Has anyone here managed to cure or reduce symptoms of their depression without medication...

has anyone here managed to cure or reduce symptoms of their depression without medication? I tried the SSRIs (which apparently cause me to be a complete manic psycho) as well as wellbutrin and some of the other off-label meds, and hated the way the pills and psychiatry in general made me feel.

so I want to cure it without drugs. I know eat healthy, sleep, more water, exercise, etc, and I'm doing all that, but is there anything else I should be doing?

stay drunk

Find a hobby you enjoy and pour love into it OP.

Buy a fidget spinner.

>but is there anything else I should be doing?

taking drugs

Dude I know you're gonna hate to hear it but you're just edgy. You're convincing yourself you're sick to justify lack of self growth. Join a gym. Read a book. Go on a hike. This with a healthy diet will cure any mental strain. Also try no fap

Just drink until the pain stops like the rest of us

These two are good. But I would read self help books, find some type of spiritualism, work out, run, learn to do something that takes time and patience. Most importantly, stay optimistic. Optimism is the exact opposite of depression. Learn to lie to yourself. It'll do wonders. You'll get better at it OP.

To date, I've tried changing my diet and exercise, meditation, taking massive doses of vitamin D, CBD oil, and kava kave extract. Also, religion.

All have failed, I'm still a miserable cunt.


Buddhism and shrooms/lsd have really helped me. Find some sort of hobby to focus your time on

Depression is real.
It is two types: something shitty in your life, and/or chemical imbalance. the drugs are working, so that was the chemical imbalance cure not working. You just dont have anything happy in your life.

People tell you to get a purpose, a successfuly career or hobby, or some bullshit.

hey, that shit is hard.

take baby steps. simple pleasures to start with.
get a kitten at the shelter. take walks at sunset by the beach, while eating an ice cream.

all this other advice is pie in the sky.
find a simple pleasure.
then find another one...

Microdose of effexor increases my self-control and helps with anxiety and depression. I'm talking like a 1/10th of the smallest prescribed dose... 10-15mg.

Exercise. It's no silver bullet but it's the only thing I've found that comes close.


havent read any posts, just ops.

i was on: zyprexa, lexapro, & concerta all at once. before that was ritalin after that was a myriad of illegal drugs. ecstasy was my favorite.

a decade later I discovered lsd and shrooms.

took those, started getting healthy and started my own business.

now i set goals, make a check list every day of things i need to accomplish. make small talk with strangers. try my best and am as genuine/integral as I can be.

you have got to take charge.

i can tell you how the next 100 years are going to be. About like the last 100. Do something with your life other than blaming everything other than yourself.


Do you have a life? I do the whole healthy eating, exercise etc. and got a little better with only that, but then a year ago I joined a band and gradually I've gotten to the point of more or less no symptoms. Turns out having a purpose and regularly socializing/working with others is good (either that or it's just a coincidence and it went away on it's own, who knows)

Try lamotrigine. Worked wonders for me. But watch out for the rash.

interesting you were on zyprexa and lexapro at the same time. zyprexa is an antipsychotic combined with prozac.

Start taking a vitamin B12 supplement.

I've been depressed my entire life. Never really been prescribed drugs.

Used weed for a while, but I had a bad trip and I haven't used it since. Even then the weed was fleeting and I had to do it all the time. It became very shallow and lost its substance.

Eventually understood that if I'm going to be unmotivated and just all around glum my entire life I should really try and find something that brings me happiness.

Since then I've understood that I may be sad and unmotivated most of the time, but giving into it doesn't help.

I would much rather enjoy my time in this earth and make the most of it.

I work out. I eat little bad. I enjoy friends. And when it's all done I still feel petty bad, but the difference is I know I don't always have to feel that way.

I guess my point is. You have control over your life and though the chemicals in your head may not be the most stable, they definitively can be helped.

Idk man. It depends on how bad ur depression is, but don't ever give up. I've tried to commit suicide like a couple times, but I couldn't and I know it isn't the right thing to do.

I shall keep u in my thoughts user and I will carry on your legacy.

Smoked high grade marijuana for about 2 years. Depression slowly receded. Its been 3 years since I've smoked and my depression still hasn't come back.