Sitting with a gf in a caffe

>sitting with a gf in a caffe
>gf ask me if it woud be a good idea to invite her 2 friends over after a concert for a sleepover at her house
>wat do

You thinkin 3sum, Senpai? I'm thinking if we all did shrooms, we'd be into each other and fuck for hours.

if female only faggot

>i am talking about her male friends..

Become the cuck you were destined to be.

>sure, why not, we'll get beers, pizzas, how about a movie or maybe they're into video games ?

You gotta be strong on that one OP, you must not show that you feel threatened or anything that will make you appear beta. You gotta show that you want to get along with them, everyone will respect you and your gf might get mad you're stealing her friends.

>i am not a cuck tho , i mean i dont want to threat her with breakup yet but this is some autistic shit gf say
>she trippin they would just sit and talk like on movie pijama partys

Good advice

I'm sorry, man.

Are you new to green text?

>be me
>be bad poster
>forgot to tell you she was planing to do this while i am away

>N... No, user, just the three of us.

I wouldn't even think about it, just say yes
you weak faggot

You're fucked mate. It's best if you said that it honestly bothers you (even though she'll do it regardless)

Time to get a new gf.

"Unless they're gay or dead, no."

Anxious nervous boy here

OP it should be fine, if they end up fucking, well just chop their heads off.


user from previous advice, about being ok with it.

You can try this if you feel like it :
>Ok, sure, also I was thinking about something, maybe you want your sexual freedom while I'm away, I thought it'd be better being honest to each other about it rather than making up lies.

Trust me OP, she knows, she knows you're destabilized.

This and then dump right after.

There's no going back, OP.

Been together for years.
Shes loyal and honest but not so social and cant understand that if her male friend gets an oportunity to abuse her he will take it bcs thats how we male friends work in a way..
Prove me wrong?

No need to. You're fucked. Women don't have the concept of loyalty.

Break up with her asap. Trust me, I pissed 3 years down the drain in a similar fashion.

I don't agree about the dumping, she was honest about those guys. They might be beta cucks she doesn't care about and knows she'll get attention from, she might even enjoy pushing them away, making them feel bad about what they do etc...

>not social
>cen't understand what female friendship implies to men

I think you're the ignorant one.

Rip op

It was a shit test nonetheless. After a multiannual relationship. She is intending on cheating.
>2 friends [male]
>after a concert [drugs and alcohol]
>while he is away [op]

Come on now.

If no proofs, then it's just hypothetical.

Then set up a camera and cry after inspection.

She had similar expirience with one friend and almost got herself in bed with a guy once.
I barely forgive her for that bcs i warned her and in case something happened to her i would be in jail for killing that motherfucker i hated him soo bad

I know that this can happen.
But honestly, if yo girl is this type.
It's a matter of time you kill her and have to dispose of the body somewhere

To be honest, I wouldn't care, I'd trust until proved wrong. I don't worry or anything.

Dude I was with a psycho like that. She's doing it on purpose and manipulating you to her benefit.

Leave her regardless. Please.

>be a man
>Go to concert?
>Have sleepovers
>Have female friends

Are you literally 8? Roll out the fairy bread faggit, you've got yourself a 'sleepover' party.

You're girlfriend wants to fuck one of her male friends in come comfort of her own home.. sucked in. If she gets up for a glass of 'water' and is gone for longer than a minute, load a shotgun

What the fuck kind of man doesn't want to wake up in his own bed?

This actually blows my mind. You are children

And why do you send us a photo anyway?
Do you think that maybe by her face we can know whether she's evil or not? Lol

Depending on how the girl is, could be this.

>unsure of SO's fidelity
>makes a thread on Sup Forums
>reveals she kinda sorta already cheated once and shifts the blame to the guy
>I don't worry or nothing

That changes everything, indeed.

Sometimes the proof never comes user lol.
Sometimes you just have to be susceptible to the shift in behaviour of your partner.

True, I consider my instinct as a solid warning.

Your gut is always right about women.

Yeah OP is clearly retarded.
I wasn't sure its OP tho.
OP I study psychology and you seem very naive.
You will have a hard time with this, sorry bruh.
Try not to kill anyone in your madness rampage son.

Re-read your posts and come back to us.

Let me recap :

>she plans on cheating
>or she plays games with you

Conclusion :

>dump her

Flip the script and see if she doesn't mind you going chill with some female friends at their place. You'll know exactly what her intentions are based on her answer. If she's planning on fucking those dudes, she'll oppose that 100% because a cheating whore wants to be able to fuck everyone and maintain the emotional feels that you provide but not let you venture out and get your dick wet at will because she's afraid you'll get tired her beat up whore pussy and drop her ass.

Last 2 are not mine tho

If they are female just enjoy perving and maybe get some other shit going.

If they are male, be alpha and befriend them. Maybe get new bros. If they get up to any funny business murder them all.


You're better than this.


This implies OP has 2 female friends that are comfortable sleeping over.
If you've ever had a gf you know this can't happen.

Also, if he does it now, she will know he is playing mind games, bitches are smart af.


You are right , just felt like sharing with you guys bcs i had some good replys on Sup Forums before as today.

OP just make yourself a favor and dump her.
Doesn't matter what happens that night.
Because you've already told her story.

OP, regardless of what happens, your relationship ended as soon as she asked for 2 reasons.

1. She's going to fuck one or all of those guys.

2. She won't fuck anyone but in your mind she did and you'll never let go of the thought that she might have and bitterness/insecurity will consume you.

No matter how you answer her you're fucked because if you aren't there, you have no control over the situation.

That stands for sure , i am just surprised by her naiiveness.
She doesnt understand the male urge for sex and stuff

This is true.

Trust me, she does; moreso than yourself.

