Wage gap? or earnings gap?

wage gap? or earnings gap?
What is the left's proposed solution for fixing the wage "gap"? Do we all start paying women more money only because they are females? What?

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Just fill the gap with tampons or some other sort of feminine product.

Who is that I need moarrrrrr. I need it alllllll

nah, they are suggesting we should pay for their medical expenses, child care and their unproductive old lady days.

Encourage women to pursue higher paying careers. That's all.

Wage gap is not a gender thing, it's about "want"s. You want to be an engineer or a lawyer or a doctor, and earn good money? Then study and get yourself some good examina. Many men do that, and some women too. You want to take the simple way through life? Then by all means, do that. More women than men do that, in my opinion. And that's OK, the world needs cleaners and cashiers too. But don't complain later. So yes, men EARN more, but are not paid more. That feminist "wage gap" is not about genders, it's about ambitions. Simple as that.


I'm a liberal and I don't believe in the wage gap.

There is no true wage gap. Men work more over time and that's the reality of it. I worked 60 hours a week and my female coworker refused to work overtime because it's unnecessary. Tough luck on her cause I made double her pay in a given week with overtime pay so she can suck it.

>STEP 1:
Ban women from work
>STEP 2:
Hit the tred mill bitch!
>STEP 3:
While becoming fuckable watch men gain higher wages
>STEP 4:
Learn to not be a whore riding the cock carousel, and find a man who will tolerate your mental retardation
>STEP 5:
Be happy in the kitchen while your high wage earning man takes care of you.



On the contraray, I work with this chick, different roles, we make about the same amount of money, she works 60 hours a week because she doesn't know how to say no. I refuse to work more than 40 hours a week and I get more respect.


The more dangerous or dirty the job, the more women are 100% absent.

Then they get a job in a clean air conditioned office barely having to move and want to get paid big money.

Sorry honey, that's not how the world works.

But this is also the same world where "being a mom" is the hardest job on the planet.


Gunna need more or sauce on this pic user

I'm pretty sure (or at least I hope) the main thing is just a call for more auditing of an employee's salary based on documentable performance based on hard data. As in, if two employees can both be seen to have the same comparable value when it comes to workplace efficiency and profit as a result of their work, they should have the same pay. Doesn't matter if Jane has been there for 30 years or Joe is 24, if they produce the same amount for the company they bring the same sum home at the end of the week.

At least as a liberal that's what I would imagine the sensible option is, but as a dude I've never witnessed how the wage gap even happens.

don't get me wrong here but even low skill labour can still fund people's expenses when they are young and live modestly and save much of their pennies, but quite many don't adhere to that at all and move to the city in which everything becomes really expensive, don't build up savings and try to marry somewhat whealthy. that's pressing your luck...

If you're ambitious, no matter what you do as a female, it's usually seen as a negative. For a male it's seen as a positive, because people want that men to be ambitious. Even women get pissed off when they have to listen to a female boss.

By investing in robust childcare programs, highlighting female role models in high paying careers / in the top of their field, encouraging them to participate in STEM at a young age through school programs, etc.

I don't really understand why this shit triggers conservatives so much. Don't you want your mom or sister to have a better chance at pursuing a good career? Wouldn't you want your wife to be making more money rather than less? I don't really see who loses out. Maybe they're just afraid of having to compete for jobs with women?

>as a liberal
assuming your friends/family are liberals as well, how many of them buy the wage gap thing?

You gonna post any more of that set, op?


>woman's worth is only what I say it is.

How is the Islamic faith treating you, brother?

Being a Mom is the hardest "job" on the planet. It's the job with the lowest success rate.

>>as a liberal -> more auditing

You must be a redneck from the middle of nowhere if you think that you can't make "big money" working in a "clean air-conditioned office" - Most people who make big money do.

Stop samefagging

First of all, women should be in the home barefoot and pregnant until menopause. Male employers are smart enough to know they can pay women less for the same job as a man because they know women don't know how to negotiate a contract. Finally, every woman who dabbles in joining the workforce is taking a job away from a man who needs the money because he has a worthless pantload of a wife and a herd of kids at home.

I'm teaching my niece how to programme, how to use photoshop, how science works, etc, stuff that could make her money when she grows up. If anyone does that why do we need a national rule/regulation/whatever to push more females into STEM and whatever. Just raise the kid right and she'll end up having a good paying job.

Why do you need to rape your wife? Mine has sex with me willingly all I want.

Lol this. Like any the top CEOs have even lifted a finger in the past 10 years?

Hard work is for suckers.

you mean encourage for women not to have family and work off of instinct. Yeah thats gonna happen.. only to fat ugly old childless bitches.

>>employers are smart enough to know they can pay less for the same job because they know weaklings don't know how to negotiate a contract
Nobody just "gives" you equal wage. If you don't know your value, they will give you just enough to keep you from jumping ship

Imagine for just a moment:
A world where each and every single person had the exact same wage regardless of place of employment, job title. You'd have people in positions in which they truly care about doing it for the right reasons rather than for the money.

