Is it autism?

Is it autism?

The man is insanely dedicated to his gimmick.

skip looks GREAT for a guy in his 60's

y'all can get fucked

The general consensus in America is that it's much better to miss the playoffs or go out in the first round than reach the finals and lose.
It doesn't make sense from a logical point of view, but that's America for ya.


I mean, I dislike LeBum because he's a little bitch, but c'mon now, if he didn't redeem himself with the 2016 Finals, he never will. What does he even have to do? Win after being down 0-3 maybe?

Hating LeBron has been one of skips biggest gimmicks and he'll never back away from it so he just says outrageous shit I'm sure he doesn't even believe anymore

And yet conveniently forgets Jordan getting assraped year after year in the playoffs before finally winning in '91. Fuck, the league even had to change the rules in order to make their money factory happy.

I agree it's an absolutely absurd position. Like I'm not personally a Patriots fan, but people arguing Montana is better than Brady because he never lost in the Superbowl is retarded. As if getting blown out by 30 points in the wild card game is any better.


Skip is literally doing picrelated for a living, it's downright stupid to treat him like a serious analyst.

that doesn't just sound like america that sounds like everyone. people make fun of messi for losing 3 international cup finals in a row and they praise ronaldo for cheerleadering from touch-line while portugal won the euros.

People make fun of Messi because he couldn't win it period, it doesn't matter whether he lost in the finals or the quarters.

i love him

>The general consensus in America is that it's much better to miss the playoffs or go out in the first round than reach the finals and lose.

It really isn't. But people make fun of teams that lose in the final more than those that lose in the first round because it's a bigger stage. The same thing happens worldwide.

>2014 World Cup
>Portugal knocked out in the group stage
>nobody really cares
>Argentina loses the final
>lol Messi choker

Just imagine dickriding a balding nignog that gains millions of dollars, doesn't even know you and is crippled with insecurity, compensating douchebaggery and autism equalizing Penaldo. It would be as pathetic as spending your days in a (You) exchange circlejerk forum

it's a team sport. THEY didn't win, not him. HE was the best PLAYER on a TEAM that lost.

Do best players miss free kicks and penalties in the clutch?

He gets paid an obscene amount of money to spew grossly uninformed opinions for the sole purpose of being contrarian.

He should be Sup Forums's hero.

When he moved to fox sports I thought good for him, now he can drop his gimmick and finish his career saying what he wants rather than being a character.

Turns out he just doubled down on being the best example of what is wrong with sports analysis.

ell the best player in the world is either Ronaldo or Messi and Ronaldo's free kicks have been hurting his teams for the last few seasons. So yes... the best player in the world either chokes at penalties or chokes at free kicks.

Skip is an elder wizard shitposter. His dedication to shitposting is something we will never see again

what the actual fuck, I know Dylan