She still would have been a worse president

She still would have been a worse president.

... Right?


Unless she would declare nuclear war against North Korea I'm not sure how.


All worse than a cocklord who is being investigated for being Putin's Cock Holster, fires the guy doing the investigation, and then brags to the Russians about firing the annoying guy investigating him while then giving them classified info not meant for them.

Hillary was clearly a bad choice.

There's no pictures available of Trump and Putin because Putin banned Gay Porn in Russia.

It's apples and oranges. Trump has proven himself an incompetent buffoon. Hillary would have either fucked up as monumentally or would have done nothing at all, because progressive presidents don't keep the kind of corporate trust that she thrives on.

I dunno. I think I'd rather have Trump's wacky ass than Hillary's fence-riding one.

>yfw the Russian claims are baseless
>yfw this whole investigation is a waste
>yfw you fell for the trap


“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Muh Russia

If she were president, we'd be living in some Red Dawn kind of shit by now.

It was at this point that I realized that he is actually retarded and not just acting

And what does that prove? That he didn't like comey? Look at what Comey did during the election, the investigations into Hillary were a waste too, he only made the FBI look terrible.

giving information to Russia and talking about it in press vs giving information to who know who in secret
>It's bad vs worse

>implying Putin wasn't afraid of Clinton

To be fair, Trump is obviously retarded.

"National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in 'as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned,' according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials."

>muh cant stump the trump

How mad will you be after impeachment?

People love to bring up that all Trump revealed to the Russians was ISIS-related info.

But what those retards fail to recognize is that said info came from intelligence sources that were close enough to ISIS that they basically had a hawk's eye on them the entire time and now that it's out in the open, of course now any chances of further information and intelligence gathering has been quashed as the ISIS group that was being watched will now be going deeper underground and keeping their lips sewn even tighter than before. Also, the process of divulging information like that is just that, a PROCESS there's hoops and steps he has to take before he's even able to do so, not just on his fucking merry little whim.

TL;DR - Donald Trump fucked up.

I agree with your sarcasm.

It's like Democrats are held to a higher fucking standard.

They're not even allowed to pocket some change on the side even while they're doing good for the nation.

Now, instead, we have deplorable Republicans trying to steal everything they can solely because Americans didn't like Hillary's somewhat bad conduct.

Trump is 1000x worse.

many keks

He only fucked up if you're not either:

a. an idiot afraid of muslim presidents
b. a Russian shill

If you ignore the bullshit, Trump hasn't actually done anything wrong.

A group of people that believe themselves to be intellectually superior got beat, badly. They can't stand it, they will do anything to say, "See, I am right" They'd rather fuck everything than take it on the chin, work for the betterment of everyone and try again in a few years. They can't accept democracy, they are the new fascists. CUNTS all of 'em.

I didn't vote for trump, I think he's a spaz, i just don't think he's working with the Russians.

How mad would you be in 8 more uears

Did he? Media didn't have to release specifics but hey ho, trumps the real baddie right?

>The media isn't supposed to have a political bias

>Now, instead, we have deplorable Republicans trying to steal everything they can solely because Americans didn't like Hillary's somewhat bad conduct.

Hey, Hillary is a million times worse. Her private email server could have been hacked! I mean, it wasn't, but imagine if it was! It would be like LITERALLY HANDING THE RUSSIANS CLASSIFIED INFO!

Obstructing and/or shutting down an FBI investigation that has no basis is his goddamn right, not shady or anything.

If he tells you not to do something and you do it anyway, and you're head of an office like the FBI - you should be arrested and jailed for treason without trial as you've effectively betrayed the President's orders and are therefore acting as a hostile enemy of the state.

>Putin's Cock Holster,

baby's first political thoughts, straight from a shitty late night comedian

Are you mentally retarded, or just willfully ignorant?

Shouldn't you be sharing what you just learned from the Saudis with Russia, Donald? That Councel isn't going to stop investigating you. SAD!

But what if you're a Russian shill who's afraid of Muslim presidents?

You can't be this stupid.