>What is the left's proposed solution for fixing the wage "gap"?
gulags, gulags everywhere

>Do we all start paying women more money only because they are females?
no you dumb nigger what the fuck is wrong with you? The wage gap barely exists, and women are the ones who created it. they take more vacation, longer vacation, choose lower paying professions, have maternity leave, work less hours, etc... etc.. etc..

What's with the awful fucking facebook gif?

Nobody would do shit, because nobody does their job for the love of it.




This is why women are retarded. The only Job a woman should have is spreading her legs, shutting her mouth, and gobbling a mans cock to validate her existance.

As women enter a field in larger numbers, the pay drops. ( nyti.ms/1R8scJc ) a prominent example of this is Doctors in Russia.
I don't know how someone would fix that.
And then there's the unequal distribution of unpaid household labour (which reduces how competitive women can be in the workplace), which could be fixed by men taking on more domestic duties, and a societal shift away from "women's work isn't valuable"
If we made it safer for women at night, then more women could take night shifts, which would pay more.

Thank you for quoting part of my post and then restating it in your own words. I feel that contributed much to this thread and indeed the larger discussion.

This is a prime example of how people think their own situation / their anecdotes apply to everyone.

Are you genuinely asking why doesn't everyone just teach their kid how to program and use photoshop? That's fucking ridiculous.

Nothing. Let people do their own choices, if women want to earn less and work a easier jobb, let them.


What wage gap?


Your taxes already pay the salaries of many corporate executives.

I'm not that user, but while I agree with you, there's a big difference between an MBA from Cambridge and a certificate in word processing from the community Votard Academy. I think that user was referring to admin assistant type positions.

>auditing of an employee's salary based on documentable performance based on hard data.
this has been done and has proven that the "wage gap" doesn't exist

Lefty fag here. Does sexism exist in the work place? Yes absolutely. Is this wage gap problem a huge overblown red herring? Yes absolutely. Fact is all this uproar is based of of a couple of studies with questionable methodologies, and doesn't account for the facts that A: Women tend to seek careers in fields that happen to be lower paying generally than men, and when they do overlap, womem in general tend to be much less aggressive at salary negotiations than men. So the problem exists, but it's MUCH less than neoliberal would have us believe. It's really a distraction from from how the entire working class is getting royally fucked when it comes to wages and benefits.

Please turn that soldering iron on. It would be too funny.

Why do my fingers hurt when I used a soldiering iron?

You're wasting your time. The stupid little cunt turd. At puberty she will forget all you taught her and focus on trying to get the attention of boys. Once she gets pumped and dumped with the only thing that validates her existance everything you taught her will be obsolete.

Being female is a form of physical and mental redardation

There's some nuance lacking here. Socially, we need women to have kids to grow the economy; it's an absolute necessity. In order for those higher paying jobs to attract women, they need to accommodate for maternity leave and family obligations. It makes fiscal and social sense to have educated, high earning women having children, but without external pressure, there's no incentive for businesses to accommodate.

>Are you genuinely asking why doesn't everyone just teach their kid how to program and use photoshop?
What's the alternative? Guys and girls go thourhg the same education, middle school high school etc, but girls end up choosing lower paying jobs. How are you gonna encourage girls to apply for higher paying STEM jobs? Give them extra science class at high school? That's not fair.

Women get penalised for negotiating pay rises in a way that men don't. m.huffpost.com/us/entry/2593106

You must have been popular in high school.

92% of workp[lace fatalaties are men. Why are feminists so anxious to talk about the glass ceiling while ignoring the glass floor?

You might be right but that;s no reason for me to stop trying.

opinion ignored

Just pointing out the wage gap is not a male / female thing, sorry for upsetting you user :(

Some are, some aren't, lot of libs and moderates in MA. We all (myself included) have called the gap itself into question. Few of us have seen it, and where we have it's not clear that it's because of gender.

I'd actually love to have the data on that, you got a link handy?

Can you explain what you dislike about the auditing process?


Women can be just as ambitious, it's just everything that do is seen negatively.

Someone speaking with authority? If it's a man, they must know what they're doing. If it's a woman she's nagging or bitching or whining.

The funny thing is, women seem to bring other women down more than the men do.

You're an idiot.

LOL! you're married? Hope you didn't grow to attatched to half your shit. Say goodbye.

Cause it's probably some normie who was told to come on Sup Forums by their wymxn's studies professor

>Your taxes already pay the salaries of many corporate executives.

And as a result a product is produced. Meanwhile a cunt getting her twat dropletts taken care of on my dime does nothing for me other than ensure more hiring of the #1 problem causers and failures in the workplace.

Try raising your cunt turds and being a mother instead of asking society to extort people at gunpoint so you can neglect your children to play pretend that you're a big girl and are worth two squirts of piss in the workplace.

How about a study from Harvard?

Bitch, if that was a reality, I would fucking murder for a Walmart door greeter position. And how many neurosurgeons would spend decades training for 35k a year?

It's not a wage gap, it's a %of genders who choose STEM gap.

Even the one woman we have in our IT team agrees that men get more work done, when it's females all they do is bitch and compailn.

