Ask a bipolar depression free for 2 month how he did

Ask a bipolar depression free for 2 month how he did.

pic not related but unfortunately necessary to create a thread

I did it too, I just went off my meds. Week of hell, then right as rain,

Psychiatry is a lie.

may i ask you
whos this?

OP here,
Same, quit my med, was feeling bad, then took some more natural decisions, now feel great
hmm, not sure, its an instagrammer babe, you should look on youtube "Threesome for subscribe" or likes, dont remember exactly but the content is alike

congratz btw :)


Pic is more than necessary if you want us to pay attention OP.
Just smoke weed and do opiates.
You'll have TRIPLE the depression or no depression at all.

What's it like knowing you are going to be feeling depressed in like 2 weeks?

Get a load of these depression faggots. Try being manic and quitting your meds. Also, its going to suck when you inevitably crash off your pink cloud.

OP has gone full bipolar and left the thread.

The current research is suggesting that bi-polar is a seizure disorder or something like a seizure disorder. I can't explain it very well, but there's this effect or something called 'kindling' and it's what causes seizures. The research is showing it causes mood swings in bi-polar people too.

I'm bi-polar and the only medication I'm taking for it is an anti-convulsant (anti seizure medication). This is working for me very well. Just to be clear, I'm not taking anything else for mood. I take diabetic stuff, but nothing else for mood.

Being epileptic is not a choice or something you can walk off. Neither is bi-polar. So if you have stopped taking your meds you are either not really bi-polar or in between mood events.

TL:DR, bi-polar is a seizure disorder. You can't just ignore that away.

The year Russia definitely rises as the biggest superpower on earth.

how bad was it mate?

Hope it is not going to happen, but I feel pretty confident as I was used to a 1week happy/3week depression cycle person compared to now cycle

I am not sure about weed, it has alway been very stress inducing to me.

I tried opiace once because my mom was cancerous and I badly wanted to try.

One should not do this in order to seek inner peace as it is unfortunately a brain inflammation inducing product which ultimately lead to depression.
op here, u are funny. I was looking at a lunatheplug video sorry but its verry catchy

It was 80% hell and 20% heaven.

But compared to now, I'd say that however how amazing/great mania was, it is not a good thing because at the end of the day, you take no pride from effortlessly mountainous things you have been able to do during mania

Its funny you mention inner peace.
Because that's just what opiates give you.
If this guy is right there are multiple well documented cases of extreme epileptics going down to 2-3 monthly epilepsies with weed.
Take care.

I am not ignoring it, I am living with it :)

A friend of mine is diabetic but eventhough its a 'seizure' this person is a true sugar blood manager and is able to accomplish crazy thing as he almost perfectly knows how to control his energy (through sleep, eating and way of thinking)

See what I mean with this comparaison ? :)

I know, because I tried, but unfortunately, it is not a healthy inner peace path :/ but there are other path for our great sake

I'm sorry to hear you struggled, op. I'm glad that you havent been mainc for quite a while. I'll knock on wood that it keeps that way for you.

I know they say its super addictive.
But ive been on and off for more than a year on morphine, oral only.
If I didn't take it in my most excruciatingly stressfull and lonely moments I'd probably developed a depression myself by now.

I wasn't comparing diabetes to bi-polar, at all. Diabetes IS NOT a seizure disorder. I was just saying I only take an anticonvulsant for mood.

It's well documented that type 2 can be managed by lifestyle. That's well documented and accepted by the medical community.

What you're saying about bi-polar is not well documented and is not considered an effective treatment.

Some people are able to extend the distance between seizures with weed, however, that doesn't work for everyone and is generally not as effective as anticonvulsants.

What does your doctor think of you abandoning your meds?

>>Diabetes IS NOT a seizure disorder.
I know its not, its why I quoted seizure as I only wanted to make you understand the way you can manage something with healthy behavior, good decisions and a great body reaction understanding

>>What you're saying about bi-polar is not well documented and is not considered an effective treatment
you are right, what I am saying is not well documented nor considered as en effective treatment.

bipolar poeple should take their seizure seriously, keep on with meds and hold on to their doctor sayings.

On the other hand, it has recently been showed that depression correlates with brain inflammation.

Reducing brain inflammation is what I have aimed for during the last couples weeks, and now I am in a great situation

>>What does your doctor think of you abandoning your meds?
I don't know, he is a very bad doctor and has not called me on a planned call session where I wanted to tell him that.

Also, I think he would be pissed, but on the other hand, I think that deep down he thinks that all this is a scam and he would be glad that I feel fine without meds as I am only 24.

>>Some people are able to extend the distance between seizures with weed
Maybe, I don't know about that as weed makes me feel very bad. But as you say, everyone has its reaction :)

Vro brain is not like a balloon XDXD
You have to give it the druggies so it works properly :)