>be american conservative
>hate the gays
>love being a russian buttboy

I don't get when the switch happened and americans decided it was totally cool to be Putin's ass-slave because he's not a fan of gays and muslims

Imagine being pres. of the united states. But some guy was claiming you worked with Russia, based on no real evidence. He's undermining all the authority you have
>yfw he's head of the FBI, the motherfucking FBI... yes those ones you are supposed to trust your deepest secrets with...

He can't also nuke everyone, it's his Goddamned right.

Doesn't mean he should do it.

how good is this

yes actually
she would have been worse

get someone else to be nominated for the democrats and oh wonder trump will be gone in the next election

I think he should be allowed to nuke the shit out of potential ISIS strongholds, whatever casualties there are will just have to be accepted.

Christ, if I were Trump I'd just do a Seth Rich to Jimmy.

>implying there isn't a piss video

>Are you mentally retarded, or just willfully ignorant?

so groomable, believes putin chemtrails

He didn't shut it down.

He got rid of a government parasite.

GR8 B8

Hahahaha, see you in a couple years after no one remembers the whole "Russian" scandal, keep sucking your info from the mainstream media, we will all be waiting for the next big story.

God bless this man

This is fake news. A nasty, nasty comment. You're fired.

You have no idea what nuclear weapons do to the earth, do you? Or the idea that the rest of the world has of us just nuking things.

Oh shit, Donald browses Sup Forums.

shes a psychopath

That why you moved to cuckistan?

Well he should've told the FBI to shut it down or he's arresting any and all agents who're a part of it and send their asses to gitmo. Or whatever secret prisons we have and leave them there to starve to death.

>flyovers will defend Trump because innercity babies steal all the money

Need to do something when you've only got meth and unemployment in your schedule


imagine, it could've been bernie vs trump
unfortunately the pussyass establisment didn't allow this

No and I don't care either what happens to the fucking shithole middle east.

You environmentalist faggots can go suck Obama's nigger cock.

Oh my god, people are this fucking stupid. It's almost hard to fathom.

No reasoning with people like this.

Would've ended the same way, the exact same way because Trump was OBJECTIVELY more popular than Bernie and Bernie's defeat would've been the end of his political career.

As a non-american (god bless) I really don't get what with americans and their obsesion for Russia. I mean, what have they done in the last 10 years? IMO the russians don't give a fuck about america... what would they possible want from america anyway? The recipe for big macs?

>according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official.

This is how you know this is 100% legit

Abso fucking lutely. Especially since most of what's being said about Trump now is vapor, no substance. All conflated to elicit hysteria, but as you can see now that they have it and their base is demanding impeachment, they don't have enough to even bring a case let alone convict.

the media reports on what happens dipshit. there isn't a bias here, trump is just so fucking retarded that he is constantly making missteps that are unprecedented and therefor newsworthy.

don't be so stupid

I am by no means a member of the Hilldawg fan club, but no, she absolutely would not have been a worse president than Trump.

And she's a god tier GILF, too.

It doesn't matter what you say to Trumptards. They'll mock laugh at anything that goes against their warped view of reality. This is why facts, logic and reason have no place in their sad pathetic lives.

Nyet, comrade.

>Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton as a geopolitical win for Moscow, according to U.S. officials who said that American intelligence agencies intercepted communications in the aftermath of the election in which Russian officials congratulated themselves on the outcome.

ye damn right

If you post this 10 more times, it'll come true.

That's why we call her Hillary "Dat Ass" Clinton.

has you're stupid add ever seen fox news? just kill yourself

not same user, but the media is supposed to give facts and nothing but facts
>I've not read an article without bias writer in a long time...

of course he hasn't officially done anything wrong. the official charges come after the multiple investigations he is currently under conclude.

She probably wouldn't have silenced the EPA and enacted retarded travel bans, nor would she have been fucking with people's healthcare since she'd want re-election and tbh, probably nothing she'd have wanted to do would get done since it'd be her against a Republican majority.

So all the hysteria about Crooked Hillary for nothing but "Triggering the SJWs!"

Way to go Trumpfags, you elected someone based off of emotion rather than reason. I'd rather have SJWs whining about their 'victory' over Patriarchy than a moron who's brought us to the brink of World War 3 and gets pissy enough to whine like a bitch on Twitter.

