Sup Forums we have a problem.I cut the fuck out of my finger last night opening a can a tomato sauce...

Sup Forums we have a problem.I cut the fuck out of my finger last night opening a can a tomato sauce,I could see the bone.So I let it stop bleeding and glued the cut back together and put a band aid on it.Well now I want it to come off but the band aid is glued to my thumb.If I just rip If off it'll start bleeding again.Have you ever been in this situation and what do I do?

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I killed myself

Well fuck,you know where I can get razor blades cheap?

Be a man. Rip it off.

It's called sucks to be American, here we just go to Accident and Emergency and get that shit chopped off for free

Not free. Taxpayer funded you "non contributing product sponge cunt"

I was thinking about pour paint thinner on it,I think I heard that it'll loosen up glue. But last time I checked it isn't healthy to be pouring that into a cut

Try to rip it with warm water

I might try that,but what about the paint thinner?Is it a good idea?

Any medical expertise would be appreciated

Aceton my friend. Maybe alcohol works too..Thank me later

Wtf is aceton

It will burn and being a bit unhealthy but won't kill. Wash after it hands and the cut.

All I got is beer,will that work?

If you are talking about the paint thinner then will it work?

Run it under a hot tap for a few minutes, as hot as you can stand. Dip it in alcohol for 30s, then try to peel it off. Repeat if doesnt work. Stop when bleeding, or intoxicated.

Google it up dude. Lol... You should know as adult what acetone is

A solvent. Get it in the paint section of any hardware store/supercenter

Haha nope u need 35% or more

Also as a headsup, the alcohol or acetone will burn like a motherfucker if you get that in the cut. Have fun!

I'd try rubbing alcohol before paint thinner. At least if you get that in the cut it'll just burn

DONT use a solvent, you really don't want that getting into an open wound.

Fuck I'll see if I can find something

Well it should work with it. But i never tried it Out lel

It's the active ingredient in nail polish remover.

If it really cut to the bone you should of probably went to the hospital incase you get an infection. glue prolly toxic as fuck watch out your flesh doesnt rot

What if I pay taxes and use the services? I'm contributing and I'm benefiting. Where is your god now?

Most nail polish don't use it anymore. It's not that good for the skin.

After I got it to stop bleeding I poured some hydrogen peroxide on it so I'm not worried about infection. Hospitals use glue all the time

You could also try fat. Oil or Butter. Could Work too

You've got a funny looking cock. What did you do to it?

You'd know if that was my cock bud

Yeah but if it was cut that deep it needed stitches.
And probably a tetanus shot.

>glue guy here

Well I'm gonna run it under some hot water but I don't have any liquor,will anything work as a substitute.Fuck the paint thinner

You are normally vaccinated against Tetanus and they use glue in emergency medicine too. Im not even sure if u can Stitch a finger

Well I'm finna rip it off,I have glue on stand by

I already said you try oil. There are mainly 3 type of solvente which are water, chemicals like aceton or alcohol and fat

No because i go to a doctor or hospital if I get seriously injured - whats wrong with you ?

US fag with no healthcare ?

sorry for the assy tone but yer fuckt mate

I cut my finger real bad, to the bone opening a can of coke like 15 years ago. The top of the can was deformed, so I emailed them. They gave me free coke for a year. Get free tomato sauce for a year OP

True but you should "normally" get a shot every 10 years.

I've had a few fingers stitched from deep cuts and surgery [they had to shave my finger bone].

Why not just cut it and leave the part glued to it there.

so how is it to be a massive faggot ?

I hope you cleaned it before sealing that shit, go to a doctor. If the slice didn't hit the bone so hard it got stuck you're good as long as you get someone professional to look at it