What will the reaction be when they go one and done in the playoffs?
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business as usual
As a cowboys fan, it wouldnt surprise me. You become numb to the disappointments.
better than losing to the >Gints for a 3rd time and seeing 3LI winning another ring
cowboys fans will bring their packers gear out of the closet
>Cowboys fans
Nah. Delusional to be sure. But they aren't fair weather
>implying the majority of cowboys fans have enough self respect to cheer for a team within their general vicinity
while it's nice to overachieve with rookies it usually falls apart in the playoffs
Ever more cowboys delusion. That's their natural response to everything.
I remember you retards making the EXACT SAME THREADS anout the Panthers all of last season only to watch Cam Newton win the ring and the Superbowl MVP. I also remember you lot saying the same about the Saints in 2009, Seahawks in 2013 etc, you fucking retards just never learn.
>mfw they lose to the redskins in their 1st game
You're going to see refball the likes you've never seen before
Holy shit this so much
>Ref: Picking up the player and unnecessarily throwing him to the ground
>Gruden: Or what some might call a tackle.
forgot link
This was a bad call but the Lions would get assraped regardless.
yeah, but that's just fucking stupid that that could be a penalty in a contact sport.
I flipped an absolute shit when the refs called that. And yeah is right, refball is gonna go hard
Hope. We are entering the 3rd great Cowboys era.
How big of a meltdown would that be?
>ELIte beats the Cowboys twice in Dallas, 3-0 against them for the season
>Goes on to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl again
>mfw this happens
Eli's autism tour 2016-17
Beats GB in GB in WC
Beats DAL in DAL in Div
Beats SEA in SEA in NFCCG
Memes out another win against Brady in SBLI
Cap this
>only to watch Cam Newton win the ring and the Superbowl MVP
what did user mean by this?
The usual: Excuses.
>Giants win Week One
>"I-If Terrance Williams had gotten out of bounds Dan Bailey would've kicked a field goal from 60+ yards and won!! You didn't win this game, we lost it."
>Giants win again
>"Y-You used a walkie-talkie on a non-scoring drive to account for an equipment failure!! Y-You cheated!!!"
Ima Cowboys fan m8 and the walkie talkie excuse is pathetic, The Boyz got absolutely shut down for 98% of that game. TWill going out of bounds does allow them to gain extra yards for the fg, noting definite though.
>It's an Eli backs into the playoffs with a shit team and memes his way to another Superbowl episode
>it's a Todd Bradley has the only decent team in the AFC episode
"Romo would've excelled under pressure. Dak shook as fuck"
Wasn't even a suplex cuz zeke landed on his side on top of Robinson right?
Does 'one and done' mean the team plays one game, but loses so they are eliminated from the play-offs, or does it mean they win one, but then get eliminated the next game?