.


They have a good shot, but steelers and KC can beat them in the AFC.

If they make the owl? They would be hard pressed to beat Dallas and Green Bay is streaking right now and could also beat them.

That's it though.

Not thinking /ourguy/ based Smith couldn't lead a streaking offense and superior defense over the meme team of the decade.

Top kek good sir.

>win an easy SB
Packers gonna eat you alive



He got cucked last year in the playoffs and surely would again this year considering the Patriots are a better team this year.

>this level of hubris

You can't hide forever, Tom

he's simply the best ever

I don't see the Cucktriots getting by KC and I wouldn't be shocked if the Dolphins nutted on their face in the divisional.

>Only other good team in the AFC was the raiders
When will this meme die

Chiefs always look scary until they get to the playoffs where Andy Reids ultra-conservative take no chances style of football combined with having a QB who cannot put the team on his back for a late rally doom them.

Remember The Chiefs had a 12 game winning streak last season before they ran into the meat grinder that is the New England Patriots

Yes, a team with no defense, the Brady/Belichick kryptonite.

You're delusional. The only teams in the past 15 years to give the Pats any trouble were all top tier defensive teams.

The early Rex Ryan Jets for a brief period
Mid 2000's Steelers
Baltimore Ravens with Lewis/Reed/Suggs/Scott
Crazy ass Tom Coughlin Giants D's of 2007 and 2011
Recent Denver Broncos
The Seattle Seahawks who led the NFL in defense for the past 5 consecutive seasons.

That's it. The Patriots blow the doors off of teams with great QBs but no defense.

He has a losing record when Rodgers starts against them.

Doesn't mean a thing if you don't win the Ring.

>Apples to Oranges

Who's "he"? You have to play against the whole team, cheesey, and this season the defense is elite.

Also, results from years ago with completely different teams have no bearing on anything. Packers have had decent defenses in past years, this is not one of those years.

Green Bay is tied for 22nd in PPG and are allowing more than a full TD than NE is (with a 2pt conversion). The only teams behind the Packers in defense are (in order from most allowed to least)
San Francisco
New Orleans
The Jest
San Diego

Only one team on that list is going to the playoffs.

The difference between San Francisco and Green Bay in PPG is LESS than the difference between NE and GB in PPG.

You don't stop the Patriots unless your defense is on point. Green Bay's is not.

That offense got shut down against the only good defense it played in this time frame.


>KC shitposting last year
>Patriots beat Queefs
>Andy Reid mismanages clock

You're in for a long and slow demise courtesy of Andy Reid, pal

the 2001 patriots had the easiest schedule in the league

and they won the SB

Malcolm Mitchell is a really good dude. Both on & of the field. Really helped steer this receiving corps after GRONK went down.

>7-0 against No. 1 defenses

But that's a complete lie?

the fact that the pats going 16-0 is talked about 10x more than the fact that the giants won [whatever year that was] shows it matters.

you cant write off dan marino as being one of the best just because he didnt win a super bowl

Laeva the pstriots to me

>Protip: You literally cannot
New England had a cupcake schedule this year

>I'm the NFL
what did he mean by this?

every team but the patriots is a cupcake tho

The Giants beating the Pats again is so inevitable.


is this even correct english? an seller?

it's because you pronounce herb 'erb

Assuming the get past the Chiefs ( pats play at home so I'm 95% certain the pats will win) then the steelers (probably 90% they'll win) they'll have to play the Cowboys in Houston. 70% they win. So 5%+10%+30% 45% chance of failure at one of those points combined versus 55% chance in my mind the pats win the owl

That's not how probability works

Leave Brady to me

The Cowboys make it out of the NFC and run all over the Patriots. Control the clock and Dez has a big game. Brady isnt able to keep up as his DECLINE begins shortly before the Superb Owl. Literally Brady is human for the owl and the Cowpogs run away 34-17 as Tom accepts his new career as a man servant for Giselle. He is still the GOAT but he had to pass the torch first. Simple as that desu.

Dr. Pavel, I'm the NFL.

Thats still the best team in NFL history. Offense just stalled for a couple quarters at the worst possible time.

You have autism

Fuck. Dubs. That doesnt confirm shit man.

You can see him thinking "Ok they are in good shape but remember its not over. Dont celebrate dont come on gotta finsih."

>It is happening again

The fucking memes this season are crazy, we have a fucking memebowl in a few days with the Lions and Packers too.

Look I like Tom Brady. But coming up with the most retarded stats that have nothing to do with running offense makes you look like a stupid fuck.

Kill yourself you retard. Quarterbacks don't play defense.

Name one good offense they've played and won against.

one of the lowest SOS temper these facts.

They beat 3 of the top 11 (not counting themselves) offenses. Bills, Pittsburgh, and Cardinals.

They weren't the number 1 defense

>Pittsburgh without Big ben
>top offense

Statistically the Bills are 11th in the league so you can suck my dick big boi.

Pats are the favorites to win it clearly

Actually they have a top 10 strength of schedule this year so kill yourself desu

Maybe win a divisional championship once in a while bud

>losing 4(four) in a row

could you imagine if the pats did this? guess New England has a higher standard then you cheese monkeys

The Dolphins are going to win.

> dlolphins

Eli Manning made the playoffs

Stupid thread. Made by a stupid person. If they win looks like kek. If they lose, who give a shit? Go fuck yourself. Then make a real thread.

Delet THIS.

They were the No. 1 PPG defense.

>You have 5 seconds to explain how the Patriots aren't going to dominate the NFL post season and win an easy superbowl

>the fact that the pats going 16-0 is talked about 10x more than the fact that the giants won

Things that literally aren't true, for 500? EVERYONE talks about how the Patriots ate shit and lost to the G-Men. What the actual fuck are you on about, m8?

They're obviously the best team, but it only takes one bad day for the owl to get away from you.

>bad day
You spelled "Eli Manning" wrong.

>tfw jameis is in a list that is compared to scrubs and not one of the scrubs

Leave the Patriots to me.

He's throwing to a receiver who got Johnny fucking Manziel drafted in the first round, like he's that fucking good.

Anyone who thinks Tom Brady the literal GOAT won't win the super bowl after the greatest year in history knows fuck all about anything.

Brady and Belichick are both Trump supporters and anyone who goes against them will be fucked by the Trump curse. AFC BTFO NFC BTFO HILLSHILLS BTFO


andy "clock management" reid will stick a dagger in his own teams heart again