You're now aware the tournament was expanded to 32 teams because of repetitive English failure to qualify.
Easton Hughes
They're desperate for China to qualify tbqh
Alexander Peterson
FIFA is so corrupt and the actual game on the pitch has become so watered down why do people still watch it?
Christian Taylor
didn't they only fail to qualify in 94? Or are we talking further back than then?
I'm fucking tired of meme cup competitions? Why not organise international teams into leagues of 10 and play league seasons over the space of 2 years? Then we'd know who the best international team in the world was, and international breaks would be fun.
Kevin King
Just to make the point, if they started the league this month and based it off the current world rankings you'd have a Premier League of
With the exception of Columbia that league is fucking amazing. Say the bottom 2 get relegated and replaced by the top 2 of the next division every 2 years...amazing.
the new concept is pretty good and better than the EC changes 16 groups of three teams means that every group match will be exciting
Adrian Sanders
I mean it doesn't really matter what rankings you use, I assume FIFA would use FIFA rankings though..
the important thing is the actual idea not your autism
Wyatt Ramirez
Either way, something really needs to be done about international football
The quality decreases every tournament. That last euros were so bad I feel embarrassed for being excited for them.
Matthew Cook
Don't be rude. :(
Wyatt Scott
If that's what they want, all they need to do is make it so that the ground is some kind of hard surface, turn the goals into some kind of elevated horizontal circle, and remove that silly rule about not being able to touch the ball with your hands.
John Mitchell
Makes no difference to me. I have stopped supporting anything FIFA related due to their disgraceful treatment over the Poppy wearing by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I shall never attend or watch another FIFA tournament as long as I live.
Parker Rogers
Lol grow up
Adrian Ortiz
I disagree. I mean I understand how frustrating international breaks must be for Italians, because UEFA makes you play absolutely irrelevant city-states, but I'm happy enough with CONMEBOL qualifiers and the low frequency of the world cup. It is what makes it so attractive and important, players only have about 3 chances in their entire careers.
Juan Sullivan
>Chile >Uruguay >Colombia
>TOP 10
FIFA ranking a shit
ELO ranking masterrace:
Lincoln Howard
Colombia is the only question mark for me
Jordan Hernandez
They are doing what ever they can to keep this semen slurping sport attractive.
Not making enough money as before, add more teams.
Isaiah Wood
As long as they increase the number of euro teams instead of filling with African and Asian junk
Cameron Anderson
>the world cup will be populated by shitty countries like >myanmar >malta >chad >equatorial guinea >french guinea >paupa new guinea >england
Jaxson Rogers
>More international football
It's fucking dull and gets in the way of club football
Cooper Morris
Evan Cook
Why its always engerlands having this kind of opinions? Is it because Pakistan never makes it to the world cup?
Andrew Fisher
>Implying Pakistanis watch anything other than cricket
Ryder Long
luckily USGAY wont qualify
Brody Sanchez
learn english you stupid spic
Ryan Lewis
the world cup isn't supposed to be the best countries in the world, it's supposed to be the best countries from each part of the world. big difference.
europeans already have the euros. isn't that enough?
Jeremiah Murphy
>the world cup isn't supposed to be the best countries in the world, it's supposed to be the best countries from each part of the world. Unlike the "World" Series.