I just jerked off to Daisy's Destruction video

I just jerked off to Daisy's Destruction video
what have you done today ?

Other urls found in this thread:


your mom

Can't even spell mum correctly
shit cunt

>Daisy's Destruction video
wat dis?

I jerked of the five other NLF videos that are 10x easier to get and 6x better than DD. I also enjoyed several other production studios offerings.

Deep Web brutal baby torture video
google Peter Sculley

Modern art film about how lawnmowers tear up daisy's on a mans front lawn. The underlying question being, what price do we pay for aesthetics? We destroy the beauty of the daisy in order to make way for the regimented grass with its industrial uniformity. Really deep stuff.

whats NLF ?>

Let me google that for you, lazy faggot
Read all about it. I hope Duterte has him publicly executed by hanging



Peter Scully is my hero, i pray to a photo of him every night

Makes me proud to be Australian

Also, nice dubs, brah!

Its the name of the studio that producted DD and a number of other quality videos.

>Criminal charge Fraud, murder, torture,and sexual abuse
> he is alleged to have run an international pedophile ring

It was produced by peter scully

They just attached there production name to the public video

>whats NLF ?>
>The title page of Peter Scully’s most depraved video, Daisy’s Destruction on his Dark Web ‘No Limits Fun’ channel shocked police.

thats not daidys destruction you dumbfuck

quiet you obviously haven't seen the full video's

No Limits Fun didn't make the original video they didn't film it they just attached a title to the released version

>firing squad
Too easy...needs to be literally crucified.

Well thanks for clarifying that, you dumb faggot.

Stop trying so hard....it's pathetic and cringeworthy.

no problem
that's why no point in mentioning NLF just to be cool

Its not hard to wank to a saved version of DD on my external HDD
But thanks for stopping by peasant

Thats what we call a spelling variant you retard

Its what we call American butchering English again

Look at this edgy faggot. They're ALL equally complicit. Scully, Alvarez, NLF - anyone who had ANYTHING to do with the production and distribution of Daisy's Destruction deserves The Rope.

>Claims everyone is edgy
>calls people edgy faggot
>not edgy himself

I keep the video for a rainy day nothing edgy about that ya pleb