>she doenst understand the male urge
Women have the same urges you fucking moron.
You deserve to be cucked tbh.
Just for putting your little princess on a higher ground.

Thank you for those good comebacks.
I am sorry for not responding to you all , i am currently on my phone and net speed is dropping on occasion.

If you really think she doesn't understand male sex drive then you're the naive one. She must tell you a lot of bullshit if this is the opinion you have of her.

He just hasn't tasted the red pill yet, cut him some slack

There are studies that prove that women are even hornier than men.
You've been kissing foreign semen for some time.


wew that psychology is really paying off, very insightful observations Freud

Well its a bit late for that faggot.
Bait elsewhere/

Not all women would go that far hopefully. He could have fought back, gathered evidences and shit.

It had to be said, you pretentious jizz rag

I was once sued and only won because there was a complete lack of evidence on my part.
If something turned out different I'd be guilty, even being inocent.

Welcome to your first adult life lesson.

>women are the devil

Who are you?
You are gonna prove me better on Sup Forums somehow?
Don't make me laugh troll

Maybe not that far but they all tread the same path. Women generally aren't decent people.

Still, it's not all women. Are you from USA ? Seems to be often happening there.

Nope, Spain.
Here people are brainwashed crybabys, women hav a kardashia complex of being super important so you end up with alot of inocent dudes in jail.
Or spending money on some chick forever.


believe me, I'm the one that's laughing now that your panties are in a twist just from questioning your psychology prowess. I don't think someone so defensive and easily rattled would make a good psychologist by the way

You write well but you don't offend me fam.
Beside this conversation was over a couple of minutes ago.


I don't know, most of stories I heard are from there.

What's that manga bruh?

"Do what you like, but don't contact me again"

Problem solved.
I don't have any answers apart from that, women are fucking insane and disgusting - trying to apply any kind of morals to them is an act of utter insanity, as they posses none and have no comprehension of what morals are.

Morals are a purely male thing, they do not exist outside of that scope.
Society was the creation of men, civilisation, technology, art, everything that you see around you and every word you speak.
Women are necessary monsters, semenic vessels that should be stored carefully. Never make the mistake of thinking they are like you or think like you at all.

One Punch Man

I hate to admit it but to a certain extent its true.
Most women are fucked up.
They lack consistency in their line of thinking, let alone have the ability to develop solid morals.
That's why swj exists tbh, it's a way for them to feel safe.

I have seen a lot of fights but never bother to pick it up lol.

my aim was not to offend, just to draw attention to your over-inflated ego

My ego is as inflated as my dick son.
Can you prove any of those things?
Then gtfo.

You got that sorted out , kinda harsh but truthfull nuff.
Fkin biches living from exploiting men for money for attantion for idk what but general exploit

someone's a cantankerous one aren't they? your original post exhibiting delusions of superior knowledge from studying (most likely entry level psychology by the sounds of it) is proof enough


You are failing at the art of trolling.

is I though fam?

I'll be going if there's no one else left in the thread.
For the next time let the other guy speak a bit before throwing the bait.

It is a difficult to realise, and even more difficult to keep in mind.
It is like trying to imagine what a rock thinks like.
The question is not valid, rocks don't think.

Women don't have morals, they only have needs and purposes and methods.
Left to their own devices, women will use any means necessary to have what they want.

That's why they change their mind instantly, or flip into a mood, or fuck a dude because you had an argument, or because they were bored, or because they felt ugly one morning.
That's why they fuck around a day after they break up.
To them, it is all justifiable, and their friends will back them up.
"You needed to feel good, and he didn't earn 500k a year"
"He's always working, you are left on your own so much, it's natural you'd be lonely"
"He's too controlling, you need to be free"
"He doesn't pay attention to you, you need a real man"

And so on.
Full of contradictions. Women do not know what they want.
That is a fact.
They never have. That we granted them the power of language, makes them confused into thinking that they have the power of reason. They do not.

If this guy expects his female to know right from wrong, and for her to go to the evoluionary leap of thinking of how she might feel if the situation were reversed, he is mistaken.
It won't cross her mind, even if she has innocent intentions.

These two dudes would fuck her at any opportunity, and secretly, she knows that.
She has no idea what she wants, or if she wants them to try to really fuck her, or if she wants her boyfriend to stop it - she's going to wait and find out, and 'rationalise' it afterwards, while passing the blame to her poor boyfriend.

It's like a mafia guy asking you if you think his wife is pretty.
You are fucked either way.

Oh no, the pseudo intellectual is spouting shit to cover up his idiocy.
Fuck off you low grade cretin.

oh I'm glad your still here buddy. sorry big clever university man, me just silly dumb dumb. me should never have question all knowing genius university man

It sucks but its like that.
Even if they don't mean to do harm they just can't help.
Im sorry for the OP lol, we all have been that stupid at a certain moment.

Its not the same guy.
Don't get your hopes up son.

You're retarded . Tell her next time she goes out of town you're inviting 2 girls that are friends and see how she likes it. No way after getting shit faced at a concert she doesn't fuck at least one of those guys.

Not even the same guy.
You are both faggots, your desperate post stood out like a sore thumb. You have incredibly low self esteem.

And women wonder why men treat them badly or just snap..

oh you wanna enter the fray too nigga? I think you're projecting your own latent self esteem issues onto my enlightened musings bro

Yet there is no advice.
Lay down the law, and dump her if she breaks it.
Or, dump her anyway for being so stupid as to suggest it.
Or, tell her to decide for herself what is the respectful thing to do - then if she ends up fucking them, dump her.

The first two options preserve your esteem.
The first makes the most sense, as it is direct communication with cause and effect.

Your a muslim?
Nevermind, maybe in the next life.