
Other urls found in this thread:

>go hawks

>cuckmelo on the floor
>knicks go down 5 immediately

really makes me think


>cuckmelo chimping out

the state of him, hope he gets ejected

Dafak happened

Jesus Christ Knicks gamerthreada are depressing as fuck.

why tho

I dont think Melo would just do that

It has since a while

Maybe one or 2 yuropoors me and 1 or 2 other new yorkers ussually

let melo play you fuuks

I got the week off(wageslave) and I can shitpost this week. Its nearly halftime, chimping out, and only 6 posts at the time.

expect the knicks to go on a huge run now that cuckmelo is gone

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Melo was the only reason they weren't 0-20 in the first

Thank God that faggot's gone. Maybe the Knicks can actually move the ball.

>cuckmelo fanboys still exist

my fucking sides, I bet you were praising him for his "game winners" earlier on when his chucking led to the team blowing 20 point leads

Can't wait to see this team implode without Melo. Casual cucks put too much faith into KP. I love Melo but the hate he gets is ridiculous

>one point game immediately

im shocked

Comeback is imminent

I love you Sleepy Holiday Inn

I love how people conveniently forget how instrumental he is to other players. Him and Drose can draw attention easily so other people can do shit

Melo is good and bad, he has been shooting us out of games because he is scared to hand the reigns over to Rose or KP. he dribbled us out of the Christmas game

>Porzingis has a manlet on him and doesn't back him down

what did he mean by this?

This (from a hawks fan,)

Kp can't lead the team yet and Rose can't lead a team anymore

Based Caveman

Melo is great, if you think otherwise you are blind

But Melo has to let KP at least take some shots, Melo has been ballhogging, his splits are horrendous for a Forward.


Im a wageslave myself and watch almost erry knick game

Get on my lvl

Damn the Knicks really started hustling on defense once that bench guy got ejected


Hate to say it but Melo, is a stagnation on offense

he's /ourguy/ right?

It's almost like he ruins their offensive flow.

>I love Melo but the hate he gets is ridiculous

Its not directly his fault but the expectations of him were unrealistically high thus the massive disappointment now that hes old and busted.

He's always been our guy

>work the night shift
>think youre hot shit

Lucky you, you get to watch soccer

Jesus Christ Atlanta, get it together. Why the fuck do they purposefully have fat fucking niggers dancing in the middle of the floor during commercial breaks? Is this supposed to be funny or something? The NBA really caters to the lowest common denominator. Then again, that's pretty fucking low when it comes to NBA fans. Christ I hate the NBA. Figured I'd watch some basketball since I'm back home in the Atlanta area, but fuck me. So shitty. Thank god for handegg.

>thank god for commercials and fines

What did he mean by this?

>caring about what goes on during commercial breaks

My online stream shows that shit. It's hard to watch.


>Rose not getting any calls the whole game

>any game with derrick rose

guaranteed this game ends in a brawl

>trying to kill KP

Atlanta pls.


>the state of this officiating

lmao at that pussy Dwight

Worse part is they only have one routine

Howard's been assaulting KP out there, where are his fucking flagrants?

rough low scoring games are actually better to watch than offensive driven meme ball.

tensions are high lel

just a matter of time when someone flips out

>only flagrant 1
>yet Melo got flagrant 2

Porzingis could have legit got injured, Melo's foul was just a lovetap

>striking porzingod
Add him to the wall.

Noah having a good game


>that shot
>that follow up

wew lad

Should've dished to koerver there

Who knew a rose could blossom in a concrete jungle


>Melo in game
>Knicks down
>Melo Ejected
>Knicks up

this is one ugly fuckin' game

i tuned in 5 minutes ago and holy shit this is an ugly fucking game

Good googly moogly

>Dem cheerleaders


There is absolutely no competition in the East. Every team except the Cavs are dogshit. Fuck this semen slurping sport.


...what has changed over the past two seasons? I mean, fuck, even long before that if you replace Cavs with the Heat


Exactly, this is a long waste of time. Season should only be 60 games at most. As if I need another 22 just to see the Cavs crush all of them.


>Knicks still playing ugly 90s basketball

This is such trash

Anyone got that Philips arena pasta?

Kill bazemore

What a shitty game

Cant believe we are missing Melo

I would be curious to see this. Haven't seen it before.

no u

What's... What's happening


heat almost lost to the celtics and pacers. If not for monster games from Lebron the heat would have been eliminated in the 2nd round twice. It still felt like a question of who was coming out of the east. Plus back then we didn't know if Lebron was going to randomly choke or not.

nowadays with the reffing the way it is, the finals are pretty much decided. I'm still hoping for an upset

Being a Knicks fan is suffering

also that faggot who was happy Melo is out, are you till happy?

Don't @ me if you don't have it


>he think cuckmelo would have done something besides jab step for 10 seconds and throw up a brick

Would be down 15 with him in

Is korver the less skilled starting player in any position? Its like if steve novak was actually a starter

He used to be good before his knee surgery

What is with the weird camera angles?

Rose giving me 2011 flashbacks

Yes I am

he only looked good during that one year in the regular season the hawks were the first seed but got swept in the playoffs anyways

Hows that a foul?


Come on refs


Better than watching him cost us the game

the STATE of these refs


Lucky call for the Hawks.

Refball keeping the Hawks in it. That's 3 blown calls.