There are fat people in this board right now giving sporting views and opinions
There are fat people in this board right now giving sporting views and opinions
Welcome to Sup Forums.
You don't need to be /fit/ to watch or even understand sports. Fat means is that the person is too lazy to do it themselves (or muh genetics), it doesn't stop them from much else.
What's next, being American to have opinions on Hollywood movies and Japanese for weebshit reviews? A kid to have views on vidya?
zambia are afraid to walk around late at night
Fat guy here, willing to bet I played sport at a higher level than virtually anyone else on this board. Probably a better athlete than most, too. If there are any skinny /fit/s here they might be able to outrun me, but I would be much stronger than all of them.
There are people in this thread who can't even squat 405 lbs and still post their input about sports
Very impressive, for a woman I mean.
What part of the savanna are you from m8?
>mfw some cuck who never even got drafted into the minor leagues tries to talk about baseball
>Fat guy here
yeah we saw the flag
can't strangle what you can't touch fat ass nigga
What level are we talking, representing the USA?
skinny people have starved their brains of precious nutrients. their brains are literally screaming for any kind of sustenance.
meanwhile, fat peoples brains are luxuriating in loads of delicious sugary brain food. this is a brain that is operating at peak performance.
checkmate skinny fags.
>assuming you can outrun me because of BMI or hip:waste ratio
If you are /fit/ and skinny I will buy it, if you're just a lanklett who sits in front of a computer all day you wouldn't stand a chance.
College football, FCS division.
nice, were you one of those defensive block guys that stop people from tackling the quarter back (I know nothing about american footy)
Offensive lineman, yeah.
American here AMA
>amerilards believe this
enjoy getting shot?
>mfw talk about baseball all the time even though I've never even played catch and started watching in 2015
Yeah, but in all sports there are plenty of fat people who are coaches with extensive knowledge on the sport, it's history, and how its played.
>tfw you find out that Africa has the internet
I'm proud to have the freedom to get shot every day.
The enjoyment from sport essentially stems from its competitive nature. Sports is about constantly trying to improve yourself and your team until you are the best. Anyone who allows themselves to become fat lacks self-discipline and will, therefore, never truly be able to appreciate sports.
>t. skeletonmode basement dweller
nigga there are morbidly obese PLAYERS who are considered GOATs in football.
More like, "Offensive man to look at"
will you pin me down if u catch me ;)
What's the difference between an American and a tub of lard?
Nothing lol