>putting ketchup in the fridge

>instruction says to refrigerate after opening.

why else would the cunts put the instruction there?

>calling it ketchup

it says on the bottle to

>putting peanut butter in the fridge
>putting bread in the fridge

>putting peanut butter in the fridge

>putting bread in the fridge
LITERALLY preserves the freshness of your bread.

>LITERALLY preserves the freshness of your bread.
nope it makes it go stale faster but prevents molding look it up if you want stale bread go for it

>eating cold bread

eating lukewarm ketchup/peanutbutter

>leaving off the ISHYGDDT

Restaurants can get away with not refrigerating ketchup because they have a lot of people using it up. It takes me months to use a whole bottle of ketchup.

PB is the same. If you eat it fast you can do without refrigeration.

Bread + fridge = faster mold growth

>Bread + fridge = faster mold growth
Literally the opposite.

honestly though ketchup is a pretty shitty condiment

true patricians eat everything with mayo

The benefit of cooling is more than offset by the relatively humid environment of the fridge

>he doesn't put bread in the freezer

And even if it's just the fridge you can simply tie up the bread in a bag before putting it in.

>putting mayo on your fries

>freezing bread

>Not eating your fries with a ketchup and mayo mix

>he doesn't make sriracha mayonaise aoli

>He fell for the siracha meme

>white people: mayo
>blacks: ketchup
>tryhards: mustard
>plebs: pepper sauce
>patrician: cool ranch
>the GOAT: bbq sauce

You know it's true

BBQ sauce is the master race

>he can literally eat ketchup without vomiting

God tier condiments:
BBQ sauce
Honey mustard

Good tier condiments:

literal vomit tier condiments:

>God tier condiments


is actually pretty based if you know how to use it

>That opinion
>That last two digits

You guys are fucking idiots
God tier:
BBQ sauce (shit is da bomb and comes in many flavors)
Good tier:
Dog shit:

>Dog shit:

"Tomato sauce"

I fear Australia might not have the same quality bread I have. If I put goat tier euro bread in the fridge it would be fucking disgusting.

pray for australia

>vomit tier
are you 12?

>didn't put nandos sauce on the list

Don't tell me this retard doesn't know??

Ketchup and ranch are the only two good condiments and are basically interchangeable on most things.

>BBQ sauce

How are teenage years going?

nandos sauce is the goat for any chicken related food anyone who denies is delusion

HP lad

>I rate mustard, ranch, siracha, and bbq sauce when it's not with ribs

nandos hasn't expanded over there properly



God Tier: Aceto Balsamico

>get on my level

Nor here but I know my shit and import

Nice with pork as well, haven't tried it with fish yet but bet it bangs with that as well

*tips fedora*

>anything but lemon butter and white wine with most fish

Literally English tier quality

Amazing on salad...hipster wannabe chef tier on anything else

Spices>>>>>any sauce


Tunisian detected


wait the (You) disappeared?

as of six hours ago

Ketchup has so much vinegar in it that it's not going to go bad assuming you consume the bottle in a reasonable time frame

If it takes you like a year to go through a bottle, you might want to put it in the fridge but otherwise ISHYGDDT

/qa/ did it.

>not having Branston pickle on your cheddar sandwich

KEK bet Americans put ketchup in their squeezy cheese sandwiches

>the America hating Italian is active in multiple threads again

>NOT putting mayo on your fries

Why are anglo's so bad at everything related to food?

>assuming my nationality

la, you have access to the best cuisine known to mankind over there, how are you going to regress to fucking pickle chutney? I know you're English, but come on - plus we dip grilled cheese in tomato basil soup

lol you might do, lets not pretend its a traditional thing to do

That's why it's in a bag retard

What the fuck man, you don't need to refrigerate peanut butter. Even if you leave it for years all that happens is that there's little oily pools at the top that you mix back in. I live in a dry place (Denver) and always use ac though, probably matters.

I dont eat any of the condiments ever and i rarely use any spices at all. I don't use salt on eggs, pasta, i never eat anything spicy. Rate me

>salad cream

You sound like the stereotypical white person that nigs make fun of on Instagram

there is no United States, there is the East Coast, and the rest is an abysmal pocket of failure foodwise with New Orleans as a lone exception

>It's an anglos speaking about food thread

It's like watching women play sport

>valuing meme tier spices to hide the quality of your food

>Snails, frogs, and rotten cheese