Sup with the sauce??????

Stop buying them dolls and doll houses and play kitchens and shit that enforces the idea that at a young age that their purpose is to be a breeder. Praise employers that offer flexible working schedules, encourage men to take on more of the domestic responsibilities.

It's a culture problem, not some "you make more because penis" thing.

>And as a result a product is produced.
They can produce the product just as well without am extra 100k in their pocket from subsidies THAT DON'T EVEN GO BACK INTO THE COMPANY.

Also a good portion of companies in the US don't produce ANYTHING. They move money to make more money. Your taxes are not going to a better product. It is going into a second or third home for the fat cats on top.

you faggots, just search the image, you'll find the rest of the set.

There is no wage gap.

I know. Women just squabble so they can't get shit done when they work together.

Ah the old "women should be paid for housework they do in the home their husband owns" argument


Idk. A free home and food seems like decent pay for raising a child.

I already tried you fucking sack of potatoes.

Instead of replying to three anons, post her fucking set you rectum reamer.

>their purpose is to be a breeder
but they are.
>Praise employers that offer flexible working schedules
That doesn't work in real life user, if you tell your employees they can work whatever hours they want, the business won't survive
>encourage men to take on more of the domestic responsibilities.
So if wash more dishes at home my wife will end up making more money?
Fuck you're an idiot.

Love it!

But in all seriousness, the international left's proposal is complete abolition of the USA as such, as the center of global capital. It's impossible to achieve from inside for obvious reasons, though.
And, what is more sad, most Americans (even in semi-educated circles, in universities) don't even realise that their 'normal' everyday life and experience consists of radical violent propaganda of certain values defined by the ruling class. Many people from outside the US can understand what I mean because they weren't exposed to this kind of wolfish indoctrination non-stop for decades.

Lol I feel sorry for your girlfriend.

Oh wait...

> Praise employers that offer flexible working schedules, encourage men to take on more of the domestic responsibilities.

I'm sure share holder will care SOOOO much about that praise on their Profits report.

>Muh rich people are evil and fat cat is fat

What companies are you talking about that exist and do not produce either a good or service?

How does this negate that stupid whore mothers need to raise their kids or stop shitting out worthless cunt turds?

How is your Masters in Wymxn's studies going? Have you smashed teh patriachy yet?

>rectum reamer
find it yourself cunt

The gap is a myth in most sectors. Using statistical averages to say there's a huge pay gap makes zero sense because you're comparing apples and oranges.

Or just let them pursue whatever they want?

Has anyone in this day and age ever held a job where women received less pay for doing the same work as men?

I see the delusional libtards have arrived.

Time to nuke this thread. With actual nukes, preferably.

There is no wage gap (at least not one that's statistically significant). The problem is an opportunity gap which is a much bigger and difficult problem to solve. Talking about a wage gap is what politicians do when they want credit for doing nothing.

No. Not since 70s. If that was the case every company would only hire women

If you spend more time on household duties, your wife can spend less time on housework.
If your wife spends less time on housework, she can spend more time on business work
If your wife spends more time on business work, she'll be considered a better employee
If she is considered a better employee, then she'll be more likely to get promotions and raises

Employees like flexible hours, happy employees are more productive. Dear god it's not hard.

Honestly doing so would be illegal so no.

Not a liberal... I'm actually a libertarian that leans a smidge conservative if anything.

I am that user, and you are right, and that is also what I said. Men EARN more, partly because women get preggo and most often stay home with the kids. But that wasn't what I ment.
Ask 100 random males and 100 random females how much they are paid per hour, week, month or year. I bet you that males generally make more money than women. Then ask them what they do for living. I also bet that the answer to that question explains that earning difference, i e that males more often worked to get that special job, while women just took the first, simplest job they were offered.

>happy employees are more productive
Is this why China is an economic powerhouse?

No, but since we compare things that make no sense to compare, we think there are still wage gaps.

Comparing average income of women to average income of men, for example. That makes no sense, because you don't have any specifics of who is doing what job, how many of each of those people there are, etc. It's stupid. None of the statistics used to justify a wage gap actually make any fucking sense.

I mean I've seen dudes get more raises and promotions. But that's more because women who see an ambitious coworker pull ahead of them don't go "my bitch Karen is moving up, I'll have to work harder and catch up with her so we can keep working together" and instead go "that bitch Karen probably fucked the boss to get that position, I was never really friends with her".

Similarly, they assume we men think the same "oh I bet she's working the boss under his desk" thing when we see our lady coworkers move up, not "oh cool she's pulling her weight around here" like all but those couple skeezefucks who've been in the same cubicle for 20 years do.

>same job
>same quality of work
>same pay
>same job
>shitty quality of work from female
>fire her ass.

If the problem is that women don't know how to ask for a raise or how to get a job in STEM, or can;t put extra hours becuase of pregnancy, no matter how many dishes I wash, she'll still make less money than I do

If you're both working hire a house keeper wah

Fast hands mean fewer whippings.

>Not a liberal...
>I'm actually a libertarian
Close enough. You shared some stupid points that could be classed as either.