>Trump was OBJECTIVELY more popular than Bernie
nah, I doubt it
he wasn't even more popular than clinton, statistically speaking

But what the fuck would they want from america? If they want money and economy, they can go to china much easier...
imo amerifags still think they are the greatest country in the world while they have never been
> shit economy
>shit social system
>shit music
>shit movies
>shit culture

Muh popular vote, cry more faggot. You get your chance to fail again in 8 years.

Proud Hillary voter here. Bernie was a mistake and a huge piece of shit. His voters are fucking horrid whiney bitches. A major reason Hillary lost is so many of those fucktards didn't go out to vote. Now, they're the ones bitching about Trump.

It's fucking pathetic tbh.

no you see thats the problem. the vast majority of the media is reported fairly and correctly. most repubs and dumptards just dont realize it because of their own bias in support of trump. they watch fox news and the fox and friends circle jerk and think thats it middle of the road fair and balanced reporting, and then when not garbage news outlets report exactly whats happening and the implications, they perceive that to be heavily left leaning.

>Proud Hillay voter

Sorry for your loss

America is number 1. China is number 2. Russia is like 4 or 5.

However, China is only number 2 because of America. They are actively fucking around in Europe as well, but the best way to fuck China is to fuck with us.

That said, Putin is also fucking with China right now along their borders. Manchuria is a resource rich area which Putin would love.

>Trump a gud boi he dindu nuffin

and if they come you'll have a point
as long as they don't conclude in a guilty sentence it's as worthless as the clintons orchestrating murders of those opposing them

>seeing something happen
>read about it in media
>mfw they don't add up
I must be wrong! Go Hillary!

As a straight, white college educated male... i'll get over it. :D

That said, the now daily fuckups by Trump are making this the most entertained i've ever been. That and all the whiney Bernie fags bitching and moaning. I am glad the Right Wing nutjobs are attacking them at rallies.

The west is a key element in the global stage, I believe the Russians only care about the US trying to interfere with THEM. They have way better opportunity to do what they want in Europe and the Middle East with Trump in office as opposed to Hillary. What's so wrong with the Russians becoming more powerful? Let them take care of the Middle East, let them do what they want in Europe.

>I really don't get what with americans and their obsesion for Russia.

Because Russians are filthy commies, and filthy commies are evil and responsible for everything that's wrong with the world, duh.

>IMO the russians don't give a fuck about america
Of course the give a fuck, why wouldn't they?

Especially if it's a prossible friendly/neutral to you president vs. one possible president who may or may not go to war against you over fucking Syria.

Bernie is a giant fag who would lose either way
Face it faggots, you were gonna get Trump either way and you're gonna fucking regret being such autists.

trump supporter throwing insults in the face of fact. on no, let me guess, it was just the 3 million 'illeeguls' in california, right? oh and three million people what the size of your fucking inauguration crowd, right?

fucking dipshits.


Trump is literally destroying the GOP from the inside. They know it too and are all starting to panic and go into full damage control mode. The funny thing is, that it's too late. We're witnessing the end of the republican party.

Also it is starting to come out that vote counting centers in 6 states that Trump won, were breached. It may be that Trump didn't win at all.

Fake as shit, nice try kid.

Shut up and go masturbate to your communist flag you hippie ass nigger.

Nope. Cry harder faggot.


No he won fair, that's fake news and a lie faggot shill.

Hillary had only two reasons to vote for her
>look at my cv
>i'm a woman
That not much when you are the personalization of everything that's wrong with the current system.
That's why she lost from the least capable president ever.
At least Trump came up with some political and economical views.

China is rich because Africa
>seriously, look your shit up before you try to look smart
america is number 1 in what?
please answer with facts and numbers that you got from a reliable source, not with the "AmErIKa iS greATesT cOUntRy In tHE WUrld, bECaUse Its amuRIcA!!!" shit

>Senior officials in the Russian government celebrated Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton as a geopolitical win for Moscow

celebrating the win of a president who openly wanted to improve relations against one who openly advocated what would end up with ww3

wow that is so evil of them

>At least Trump came up with some political and economical views.

How's that been going for him?


I can't wait for a special prosecutor to be appointed and her and her cohorts to go down.

why would they care more about america then spain, greece, egypt or other shit counrtries?



jokes aside, you are actually wrong. thats why you all have a problem with even the best media outlets which are objectively the most impartial